Queries the status of a real-time synchronization node or a data synchronization solution.


OpenAPI Explorer automatically calculates the signature value. For your convenience, we recommend that you call this operation in OpenAPI Explorer. OpenAPI Explorer dynamically generates the sample code of the operation for different SDKs.

Request parameters

Parameter Type Required Example Description
Action String Yes GetDISyncInstanceInfo

The operation that you want to perform. Set the value to GetDISyncInstanceInfo.

ProjectId Long Yes 10000

The ID of the DataWorks workspace. You can log on to the DataWorks console and go to the Workspace Management page to obtain the workspace ID.

This parameter specifies the DataWorks workspace to which the operation is applied.

TaskType String Yes DI_REALTIME

The type of the object that you want to query. Valid values:

  • DI_REALTIME: real-time synchronization node
  • DI_SOLUTION: data synchronization solution
FileId Long Yes 100
  • If you set the TaskType parameter to DI_REALTIME, set the FileId parameter to the ID of the real-time synchronization node that you want to query.
  • If you set the TaskType parameter to DI_SOLUTION, set the FileId parameter to the ID of the data synchronization solution that you want to query.

You can call the ListFiles operation to obtain the ID of the real-time synchronization node or data synchronization solution.

Response parameters

Parameter Type Example Description
Success Boolean true

Indicates whether the request was successful. Valid values:

  • true: The request was successful.
  • false: The request failed.
RequestId String 0bc1411515937635973****

The ID of the request. You can use the ID to query logs and troubleshoot issues.

Data Object

The status of the real-time synchronization node or data synchronization solution.

Status String RUN
  • If the TaskType parameter is set to DI_REALTIME, the Status parameter indicates the status of the real-time synchronization node. Valid values: PAUSE, NORUN, RUN, KILLING, and WAIT.
  • If the TaskType parameter is set to DI_SOLITION, the Status parameter indicates the status of the data synchronization solution. Valid values: success and fail.
Message String fileId[100] is invalid

The cause of the failure to obtain the status of the real-time synchronization node or data synchronization solution. If the status of the real-time synchronization node or data synchronization solution is obtained, the value null is returned.

Name String streamx_name
  • If the TaskType parameter is set to DI_REALTIME, the Name parameter indicates the name of the real-time synchronization node.
  • If the TaskType parameter is set to DI_SOLITION, the value null is returned.
SolutionInfo Object
  • If the TaskType parameter is set to DI_REALTIME, the value null is returned.
  • If the TaskType parameter is set to DI_SOLITION, the SolutionInfo parameter indicates the details of the data synchronization solution.
Status String run

The status of the data synchronization solution.

Id Long 100

The ID of the data synchronization solution.

CreatorName String dataworks_3h1

The creator of the data synchronization solution.

StepDetail Array of StepDetail

The step details of the synchronization solution.

Status String success

The status of the step in the data synchronization solution.

StepId Long 1

The ID of the step in the data synchronization solution.

StepName String Create the base table

The name of the step in the data synchronization solution.

Info String {\"fusionProps\":{\"dataSource\":[{\"fileName\":\"holo_20221020161613\",\"status\":\"SUCCESS\"}]},\"customProps\":{\"showSN\":true,\"columns\":[{\"dataIndex\":\"fileName\",\"width\":0.8,\"title\":\"Name of the data synchronization solution\"},{\"dataIndex\":\"status\",\"width\":0.2,\"title\":\"Status\"}]},\"componentName\":\"Table\"}

The information of the data synchronization solution.


Sample requests

&<Common request parameters>

Sample success responses

XML format

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

        <Message>fileId[100] is invalid</Message>
                <StepName>Create the base table</StepName>

JSON format

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "Success" : true,
  "RequestId" : "0bc1411515937635973****",
  "Data" : {
    "Status" : "RUN",
    "Message" : "fileId[100] is invalid",
    "Name" : "streamx_name",
    "SolutionInfo" : {
      "Status" : "run",
      "Id" : 100,
      "CreatorName" : "dataworks_3h1",
      "StepDetail" : {
        "Status" : "success",
        "StepId" : 1,
        "StepName" : "Create the base table"

Error codes

HTTP status code Error code Error message Description
400 Param.Invalid The parameter is invalid. The error message returned because one or more parameters are invalid.
500 InternalError.System An internal error occurred. The error message returned because an internal error has occurred.

For a list of error codes, see Service error codes.