Adds a sensitive field that is defined based on the category and sensitivity level of data in Data Security Guard.
Request parameters
Parameter |
Type |
Required |
Example |
Description |
Action | String | Yes | AddRecognizeRule | The operation that you want to perform. Set the value to AddRecognizeRule. |
TenantId | String | No | 10241024 | The tenant ID. To obtain the tenant ID, perform the following steps: Log on to the DataWorks console. Find your workspace and go to the DataStudio page. On the DataStudio page, click the logon username in the upper-right corner and click User Info in the Menu section. |
AccountName | String | No | dsg-uat | The Alibaba Cloud account that is used to create a sensitive data identification rule. Enter the username of the Alibaba Cloud account. |
SensitiveName | String | No | Name | The name of the custom sensitive field. Enter a string that is less than 128 characters in length. |
TemplateId | String | No | e1970541-6cf5-4d23-b101-d5b66f6e1024 | The template ID. You can call the QueryDefaultTemplate operation to obtain the template ID. |
NodeId | String | No | 0ce67949-0810-400f-a24a-cc5ffafe1024 | The ID of the data category. You can call the QuerySensClassification operation to query the ID of all data categories. Then, you can select a data category to create a sensitive field. Enter the ID of the selected data category. |
NodeParent | String | No | Customer/Individual/Personal Natural Information/Personal Profile | The information about the parent data category of the current data category. You can call the QuerySensClassification operation to obtain the ID of a data category. |
Level | String | No | 1 | The sensitivity level of the sensitive field. You can select one from all sensitivity levels that are defined in a template as the sensitivity level of the sensitive field, such as level 1 to level 10. |
LevelName | String | No | Confidential | The name of the sensitivity level. You can call the QueryDefaultTemplate operation to obtain the name of the sensitivity level in the related template. |
SensitiveDescription | String | No | A sensitive field that identifies names | The description of the sensitive field. Enter a string that is less than 128 characters in length. |
OperationType | Integer | No | 0 | The type of the arithmetic operation. Valid values:
RecognizeRulesType | String | No | 1 | The type of the sensitive data identification rule. Valid values:
RecognizeRules | String | No | {"contentRule":{"_clazz":""},"_clazz":""} | The content of the sensitive data identification rule. You can call the QuerySensNodeInfo operation to query the value of the current parameter for a built-in sensitive field. |
ContentScan | String | No | {"_clazz":""} | Identifies content. You can call the QuerySensNodeInfo operation to query the value of the current parameter for a built-in sensitive field. |
HitThreshold | Integer | No | 50 | The hit ratio threshold. If more than 60%, which is a sample hit ratio threshold, of all sample data records hit the Name Entity Recognition (NER) model, the sensitive field is hit. The value can be an integer from 0 to 100. |
ColScan | String | No | default.qujian.* | Scans fields. The system identifies only fields that are assigned with values.
ColExclude | String | No | default.qujian.*6 | Excludes fields. The system does not identify fields that are assigned with values.
CommentScan | String | No | test | Scans content. The value is the text of each field comment in your data asset. Fuzzy match is supported. |
Status | Integer | No | 0 | The status of the sensitive field. Valid values:
Response parameters
Parameter |
Type |
Example |
Description |
Success | Boolean | true | Indicates whether the request was successful.
ErrorCode | String | 9990030003 | The error code. |
ErrorMessage | String | A required parameter is not specified. | The error message. |
HttpStatusCode | Integer | 200 | The HTTP status code. |
Data | Any | { "HttpStatusCode": 200, "Success": true } | The returned result in the JSON format. |
RequestId | String | 10000001 | The request ID. |
Sample requests
&NodeParent=Customer/Individual/Personal Natural Information/Personal Profile
&SensitiveDescription=A sensitive field that identifies names
&<Common request parameters>
Sample success responses
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
<ErrorMessage>A required parameter is not specified.</ErrorMessage>
<Data>{ "HttpStatusCode": 200, "Success": true }</Data>
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"Success" : true,
"ErrorCode" : "9990030003",
"ErrorMessage": "A required parameter is not specified.",
"HttpStatusCode" : 200,
"Data" : "{ \"HttpStatusCode\": 200, \"Success\": true }",
"RequestId" : "10000001"
Error codes
HttpCode |
Error code |
Error message |
Description |
400 | BADPARAMETERS | Parameters are missing or in the wrong format. | A required parameter is not specified. |
For a list of error codes, see Service error codes.