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:Increase the cache capacity of a file gateway

更新時間:Feb 27, 2024

This topic describes how to increase the cache capacity of a file gateway.

In the current climate, business changes take place all the time, and underlying systems must be scaled to meet these changes. If the local cache capacity of a cloud storage gateway (CSG) no longer meets your business requirements, you can increase the cache capacity of the gateway. If the workloads increase and the local cache capacity is insufficient for new workloads, you can increase cache capacity to meet your business requirements. The cache in use cannot be scaled up. To increase the cache capacity of a file gateway, you must configure the scale-up process. This topic describes steps to scale the cache disks of a file gateway in the CSG console and the on-premises gateway management console. We recommend that you use the specified formula to calculate the cache capacity of a file gateway. For more information, see Usage notes.


Scaling cache disks will cause temporary business interruptions. Exercise caution when performing this action.

Prepare for the cache capacity increase

When you increase the cache capacity, you must detach the file system. Therefore, make sure that no I/O write operations are performed and all Network File System (NFS) and Server Message Block (SMB) clients have stopped reading and writing during the scale-up process. Unmount CSG on all clients. Wait until the cache disks of the file gateway are in the Sync Completed state. You can check the status of cache disks on the Shares page of the gateway.

Delete the share whose cache disks you want to scale

Record the configuration information of the file gateway, including the associated bucket, share name, access control list, and advanced options. Then, delete the share in the Alibaba Cloud Management Console or CSG console. Deleting the share does not remove local cache disks that are added to the share. However, the local cache disks are unmapped from the OSS bucket. The cache disks of the file gateway are in the Sync Completed state. Therefore, all data is uploaded to the OSS bucket. When you delete a share, no data loss occurs.

Increase the cache capacity

  1. Log on to the CSG console. In the left-side navigation pane, click Gateways. Click the name of the file gateway in the gateway list. In the left-side navigation pane of the gateway details page, click Cache. On the Cache page, click the Add icon in the Actions column.

  2. In the Scale Up Cache dialog box, enter the calculated new capacity. The minimum scaling step size is 1 GB.

  3. Click OK. A purchase order is generated. After you confirm the purchase and complete the payment, the scale-up process is complete. You can view the new cache capacity in the CSG console.

If you want to increase the cache capacity of an on-premises file gateway, you must go to the VMware vSphere, Virtual Hard Disk (VHD), or Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM) deployment platforms. For more information, see the instructions for cache disk scaling.

Recreate a share

Recreate a share that uses the same share name and configurations as the one you deleted. When you recreate the share, select the cache disks that are scaled up. After the share is created, the cache capacity after scaling is shown on the Cache page.