Queries the details of a system event.


OpenAPI Explorer automatically calculates the signature value. For your convenience, we recommend that you call this operation in OpenAPI Explorer. OpenAPI Explorer dynamically generates the sample code of the operation for different SDKs.

Request parameters

Parameter Type Required Example Description
Action String Yes DescribeSystemEventAttribute

The operation that you want to perform. Set the value to DescribeSystemEventAttribute.

Product String No oss

The abbreviation of the Alibaba Cloud service name.

Note For information about how to obtain the abbreviation of an Alibaba Cloud service name, see DescribeSystemEventMetaList.
EventType String No Exception

The type of the system event.

Note For information about how to obtain the type of a system event, see DescribeSystemEventMetaList.
Name String No BucketIngressBandwidth

The name of the system event.

Note For information about how to obtain the name of a system event, see DescribeSystemEventMetaList.
Level String No CRITICAL

The level of the system event. Valid values:

  • CRITICAL: critical
  • WARN: warning
  • INFO: information
Status String No normal

The status of the system event.

Note For information about how to obtain the status of a system event, see DescribeSystemEventMetaList.
GroupId String No 12346

The ID of the application group.

SearchKeywords String No cms

The keywords that are used to search for the system event. You can use a logical operator to connect keywords. Valid values:

  • If you want to search for the system event whose content contains a and b, set the value to a and b.
  • If you want to search for the system event whose content contains a or b, set the value to a or b.
StartTime String No 1552199984949

The start of the time range to query data.

The value is a UNIX timestamp. It is the number of seconds that have elapsed since 00:00:00 UTC, Thursday, January 1, 1970.

EndTime String No 1552221584949

The end of the time range to query data.

The value is a UNIX timestamp. It is the number of seconds that have elapsed since 00:00:00 UTC, Thursday, January 1, 1970.

PageNumber Integer No 1

The number of the page to return.

Valid values: 1 to 100000000.

Default value: 1.

PageSize Integer No 10

The number of entries to return on each page.

Valid values: 1 to 100.

Default value: 10.

Response parameters

Parameter Type Example Description
Code String 200

The HTTP status code.

Note The status code 200 indicates that the call was successful.
Message String success

The returned message. If the call is successful, success is returned. If the call fails, an error message is returned.

RequestId String 60912C8D-B340-4253-ADE7-61ACDFD25CFC

The ID of the request.

Success String true

Indicates whether the call was successful. The value true indicates success. The value false indicates failure.

SystemEvents Array of SystemEvent

The details of the system event.

Status String normal

The status of the system event.

Time Long 1552199984000

The timestamp when the system event occurred.

Unit: milliseconds.

GroupId String 12345

The ID of the application group.

Product String CloudMonitor

The abbreviation of the Alibaba Cloud service name.

InstanceName String instanceId1

The name of the instance.

ResourceId String xxxxx-1

The ID of the resource.

Name String Agent_Status_Stopped

The name of the system event.

Content String [{"product":"CloudMonitor","content":"{\"ipGroup\":\"112.126.XX.XX,10.163.XX.XX\",\"tianjimonVersion\":\"1.2.22\"}","groupId":"176,177,178,179,180,692,120812,1663836,96,2028302","time":"1552209568000","resourceId":"acs:ecs:cn-beijing:173651113438****:instance/i-25k35****","level":"CRITICAL","status":"stopped","instanceName":"cmssiteprobebj-6","name":"Agent_Status_Stopped","regionId":"cn-beijing"}]

The details of the system event.

Level String WARN

The level of the system event. Valid values:

  • CRITICAL: critical
  • WARN: warning
  • INFO: information
RegionId String cn-hangzhou

The ID of the region.


Sample requests

&<Common request parameters>

Sample success responses

XML format

HTTP/1.1 200 OK


JSON format

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "SystemEvents" : {
    "SystemEvent" : [ {
      "Status" : "normal",
      "InstanceName" : "instanceId1",
      "ResourceId" : "xxxxx-1",
      "Content" : "[{\"product\":\"CloudMonitor\",\"content\":\"{\\\"ipGroup\\\":\\\"112.126.XX.XX,10.163.XX.XX\\\",\\\"tianjimonVersion\\\":\\\"1.2.22\\\"}\",\"groupId\":\"176,177,178,179,180,692,120812,1663836,96,2028302\",\"time\":\"1552209568000\",\"resourceId\":\"acs:ecs:cn-beijing:173651113438****:instance/i-25k35****\",\"level\":\"CRITICAL\",\"status\":\"stopped\",\"instanceName\":\"cmssiteprobebj-6\",\"name\":\"Agent_Status_Stopped\",\"regionId\":\"cn-beijing\"}]",
      "Product" : "CloudMonitor",
      "Level" : "WARN",
      "Time" : "1552199984000",
      "RegionId" : "cn-hangzhou",
      "Name" : "Agent_Status_Stopped",
      "GroupId" : "12345"
    } ]
  "Message" : "success",
  "RequestId" : "60912C8D-B340-4253-ADE7-61ACDFD25CFC",
  "Code" : "200",
  "Success" : "true"

Error codes

HttpCode Error code Error message Description
404 ResourceNotFound The specified resource is not found. The error message returned because the specified resource is not found.

For a list of error codes, see Service error codes.