HashiCorp Terraform 是一個IT基礎架構自動化編排工具,可以用代碼來管理維護 IT 資源。Terraform的命令列介面(CLI)提供一種簡單機制,用於將設定檔部署到阿里雲或其他任意支援的雲上,並對其進資料列版本設定。它編寫了描述雲資源拓撲的設定檔中的基礎結構,例如虛擬機器、儲存賬戶和網路介面。
Terraform是一個高度可擴充的工具,通過 Provider 來支援新的基礎架構。Terraform能夠讓您在阿里雲上便於使用 簡單範本語言 來定義、預覽和部署雲基礎結構。您可以使用Terraform來建立、修改、刪除ECS、VPC、RDS、SLB等多種資源。
阿里雲作為中國內地第一家與 Terraform 整合的雲廠商,terraform-provider-alicloud目前已經提供了超過 163 個 Resource 和 113 個 Data Source,覆蓋計算,儲存,網路,負載平衡,CDN,Container Service,中介軟體,存取控制,資料庫等超過35款產品,已經滿足了大量大客戶的自動化上雲需求。
若本地未安裝Terraform,您可以通過Cloud Shell配置Terraform。阿里雲Cloud Shell是一款協助提升營運效率的免費產品,預裝了Terraform的組件,並配置好身份憑證(credentials),因此您可直接在Cloud Shell中運行Terraform的命令。具體操作請參見在Cloud Shell中使用Terraform。
以下的操作流程以在Cloud Shell中使用Terraform添加並配置CDN網域名稱進行示範。
開啟瀏覽器,訪問Cloud Shell的地址https://shell.alibabacloud.com/。
更多Cloud Shell入口及使用請參見使用雲命令列。
登入Cloud Shell。
shell@Alicloud:~$ vim provider.tf
說明resource參數的可選欄位可以在terraform官網文檔 Alibaba Cloud Provider CDN產品目錄下尋找到。
cdn_type、scope、sources參數欄位的配置方法參見AddCdnDomain - 添加網域名稱中同名的請求參數。
function_name參數的可選欄位以及function_arg 的配置方法請參見網域名稱配置功能函數。
# 定義provider是阿里雲 provider "alicloud" {} # 添加一個加速網域名稱 resource "alicloud_cdn_domain_new" "domain" { domain_name = "yourcdndomain.example.com" cdn_type = "download" scope = "overseas" sources { content = "" type = "ipaddr" priority = "20" port = 80 weight = "15" } } # 為加速網域名稱配置一個訪問IP白名單 resource "alicloud_cdn_domain_config" "config" { domain_name = alicloud_cdn_domain_new.domain.domain_name function_name = "ip_allow_list_set" function_args { arg_name = "ip_list" arg_value = "" } }
執行terraform init命令初始化配置。
檔案中的provider欄位,然後發送請求到Terraform官方GitHub下載最新版本相關資源的模組和外掛程式。若列印如下資訊,則表示初始化成功。* provider.alicloud: version = "~> 1.171" Terraform has been successfully initialized!
執行terraform plan命令預覽配置,用於校正配置。
shell@Alicloud:~$ terraform plan Refreshing Terraform state in-memory prior to plan... The refreshed state will be used to calculate this plan, but will not be persisted to local or remote state storage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ An execution plan has been generated and is shown below. Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols: + create Terraform will perform the following actions: # alicloud_cdn_domain_config.config will be created + resource "alicloud_cdn_domain_config" "config" { + config_id = (known after apply) + domain_name = "yourcdndomain.example.com" + function_name = "ip_allow_list_set" + id = (known after apply) + status = (known after apply) + function_args { + arg_name = "ip_list" + arg_value = "" } } # alicloud_cdn_domain_new.domain will be created + resource "alicloud_cdn_domain_new" "domain" { + cdn_type = "download" + cname = (known after apply) + domain_name = "yourcdndomain.example.cn" + id = (known after apply) + resource_group_id = (known after apply) + scope = "overseas" + certificate_config { + cert_name = (known after apply) + cert_type = (known after apply) + force_set = (known after apply) + private_key = (sensitive value) + server_certificate = (sensitive value) + server_certificate_status = (known after apply) } + sources { + content = "" + port = 80 + priority = 20 + type = "ipaddr" } } Plan: 2 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy.
執行terraform apply添加CDN加速網域名稱和對應的配置。
符號標識。shell@Alicloud:~$ terraform apply An execution plan has been generated and is shown below. Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols: + create Terraform will perform the following actions: # alicloud_cdn_domain_config.config will be created + resource "alicloud_cdn_domain_config" "config" { + config_id = (known after apply) + domain_name = "yourcdndomain.example.com" + function_name = "ip_allow_list_set" + id = (known after apply) + status = (known after apply) + function_args { + arg_name = "ip_list" + arg_value = "" } } # alicloud_cdn_domain_new.domain will be created + resource "alicloud_cdn_domain_new" "domain" { + cdn_type = "download" + cname = (known after apply) + domain_name = "yourcdndomain.example.com" + id = (known after apply) + resource_group_id = (known after apply) + scope = "overseas" + certificate_config { + cert_name = (known after apply) + cert_type = (known after apply) + force_set = (known after apply) + private_key = (sensitive value) + server_certificate = (sensitive value) + server_certificate_status = (known after apply) } + sources { + content = "" + port = 80 + priority = 20 + type = "ipaddr" } } Plan: 2 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy. Do you want to perform these actions? Terraform will perform the actions described above. Only 'yes' will be accepted to approve. Enter a value: yes alicloud_cdn_domain_new.domain: Creating... alicloud_cdn_domain_new.domain: Still creating... [10s elapsed] alicloud_cdn_domain_new.domain: Still creating... [20s elapsed] alicloud_cdn_domain_new.domain: Still creating... [30s elapsed] alicloud_cdn_domain_new.domain: Still creating... [40s elapsed]
alicloud_cdn_domain_new.domain: Still creating... [7m10s elapsed] alicloud_cdn_domain_new.domain: Still creating... [7m20s elapsed] alicloud_cdn_domain_new.domain: Creation complete after 7m24s [id=yourcdndomain.example.com] alicloud_cdn_domain_config.config: Creating... alicloud_cdn_domain_config.config: Still creating... [10s elapsed] alicloud_cdn_domain_config.config: Still creating... [20s elapsed] alicloud_cdn_domain_config.config: Still creating... [30s elapsed] alicloud_cdn_domain_config.config: Creation complete after 36s [id=yourcdndomain.example.com:ip_allow_list_set:238025248620544] Apply complete! Resources: 2 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed. shell@Alicloud:~$