All Products
Document Center


更新時間:May 06, 2019

API Name



You can call this operation to query all Alibaba Cloud product list.

Request parameters

Name Type Required Description
PageNum Integer Yes Current page number
PageSize Integer No Page size, default is 20
QueryTotalCount Boolean No Whether to return count of all products,default is false

Response parameters

Name Type Description
TotalCount Integer Total count of products
PageNum Integer Curent page number
PageSize Integer Size of each page
ProductList Product Product list information


Name Type Description
ProductName String Product name
ProductCode String Product code
ProductType String Product type
SubscriptionType String Subscription,PayAsYouGo

Error codes

Error code Description HTTP status code Description
NotApplicable This API is not applicable for caller. 400 The error message returned when you are not authorized to use the API.
MissingParameter The specified parameter xx is mandatory for this request. 400 The error message returned when the xx parameter is not specified.
InvalidParameter The specified parameter xx is not valid. 400 The error message returned when the xx parameter is invalid.
InvalidModuleCode The specified moduleCode is not valid. 400 The error message returned when the specified moduleCode parameter is invalid.
InvalidConfigCode The specified configCode is not valid. 400 The error message returned when the specified configCode parameter is invalid.
InvalidOwner The specified owner doesn’t belong to caller. 400 The error message returned when the specified owner does not belong to the caller.
InvalidCaller The specified caller doesn’t exists. 400 The error message returned when the caller is invalid.
InternalError The request processing has failed due to some unknown error, exception or failure. 400 The error message returned when an unknown internal error occurs.
ProductNotFind Can not find inquired product, it may not exist. 400 The error message returned when the specified product is invalid.

Sample requests

  2. &PageNum=1
  3. &PageSize=100
  4. &QueryTotalCount=true
  5. &PublicParameters

Sample responses

  1. "Data": {
  2. "TotalCount": 4,
  3. "PageSize": 100,
  4. "PageNum": 1,
  5. "ProductList": {
  6. "Product": [
  7. {
  8. "SubscriptionType": "Subscription",
  9. "ProductCode": "ddh",
  10. "ProductType": "",
  11. "ProductName": "Dedicated Host (Prepaid)"
  12. },
  13. {
  14. "SubscriptionType": "Subscription",
  15. "ProductCode": "datav",
  16. "ProductType": "",
  17. "ProductName": "datav"
  18. },
  19. {
  20. "SubscriptionType": "Subscription",
  21. "ProductCode": "ddh",
  22. "ProductType": "",
  23. "ProductName": "Dedicated Host (Prepaid)"
  24. },
  25. {
  26. "SubscriptionType": "PayAsYouGo",
  27. "ProductCode": "ddh",
  28. "ProductType": "",
  29. "ProductName": "Dedicated Host (PAYG)"
  30. }
  31. ]
  32. }
  33. },
  34. "Message": "Successful!",
  35. "RequestId": "6AC9CEC0-D02D-49AD-BB44-182BF37BB1ED",
  36. "Success": true,
  37. "Code": "Success"