在對 BatchCompute API 進行訪問時,不同請求可能會返回不同的錯誤碼,如下是所有公用的錯誤碼。
狀態代碼 | 錯誤碼 | 錯誤資訊 |
400 | InvalidJsonFormat | The request body has an invalid json format. |
400 | BadDAG | It is a cyclic dag. |
400 | InvalidUrlPattern | Specified url pattern contains some illegal words. |
400 | MethodNotAllowed | The request http method is not supported for this resource. |
400 | Missing {Parameter Name} | {Parameter Name} is mandatory for this action. |
400 | Invalid {Parameter Name} | Specified parameter {Parameter Name} is not valid. {Message}. |
400 | IdempotentTokenMismatch | Specified idempotent token mismatch. |
403 | InvalidVersion.NotFound | Specified version is not found. |
403 | InvalidResource.AlreadyExisting | Specified resource already exists. |
403 | InvalidQueryString | {Message}. |
403 | InvalidHttpBody | {Message}. |
403 | QuotaExhausted | The {QuotaName} ({Value}) quota is exhausted. |
403 | Forbidden | User not authorized to operate on the specified resource. |
404 | InvalidResource.NotFound | Specified resource is not found. |
409 | StateConflict | User operation is invalid. The current resource state is {State}. |
500 | InternalError | The request processing has been failed due to some unknown error. |