Application Real-Time Monitoring Service (ARMS) provides API operations for application monitoring, frontend monitoring, Prometheus monitoring, business monitoring, access control, and alerting. The following tables list API operations available for use in ARMS.

Application monitoring

API operation Description
ConfigApp Turns on or off the main switch of an ARMS agent, or queries the status of the main switch.
DeleteTraceApp Deletes an application based on a specified process identifier (PID) and type.
ListTraceApps Queries all application monitoring jobs in a specified region.
GetTraceApp Queries the details of an application monitoring job.
GetAppApiByPage Queries the APIs of frontend monitoring by page.
SearchTraceAppByName Queries application monitoring jobs by application name.
SearchTraceAppByPage Queries application monitoring jobs by page.
SearchTraces Queries traces. You can filter traces by time range, application name, IP address, span name, and tag.
SearchTracesByPage Queries traces by page. You can filter traces by time range, application name, IP address, span name, and tag.
GetTrace Queries the detailed information of a trace.
GetMultipleTrace Queries the detailed information of multiple traces.
QueryMetricByPage Queries the monitoring metrics of application monitoring by page.
SaveTraceAppConfig Customizes application monitoring settings, such as trace sampling and agent switch settings.
DescribeTraceLicenseKey Queries the license key for application monitoring.
GetAgentDownloadUrl Obtains the download URL of an ARMS agent.

Frontend monitoring

API operation Description
CreateRetcodeApp Creates a frontend monitoring job for an application.
DeleteRetcodeApp Deletes a frontend monitoring job.
ListRetcodeApps Queries all frontend monitoring jobs in a specified region.
SearchRetcodeAppByPage Queries frontend monitoring jobs for applications by page.
SetRetcodeShareStatus Turns on or off the logon-free sharing switch for an application monitored by the frontend monitoring feature.
GetRetcodeShareUrl Queries the sharing URL at the frontend monitoring site.
QueryMetricByPage Queries the monitoring metrics of frontend monitoring by page.

Prometheus monitoring

API operation Description
AddGrafana Integrates a dashboard for ARMS Prometheus.
AddIntegration Integrates a dashboard and data collection rules for ARMS Prometheus.
GetPrometheusApiToken Queries the token required to integrate ARMS Prometheus.
ListDashboards Queries the Grafana dashboards of a Container Service for Kubernetes cluster.
CreatePrometheusAlertRule Creates an alert rule.
UpdatePrometheusAlertRule Updates an alert rule.
ListPrometheusAlertRules Queries the alert rules of ARMS Prometheus.
DescribePrometheusAlertRule Queries the details of an alert rule of ARMS Prometheus.
DeletePrometheusAlertRule Deletes an alert rule of ARMS Prometheus.
ListPrometheusAlertTemplates Queries the alert templates of ARMS Prometheus.
ListActivatedAlerts Queries the alerts that have been triggered.

Access control

API operation Description
OpenXtraceDefaultSLR Activates the service-linked role AliyunServiceRoleForXtrace for Tracing Analysis.
OpenArmsDefaultSLR Activates the service-linked role AliyunServiceRoleForARMS for ARMS.


API operation Description
ImportAppAlertRules Creates an alert rule based on an alert template.
DeleteAlertRules Deletes one or more alert rules.
SearchAlertRules Queries alert rules.
StartAlert Enables an alert rule.
StopAlert Disables an alert rule.
CreateAlertContact Creates an alert contact.
DeleteAlertContact Deletes an alert contact.
UpdateAlertContact Modifies an alert contact.
SearchAlertContact Queries alert contacts.
CreateAlertContactGroup Creates an alert contact group.
DeleteAlertContactGroup Deletes an alert contact group.
UpdateAlertContactGroup Modifies an alert contact group.
SearchAlertContactGroup Queries alert contact groups.
SearchAlertHistories Queries the alert records of an alert rule.
SearchEvents Queries alert event records.
CreateDispatchRule Creates a dispatch policy.
DescribeDispatchRule Queries the information of a dispatch policy.
UpdateDispatchRule Modifies a dispatch policy.
DeleteDispatchRule Deletes a dispatch policy based on a specified ID.