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:Table list

更新時間:Jan 03, 2023


Log on to OceanBase Developer Center (ODC) and click the name of the target connection to go to the corresponding connection management page. You can click Table in the left-side navigation pane to get a list of tables.

The table list displays the table objects in the current database. In the table list, you can view the Structure tree of an object. You can also right-click the target object to perform some Management actions on the object.

Structure tree

You can click the expand icon before the name of the target table in the table list, and the structure tree of the table is displayed in a drop-down list, as shown in the following figure. The structure tree of a table can have up to three levels. When you right-click an item in the tree, the shortcut menu displays some actions that you can perform on the item. For more information about these actions, see the Management actions section. In this section, you can find the table describing the management options.

Image 188

Management actions

Right-click the target object in the structure tree. A shortcut menu appears, displaying some management options provided by ODC for you to conveniently manage the target object.

The following table describes the management options.



View Table Schema

Click this option to go to the Attribute tab. On this tab, you can view comprehensive information of the table such as the basic information, columns, indexes, constraints, and DDL statements.

View DDL

Click this option to go to the Attribute tab to view the SQL statements that define the table.

View Table Data

Click this option to go to the Data tab to view the data in the table.

Create Table

Click this option to go to the table creation page, where you can create a table as prompted.


Click this option to import data to the table. For more information, see Single table export and import.


Click this option to export data from the table. For more information, see Single table export and import.


Download the SQL file for the table object.

Mock Data

Click this option to go to the Mock Data panel.

Open SQL Window

Click this option to open a new SQL window.


Click this option to copy the table name, SELECT statement, INSERT statement, UPDATE statement, or DELETE statement.


Click this option to rename the table.


Click this option to delete the table.


Click this option to refresh the structure tree after you perform management actions on the table, so that the structure tree displays the latest information.

View Column/View Index/View Constraint

Click these options to go to the Attribute tab to view specific information about the columns, indexes, or constraints in the table.

Create Column/Create Index/Create Constraint

Click these options to create a column, an index, or a constraint.

Delete Column/Delete Index/Delete Constraint

Click these options to delete a column, an index, or a constraint.

Edit Column/Edit Index/Edit Constraint

Click these options to modify the information of a column, an index, or a constraint.