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:Manage views

更新時間:Mar 24, 2023

Log on to OceanBase Developer Center (ODC) and click the name of the target connection to go to the corresponding connection management page. You can click View in the left-side navigation pane to get a list of views in the current database.

In the view list, you can view the structure tree of an object. You can also right-click the target object to perform some management actions on the object. You can also double-click the name of the target view to go to the view management page, which includes the Attribute and Data tabs.

Structure tree

You can click the expand icon before the name of the target view in the view list, and the structure tree of the view is displayed in a drop-down list, as shown in the following figure. The structure tree of a view can have up to three levels. When you right-click an item in the tree, the shortcut menu displays some actions that you can perform on the item. For more information about these actions, see the Management actions section, where you can find the table describing the management options.

Image 538

Management actions

Right-click the target object in the structure tree. A shortcut menu appears, displaying some management options provided by ODC for you to conveniently manage the target object.

The following table describes the management options.



Check View Properties

Click this option to go to the Attribute tab, where you can view comprehensive information such as the basic information, columns, and code of the view.

Check View Data

Click this option to go to the Data tab, to check data in the view.

Create View

Click this option to go to the Create View page, where you can create a view as prompted.


Click this option to delete the current view object.

Attribute and Data tabs

  • Attribute tab:

    • Basic Info: displays information such as View Name, Check Item, and Created By.

    • Column: displays information of the base table corresponding to the view, such as Field Name, Data Type, and Comment.

    • Code: displays the definition script of the view.

  • Data tab: displays the columns that the view contains. The navigation bar provides the following buttons for you:



    Download Data

    You can export the query results to a CSV, SQL, or Excel file.

    Back to Start

    Click this button to jump to the first page.


    Click this button to go to the previous page.


    Click this button to go to the next page.

    Jump to Bottom

    Click this button to jump to the last page.

    Display Data Volume

    Click this button to set the maximum number of rows to be displayed on a page.


    Enter a keyword in the search box to search for the view data.


    Click this button to select the columns to be displayed on the page.

    Column Mode

    Click this button to display the data in the selected rows in the form of a table. On the Column Mode page, you can switch to the previous or next row. The column mode makes it easier to view data in a row that has many columns.


    Click this button to refresh the data in the table.