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:Manage private connections

更新時間:Feb 24, 2023


On the homepage of OceanBase Developer Center (ODC), you can view the connections you have created on the Private Connection tab and the public connections that you have the permission to access on the Public Connection tab. Connections are listed for easy viewing and management.

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View private connections

The information of private connections is displayed in a list:

  • Use the search icon search above the list to find the target connection.

  • Use filter to filter connections by type, authority, and label. Button The refresh button can refresh the list information.

  • Refresh the list information through update.

  • Adjust the column width of the connection list.

The following table describes columns of the list of private connections.



Connection Name

The name of the connection and the host and port information. You can click the name of a connection to go to the corresponding connection management page.

The icon before the connection name indicates the status of the connection. Blue indicates valid, red indicates invalid, and gray indicates that the database password is not saved.


The cluster information.

You can click the filter icon Filter to filter the cluster information. If you select Empty, you can filter connections that do not belong to any clusters.


The tenant information.

You can click the filter icon Filter to filter the tenant information. If you select Empty, you can filter connections that do not belong to any tenants.


The tag of the connection. You can create a tag and assign it to a connection. You can assign only one tag to each connection.


You can click more icons to edit , copy and remove the connection and check the update time.

Set a tag

ODC allows you to create a tag and assign it to a connection. You can assign only one tag to each connection. Alternatively, you can move the pointer in the tag column of the row where the target connection is located in the connection list and click Set Tag. The drop-down list provides options for you to create, set, and manage tags.

  • Tag creation: You can create a tag by using the following two methods:

    • Click Set Tag next to the Connection Name field in the Create Connection panel.

    • Move the pointer in the tag column of the row where the target connection is located in the connection list, click Set Tag and click Create Tag in the drop-down list. On the Tags page, specify the name and color of the tag, and click the tick icon to complete the creation.

  • Tag setting: Select the target tag from the drop-down list that displays all the tags that you created, and modify related parameters to finish the setting.

  • Tag management: Click the settings icon in the upper-right corner of the drop-down list to go to the Tags page, In the Tags window, you can edit or delete created tags.

Pin a private connection to the top

By default, the connections in the connection list are sorted by their creation time, with the most recently created connection on top. The list does not support custom sorting, but you can pin frequently used connections to the top.

You can click the flag Homepage - Pin Connection Name to Top next to the name of a connection to pin the connection to the top. This turns the flag to yellow. You can click the flag again to unpin the connection from the top.

Edit a private connection

Click Edit in the Actions column of the target connection. The Edit Connection panel appears, which has the same structure as the Create Connection panel and displays the configuration information of the current connection. You can edit the information displayed in the Edit Connection panel.

Before you change Database Password, you must first click Change Password next to the password box. To abort the current change, click Cancel next to the password box, and the input in the password box is restored to its original value.

Copy a private connection

Click Copy in the Actions column of the target connection. The Create Connection panel appears. The copied information is automatically filled in the panel. This allows you to quickly create a connection by modifying existing information.

The copy feature allows you to easily create database connections having similar information.

Delete a private connection

To delete a connection, click Delete in the Actions column of the target connection.

For example, when the connected database no longer exists or you do not need to access the connected database, you can directly delete the corresponding connection.

Other operations

In addition to the management actions that the Private Connection tab provides, after you go to the management page of a database connection, the homepage menu icon Homepage menu in the top navigation bar further provides the following buttons:

  • Open Connection in New Window: After you click a connection in the connection list that appears, ODC opens the connection in a new window.

  • Connections: Click this button to open the ODC homepage in a new window. On the ODC homepage, you can view and manage the configuration information of all connections.

  • Reload: Click this button to reload the current page.

  • Exit Connection: Click this button to exit the current connection and go to the ODC homepage.

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  • Information such as the connection name, schema (in Oracle mode), and database name (in MySQL mode) appears in the top navigation bar of the workspace.

    • Move your pointer over the connection name in the top navigation bar. In the tooltip that appears, you can see information in the following fields: Connection Mode, Host/Port, Cluster/Tenant, and Database username.Manage private connections - Other operations

    • Click the drop-down arrow next to the displayed schema name or database name. All the schemas and databases accessible to the current database user are included in the drop-down list that appears. You can switch to a target schema or database by clicking its name in the list.

Related information

On the ODC homepage, you can click the Public Connection tab to view accessible public connections.

For more information about how to create and manage a public connection, see Manage public connections.