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:Manage operation records

更新時間:Jan 03, 2023

This topic describes how to manage the records of operation events in the public resource console of OceanBase Developer Center (ODC).

Operation record list


Any user who owns the system_admin role can manage operation records.

Operation records are retained permanently.

Log on to ODC as the administrator, and go to the Public Resource Console page. In the left-side navigation pane, click Operating Records to display the Operating Records page on the right.

Public Resource Console  / /> Operating Records
  • You can click the refresh icon Refresh to manually refresh the list.

  • You can select an option from Performed At to filter the operation records by time. Operation records in the last 7 days, 15 days, 30 days, 6 months, or a custom time range can be queried.

The following table describes the basic information displayed in the operation record list.




The sequence number of the operation record.

Event Type

The type of the operation event. The following types of operation events are supported: personal settings, password management, connection management, script management, database operations, organization configuration, member management, resource group management, data mocking, database changes, import, export, and task processes.

You can click the filter icon Filter to filter the operation records by event type.

Event Operation

The operation performed in the event.

You can click the filter icon Filter to filter the operation records by event operation.

IP Address

The IP address.

You can click the search icon Search to search for the IP address.


The user who performed the operation.

You can click the search icon Search to search for the operator.

Performed At

The time when the operation was performed.

By default, the operation records are sorted by execution time. The latest record is displayed at the top.

You can click the icon ASC/DESC to sort the operation records in ascending or descending order.


The execution result. Valid values: Succeeded and Failed.

You can click the filter icon Filter to filter the operation records by execution result.


Indicates the actions you can take. Currently, only View is available.

View operation records

In the operation record list, click View in the Actions column. The Record Details panel appears.

Public Resource Console  / /> Operating Records > View

You can view the details of the record in the following columns: Operation Type, Event Operation, Connection, IP Address, Operation Rules, Operator, Performed At, and Result.

Export operation records

In the operation record list, click the export icon Export in the upper-right corner to display the Export Operating Records panel.

The following table describes the basic information displayed in the Export Operating Records panel.Public Resource Console  / /> Export Operating Records



Operation Time Range

Select the start date and the end date.

Event Operation

Select an event operation.


The name of the connection to which the operation belongs.

Select the connection to which the operation belongs. All connections are selected by default.


Select the user who performed the operation.


Select the execution result.

Export File Format

Select the format for exported data. Supported formats are Excel and CSV.