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更新時間:Jan 03, 2023

This topic describes the methods for connecting to OceanBase Database in MySQL mode, including MySQL client (mysql), OceanBase Client (OBClient), OceanBase Developer Center (ODC), and OceanBase driver.

MySQL client

A mysql client is a MySQL CLI tool that must be separately installed. OceanBase Database tenants include MySQL tenants and Oracle tenants. You can access a MySQL tenant from a mysql client.

After you connect to OceanBase Database, you can run mysql O&M commands and SQL statements on the CLI of the mysql client for the following purposes:

  • Calculating, storing, and generating query results

  • Creating database objects and checking and modifying object definitions

  • Managing databases and modifying parameters


OBClient is an interactive query tool that supports batch processing. It must be installed separately. OBClient provides a CLI and acts as the client when it is connected to OceanBase Database. It supports Oracle and MySQL tenants in OceanBase Database.

Before you use OBClient to connect to an OceanBase Database tenant, you must specify the connection information of the tenant. After you connect to OceanBase Database, you can use OBClient to run some database commands (including general MySQL commands) and execute some SQL and PL/SQL statements for the following purposes:

  • Calculating, storing, and generating query results

  • Creating database objects and checking and modifying object definitions

  • Developing and running batch processing scripts

  • Managing databases and modifying parameters


ODC is an enterprise-level database development platform tailored for OceanBase Database.

ODC is compatible with both MySQL and Oracle tenants in OceanBase Database. It provides database developers with various features, such as daily development, WebSQL-based workspace, SQL diagnostics, session management, and data import and export.

OceanBase drivers

OceanBase drivers allow applications to connect to OBServers so that you can connect to your OceanBase database and execute SQL statements in other languages, such as Java, C, and Python, or environments.

  • OceanBase Connector/J uses the standard Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) APIs for Java and Python applications to connect to OBServers. For Python applications, no additional Python modules are required. The installation package of OceanBase Connector/J is named oceanbase-client-[version No.].jar.

  • OceanBase Connector/C supports connecting C applications to OBServers. OceanBase Connector/C is also known aslibobclient and it uses OBClient as the command-line tool.