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Anti-DDoS:Query system logs

更新時間:Feb 22, 2024

This topic describes how to query the bills for the burstable clean bandwidth and burstable QPS of an Anti-DDoS Pro or Anti-DDoS Premium instance within 90 days. This topic also describes how to query alerts on exceeded upper limits and destination rate limit events within 90 days.

Query bills for the burstable clean bandwidth


Bill generation time and settlement time

Metering method

Bill generation time

Settlement time

Daily 95th percentile

The bill for the burstable clean bandwidth that is used in a calendar day is displayed on the System Logs page at 14:00 on the next day, and Alibaba Cloud sends notifications to the contacts of your Alibaba Cloud account by email.

At 17:00 on the next day the burstable clean bandwidth is used, Alibaba Cloud deducts the fee of the burstable clean bandwidth feature from your account balance.

Monthly 95th percentile

The bill for the burstable clean bandwidth that is used in a calendar month is displayed on the System Logs page at 10:00 on the first day of the next month, and Alibaba Cloud sends notifications to the contacts of your Alibaba Cloud account by email.

At 10:00 on the third day of the next month, Alibaba Cloud deducts the fee of the burstable clean bandwidth feature from your account balance.


  1. Log on to the Anti-DDoS Pro console.

  2. In the top navigation bar, select the region of your asset.

    • Anti-DDoS Proxy (Chinese Mainland): If your instance is an Anti-DDoS Pro instance, select Chinese Mainland.

    • Anti-DDoS Proxy (Outside Chinese Mainland): If your instance is an Anti-DDoS Premium instance, select Outside Chinese Mainland.

    You can switch the region to configure and manage Anti-DDoS Pro or Anti-DDoS Premium instances. Make sure that you select the required region when you use Anti-DDoS Pro or Anti-DDoS Premium.

  3. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Investigation > System Logs.

  4. On the System Logs page, select Monthly 95th Percentile of Burstable Clean Bandwidth or Daily 95th Percentile of Burstable Clean Bandwidth, specify the IP address and time range that you want to use to query bills, and then click the image..png icon.

    The following tables describe the details of the Description and Status columns.

    • Description

      Metering method

      Each item in the Description column

      Monthly 95th percentile

      • The peak traffic: the peak service traffic in the current month.

      • The bandwidth that exceeds the clean bandwidth: the difference between the peak service traffic in the current month and the clean bandwidth of the instance on the last day when the burstable clean bandwidth feature is enabled in a calendar month.

      • The usage of the burstable clean bandwidth: the burstable clean bandwidth that is used. The value is equal to the difference between the monthly 95th percentile bandwidth and the clean bandwidth of the instance on the last day when the burstable clean bandwidth feature is enabled in the calendar month. For more information about how to calculate the monthly 95th percentile bandwidth, see Billing of the burstable clean bandwidth feature.

      Daily 95th percentile

      • The peak traffic: the peak 95th percentile bandwidth within the calendar day.

      • The bandwidth that exceeds the clean bandwidth: the difference between the peak 95th percentile bandwidth within the calendar day and the clean bandwidth of the instance on the calendar day.

      • The usage of the burstable clean bandwidth: the burstable clean bandwidth that is used. The value is equal to the difference between the daily 95th percentile bandwidth and the clean bandwidth of the instance on the calendar day. For more information about how to calculate the daily 95th percentile bandwidth, see Billing of the burstable clean bandwidth feature.

    • Status



      Pending for Billing

      The bill for the burstable clean bandwidth is not generated. Only the usage of the burstable clean bandwidth is collected. To view the details about the actual service traffic in the bill, you can click View in the Details column to go to the Details dialog box.


      If you have questions about the usage of the burstable clean bandwidth, contact technical support by using ticket. If the amount of the burstable clean bandwidth in the bill is different from your actual usage, the bill is Billing Terminated, and you are not required to make a payment.


      The bill is generated based on the actual usage of the burstable clean bandwidth. Alibaba Cloud deducts the fee for the actual usage of the burstable clean bandwidth from your account balance. Make sure that your Alibaba Cloud account has sufficient balance. If your account has an overdue payment, all services that are charged based on the pay-as-you-go billing method become unavailable.

      Billing Terminated

      The billing for the burstable clean bandwidth is terminated. You are not required to make a payment.

Query bills for the burstable QPS


Bill generation time and settlement time

Metering method

Bill generation time

Settlement time

Daily 95th percentile

The bill for the burstable QPS that is used in a calendar day is displayed on the System Logs page at 10:00 on the next day, and Alibaba Cloud sends notifications to the contacts of your Alibaba Cloud account by email.

At 16:00 on the next day the burstable QPS is used, Alibaba Cloud deducts the fee of the burstable QPS feature from your account balance.

Monthly 95th percentile

The bill for the burstable QPS that is used in a calendar month is displayed on the System Logs page at 11:00 on the first day of the next month, and Alibaba Cloud sends notifications to the contacts of your Alibaba Cloud account by email.

At 11:00 on the third day of the next month, Alibaba Cloud deducts the fee of the burstable QPS feature from your account balance.


  1. Log on to the Anti-DDoS Pro console.

  2. In the top navigation bar, select the region of your asset.

    • Anti-DDoS Proxy (Chinese Mainland): If your instance is an Anti-DDoS Pro instance, select Chinese Mainland.

    • Anti-DDoS Proxy (Outside Chinese Mainland): If your instance is an Anti-DDoS Premium instance, select Outside Chinese Mainland.

    You can switch the region to configure and manage Anti-DDoS Pro or Anti-DDoS Premium instances. Make sure that you select the required region when you use Anti-DDoS Pro or Anti-DDoS Premium.

  3. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Investigation > System Logs.

  4. On the System Logs page, select Monthly 95th Percentile of Burstable QPS or Daily 95th Percentile of Burstable QPS. Then, specify the IP address and time range that you want to use to query bills.

    The following tables describe the details of the Description and Status columns.

    • Description

      Metering method

      Each item in the Description column

      Daily 95th percentile

      • The peak QPS: the peak 95th percentile QPS within the calendar day.

      • The QPS that exceeds the clean QPS: the difference between the peak 95th percentile QPS within the calendar day and the clean QPS of the instance on the calendar day.

      • The usage of the burstable QPS: the burstable QPS that is used. The value is equal to the difference between the daily 95th percentile QPS and the clean QPS of the instance on the calendar day.

      Monthly 95th percentile

      • The peak QPS: the actual peak service QPS in the current month.

      • The QPS that exceeds the clean QPS: the difference between the actual peak service QPS in the current month and the clean QPS of the instance on the last day when the burstable QPS feature is enabled in a calendar month.

      • The usage of the burstable QPS: the burstable QPS that is used. The value is equal to the difference between the monthly 95th percentile QPS and the clean QPS of the instance on the last day when the burstable QPS feature is enabled in the calendar month.

    • Status



      Pending for Billing

      The bill for the burstable QPS is not generated. Only the usage of the burstable QPS is collected. To view the details about the actual service QPS in the bill, you can click View in the Details column to go to the Details dialog box.


      If you have questions about the usage of the burstable QPS, contact technical support by using Intelligent Customer Service. If the amount of the burstable QPS in the bill is different from your actual usage, the bill is Billing Terminated, and you are not required to make a payment.


      The bill is generated based on the actual usage of the burstable QPS. Alibaba Cloud deducts the fee for the actual usage of the burstable QPS from your account balance. Make sure that your Alibaba Cloud account has sufficient balance. If your account has an overdue payment, all services that are charged based on the pay-as-you-go billing method become unavailable.

      Billing Terminated

      The billing for the burstable QPS is terminated. You are not required to make a payment.

Query alerts on exceeded upper limits


An Anti-DDoS Pro or Anti-DDoS Premium instance is purchased. For more information, see Purchase an Anti-DDoS Pro or Anti-DDoS Premium instance.


  1. Log on to the Anti-DDoS Pro console.

  2. In the top navigation bar, select the region of your asset.

    • Anti-DDoS Proxy (Chinese Mainland): If your instance is an Anti-DDoS Pro instance, select Chinese Mainland.

    • Anti-DDoS Proxy (Outside Chinese Mainland): If your instance is an Anti-DDoS Premium instance, select Outside Chinese Mainland.

    You can switch the region to configure and manage Anti-DDoS Pro or Anti-DDoS Premium instances. Make sure that you select the required region when you use Anti-DDoS Pro or Anti-DDoS Premium.

  3. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Investigation > System Logs.

  4. On the System Logs page, select Alerts on Exceeded Upper Limits. Then, specify the IP address and time range that you want to use to query alerts.

    The following lists provide more information about the Description and Details columns.

    • Description

      The IP address of the instance on which the alert is generated and the event type of the alert. The following event types are supported: service bandwidth, new connections, and concurrent connections. If the upper limit of a specification that corresponds to an event type is exceeded, an alert of this event type is generated.

    • Details

      Click View in the Details column to view the details of the alert.

Query destination rate limit events


An Anti-DDoS Pro or Anti-DDoS Premium instance is purchased. For more information, see Purchase an Anti-DDoS Pro or Anti-DDoS Premium instance.


  1. Log on to the Anti-DDoS Pro console.

  2. In the top navigation bar, select the region of your asset.

    • Anti-DDoS Proxy (Chinese Mainland): If your instance is an Anti-DDoS Pro instance, select Chinese Mainland.

    • Anti-DDoS Proxy (Outside Chinese Mainland): If your instance is an Anti-DDoS Premium instance, select Outside Chinese Mainland.

    You can switch the region to configure and manage Anti-DDoS Pro or Anti-DDoS Premium instances. Make sure that you select the required region when you use Anti-DDoS Pro or Anti-DDoS Premium.

  3. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Investigation > System Logs.

  4. On the System Logs page, select Destination Rate Limit Events. Then, specify the IP address and time range that you want to use to query events.

    You can find an event and click View in the Details column to view the details of the event.
