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:Scale a Data Lakehouse Edition cluster

更新時間:Jul 04, 2024

You can scale the reserved computing resources and reserved storage resources of an AnalyticDB for MySQL Data Lakehouse Edition cluster based on your business requirements.


  • Your Alibaba Cloud account does not have unpaid renewal orders.

  • An AnalyticDB for MySQL Data Lakehouse Edition cluster is in the running state.

Usage notes

  • When you scale a cluster, you cannot execute the SUBMIT JOB statement to submit asynchronous jobs. If your business requires asynchronous jobs, perform scaling during appropriate periods.

  • When you scale a cluster, data in the cluster is migrated for redistribution. The amount of time that is required to migrate data is proportional to the data volume.

  • When you downgrade cluster specifications, data migration may require up to dozens of hours to complete. Proceed with caution especially if your cluster contains a large amount of data.

  • When the scaling process is about to end, transient connections may occur. We recommend that you scale your cluster during off-peak hours or make sure that your application is configured to automatically reconnect to your cluster.

  • You cannot change an AnalyticDB for MySQL cluster from Data Lakehouse Edition to Data Warehouse Edition.

  • You cannot change the configuration of a cluster when you use resource scaling plans. Before you change the configuration of a cluster, you must disable the resource scaling plans for the cluster. After you change the configuration of the cluster, you can re-enable the resource scaling plans for the cluster. For information about how to disable a resource scaling plan, see Manage a resource scaling plan.

Billing rules

For information about the billing rules, see Billing of configuration changes.

Scale up a cluster

  1. Log on to the AnalyticDB for MySQL console. In the upper-left corner of the console, select a region. In the left-side navigation pane, click Clusters. On the Data Lakehouse Edition tab, find the cluster that you want to scale up and click Scale Up in the Actions column. After you scale up a cluster, the cluster has more available resources.

  2. On the Upgrade/Downgrade page, specify the Reserved Computing Resources, Reserved Storage Resource Specifications, and Reserved Storage Resources parameters.


    You can change the reserved storage resource specifications to 8 AnalyticDB compute units (ACUs), 12 ACUs, or 16 ACUs. To change the specifications to 24 ACUs or more, submit a ticket.

  3. For a subscription cluster, read and select the Terms of Service, and then click Buy Now. Confirm the order and the payment method, and then click Subscribe. For a pay-as-you-go cluster, read and select the Terms of Service, and then click Buy Now.

Scale down a cluster

  1. Log on to the AnalyticDB for MySQL console. In the upper-left corner of the console, select a region. In the left-side navigation pane, click Clusters. On the Data Lakehouse Edition tab, find the cluster that you want to scale down and choose More > Scale Down in the Actions column.

  2. On the Downgrade page, configure the parameters that are described in the following table.



    Reserved Computing Resources

    • If the amount of reserved storage resources in the AnalyticDB for MySQL Data Lakehouse Edition cluster and the total amount of reserved computing resources in all resource groups of the cluster are both 0 ACUs, you can scale down the reserved computing resources of the cluster to 0 ACUs.

    • Only when the total amount of reserved computing resources in all resource groups of the cluster is less than or equal to the amount of reserved computing resources to which you want to scale down the cluster, you can scale down the reserved computing resources of the cluster. For example, if you want to scale down the reserved computing resources of a cluster from 32 ACUs to 16 ACUs, you must change the total amount of reserved computing resources in all resource groups of the cluster to a value that is less than or equal to 16 ACUs.

    • Each ACU is equivalent to 1 core and 4 GB memory.

    Reserved Storage Resource Specifications

    When you create an AnalyticDB for MySQL Data Lakehouse Edition cluster, the single-node reserved storage resource specifications are 8 ACUs. When you scale down reserved storage resource specifications, you cannot change the specifications to a value that is lower than 8 ACUs.


    After you change the value of the Reserved Storage Resource Specifications parameter, the value of the Reserved Storage Resources parameter is reset. Change the value of the Reserved Storage Resource Specifications parameter before the value of the Reserved Storage Resources parameter.

    Reserved Storage Resources

    • A set of reserved storage resources = Reserved storage resource specifications × 3 nodes.

    • You cannot scale down the reserved storage resources of a cluster to 0 ACUs.

  3. For a subscription cluster, read and select the Terms of Service, and then click Buy Now. Confirm the order and the payment method, and then click Subscribe. For a pay-as-you-go cluster, read and select the Terms of Service, and then click Buy Now.