

更新時間:Jun 08, 2024

helm-mapkubeapis外掛程式可用於更新Helm發布版本中繼資料,以替換到期或已移除的K8s API,幫您減少工作量的同時,還可降低風險確保服務的平穩運行。本文介紹如何通過helm-mapkubeapis外掛程式原地升級apiVersion。



  • rendered manifests contain a new resource that already exists. Unable to continue with update: existing resource conflict: kind: MutatingWebhookConfiguration, namespace: , name: mse-pilot-ack-mse-pilot
  • Error: UPGRADE FAILED: rendered manifests contain a resource that already exists. Unable to continue with update: MutatingWebhookConfiguration "ack-node-local-dns-admission-controller" in namespace "" exists and cannot be imported into the current release: invalid ownership metadata; label validation error: missing key "app.kubernetes.io/managed-by": must be set to "Helm"; annotation validation error: missing key "meta.helm.sh/release-name": must be set to "ack-node-local-dns"; annotation validation error: missing key "meta.helm.sh/release-namespace": must be set to "kube-system"


已安裝Go v1.13及以上版本。更多資訊,請參見Go v1.13



mkdir -p ${GOPATH}/src/github.com
cd $_
git clone git@github.com:helm/helm-mapkubeapis.git
cd helm-mapkubeapis
helm plugin install <your_path>/helm-mapkubeapis


本文以Release ack-node-local-dns為例,介紹如何升級MutatingWebhookConfiguration資源的apiVersion。

  1. 執行以下命令,查看資源對應的apiVersion版本變更資訊。

    vim  ${GOPATH}/src/github.com/helm-mapkubeapis/config/Map.yaml


      - deprecatedAPI: "apiVersion: admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1beta1\nkind: MutatingWebhookConfiguration"
        newAPI: "apiVersion: admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1\nkind: MutatingWebhookConfiguration"
        deprecatedInVersion: "v1.17"
        removedInVersion: "v1.20"


  2. 執行以下命令,查看Release中是否有apiVersion需要升級。

    helm mapkubeapis ack-node-local-dns --namespace kube-system --dry-run


    2022/01/18 14:21:57 NOTE: This is in dry-run mode, the following actions will not be executed.
    2022/01/18 14:21:57 Run without --dry-run to take the actions described below:
    2022/01/18 14:21:57
    2022/01/18 14:21:57 Release 'ack-node-local-dns' will be checked for deprecated or removed Kubernetes APIs and will be updated if necessary to supported API versions.
    2022/01/18 14:21:57 Get release 'ack-node-local-dns' latest version.
    2022/01/18 14:21:57 Check release 'ack-node-local-dns' for deprecated or removed APIs...
    2022/01/18 14:21:57 Found deprecated or removed Kubernetes API:
    "apiVersion: admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1beta1
    kind: MutatingWebhookConfiguration"
    Supported API equivalent:
    "apiVersion: admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1
    kind: MutatingWebhookConfiguration"
    2022/01/18 14:21:57 Finished checking release 'ack-node-local-dns' for deprecated or removed APIs.
    2022/01/18 14:21:57 Deprecated or removed APIs exist, updating release: ack-node-local-dns.
    2022/01/18 14:21:57 Map of release 'ack-node-local-dns' deprecated or removed APIs to supported versions, completed successfully.

    預期輸出表明,Release中存在Found deprecated or removed Kubernetes API,表示有apiVersion需要升級。

  3. 執行以下命令,將對應Release的MutatingWebhookConfiguration資源的apiVersion從v1beta1升級至v1。

    helm mapkubeapis ack-node-local-dns --namespace kube-system


    2022/01/18 14:31:38 Release 'ack-node-local-dns' will be checked for deprecated or removed Kubernetes APIs and will be updated if necessary to supported API versions.
    2022/01/18 14:31:38 Get release 'ack-node-local-dns' latest version.
    2022/01/18 14:31:38 Check release 'ack-node-local-dns' for deprecated or removed APIs...
    2022/01/18 14:31:38 Found deprecated or removed Kubernetes API:
    "apiVersion: admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1beta1
    kind: MutatingWebhookConfiguration"
    Supported API equivalent:
    "apiVersion: admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1
    kind: MutatingWebhookConfiguration"
    2022/01/18 14:31:38 Finished checking release 'ack-node-local-dns' for deprecated or removed APIs.
    2022/01/18 14:31:38 Deprecated or removed APIs exist, updating release: ack-node-local-dns.
    2022/01/18 14:31:38 Set status of release version 'ack-node-local-dns.v9' to 'superseded'.
    2022/01/18 14:31:38 Release version 'ack-node-local-dns.v9' updated successfully.
    2022/01/18 14:31:38 Add release version 'ack-node-local-dns.v10' with updated supported APIs.
    2022/01/18 14:31:38 Release version 'ack-node-local-dns.v10' added successfully.
    2022/01/18 14:31:38 Release 'ack-node-local-dns' with deprecated or removed APIs updated successfully to new version.
    2022/01/18 14:31:38 Map of release 'ack-node-local-dns' deprecated or removed APIs to supported versions, completed successfully.

    預期輸出表明,Release中存在Release 'ack-node-local-dns' with deprecated or removed APIs updated successfully to new version.,表示對應資源已從v1beta1升級至v1。