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Certificate Management Service:Purchase guide for the HTTPS acceleration gateway feature

Last Updated:Aug 14, 2024

This topic describes how to purchase an HTTPS acceleration gateway instance and a gateway resource calculation quantity (GRCQ) quota.

Purchase an HTTPS acceleration gateway instance

  1. Log on to the Certificate Management Service console.

  2. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Certificate and Domain Application Services > HTTPS Acceleration Gateway.

  3. On the Domain Name Management tab, click Purchase.

  4. In the panel that appears, configure the following parameters and click Buy Now to complete the payment.




    Select an edition. The HTTPS acceleration gateway feature provides HTTPS-based automated O&M capabilities for single-domain websites. If you use the feature, you do not need to maintain or manage SSL certificates for the websites. The feature implements HTTPS acceleration on the websites and ensures smooth website access. Valid values:

    • Starter Edition-Single Domain Name: If you purchase this edition, you can add only the domain names of individual websites to the HTTPS acceleration gateway instance. Example: You cannot add domain names that are suffixed with special words, such as .edu, .gov, .org, .jp, .pay, .bank, .live, and .nuclear, to the instance.

    • Basic version-single domain name: If you purchase this edition, you can add all types of domain names to the HTTPS acceleration gateway instance. For example, you can add However, you cannot add globally restricted domain names.

    • Basic Edition-Wildcard: If you purchase this edition and you add a wildcard domain name to the HTTPS acceleration gateway instance, HTTPS encryption and website resource delivery acceleration are implemented for all subdomains of the wildcard domain name. For example, if you add * to an HTTPS acceleration gateway instance, HTTPS encryption and resource delivery acceleration are implemented for all subdomains of * The subdomains include and

      • Top-level, second-level, and third-level wildcard domain names are supported. A third-level domain name contains three periods (.). Example: *

      • If you specify a wildcard domain name, the HTTPS acceleration gateway instance supports only the subdomains at the same level. For example, if you add * to an HTTPS acceleration gateway instance, the instance supports subdomains at the same level, such as,, and The instance does not support subdomains at different levels, such as and

      • If the parent domain name of a wildcard domain name is a first-level domain name, the HTTPS acceleration gateway instance automatically takes effect on the parent domain name free of charge. For example, if you add * to an HTTPS acceleration gateway instance, the instance automatically takes effect on the parent domain name free of charge. If you add * to an instance, the instance does not automatically take effect on or

    • If the content of your website violates related regulations, the HTTPS acceleration gateway service is automatically suspended.

    • If your website is under DDoS attacks, the website cannot be accessed.

    If you encounter the preceding issues, contact your account manager.

    Purchase Quantity

    Specify the number of domain names that you want to add to the instance.

    Valid values: 1 to 99999.

    Subscription Duration

    Select a subscription duration. The valid values vary based on the value of the Edition parameter. The maximum value is 3 years.

    To prevent your website from being affected when your HTTPS acceleration gateway instance expires, we recommend that you select Auto-renewal. If you enable auto-renewal, the renewal duration of the instance is determined based on the subscription duration that you specify for the instance. For example, if you set the subscription duration to 3 months, the HTTPS acceleration gateway instance is automatically renewed for 3 months before it expires. For more information, see Renewal.

Purchase a GRCQ quota

If you purchase an HTTPS acceleration gateway instance, a default GRCQ quota is provided free of charge. For more information, see Billable items and billing methods. If the default GRCQ quota is exhausted or the additional GRCQ quota that you purchase expires, you can purchase an additional GRCQ quota based on the following procedure to ensure that your HTTPS acceleration gateway instance can be used as expected.

  1. Log on to the Certificate Management Service console.

  2. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Certificate and Domain Application Services > HTTPS Acceleration Gateway.

  3. On the HTTPS Acceleration Gateway page, click Immediate purchase in the Remaining Quota section.


  4. In the panel that appears, configure parameters such as Specification quantity and Purchase quantity. Then, click Buy Now to complete the payment.

    After you enable automatic repeat purchase, the system purchases an additional GRCQ quota when the remaining quota within the current order is less than 50% of the purchased quota based on the specifications that you configure. If the purchased quota is exhausted, your business may be interrupted. You can enable automatic repeat purchase to ensure business continuity. If you want to disable automatic repeat purchase within the current order or if you want to change the specifications, click Repeat Purchase Management on the HTTPS Acceleration Gateway page and perform the required operations.



    After you disable automatic repeat purchase, you can re-enable it only when you purchase an additional GRCQ quota.


For more information about the billing and expiration of the HTTPS acceleration gateway feature, see Billing of the HTTPS acceleration gateway feature.