Deletes an inbound or outbound rule of a filter for traffic mirroring.

Usage notes

  • The DeleteTrafficMirrorFilterRules operation is asynchronous. After you send the request, the system returns a request ID. However, the operation is still being performed in the system background. You can call the ListTrafficMirrorFilters operation to query the status of an inbound or outbound rule:
    • If the rule is in the Deleting state, the rule is being deleted.
    • If you cannot query the rule, the rule is deleted.
  • You cannot repeatedly call the DeleteTrafficMirrorFilterRules operation to delete an inbound or outbound rule within the specified period of time.


OpenAPI Explorer automatically calculates the signature value. For your convenience, we recommend that you call this operation in OpenAPI Explorer. OpenAPI Explorer dynamically generates the sample code of the operation for different SDKs.

Request parameters

Parameter Type Required Example Description
Action String Yes DeleteTrafficMirrorFilterRules

The operation that you want to perform. Set the value to DeleteTrafficMirrorFilterRules.

TrafficMirrorFilterId String Yes tmf-j6cmls82xnc86vtpe****

The ID of the filter.

ClientToken String No 0c593ea1-3bea-11e9-b96b-88e9fe63****

The client token that is used to ensure the idempotence of the request.

You can use the client to generate the value, but you must make sure that it is unique among different requests. The client token can contain only ASCII characters.

Note If you do not set this parameter, the system uses RequestId as ClientToken. RequestId may be different for each API request.
DryRun Boolean No false

Specifies whether to check the request without performing the operation. Valid values:

  • true: checks the API request without performing the operation. The system checks the required parameters, request format, and limits. If the request fails the check, an error message is returned. If the request passes the check, the DryRunOperation error code is returned.
  • false (default): sends the request. After the request passes the check, the operation is performed.
TrafficMirrorFilterRuleIds.N String Yes tmr-j6cbmubn323k7jlq3****

The ID of the inbound or outbound rule.

RegionId String Yes cn-hongkong

The ID of the region to which the mirrored traffic belongs. You can call the DescribeRegions operation to query the most recent region list. For more information about regions that support traffic mirroring, see Overview of traffic mirroring.

Response parameters

Parameter Type Example Description
RequestId String BD8A3F71-00C5-4655-8F55-11F3976C3274

The ID of the request.


Sample requests

&<Common request parameters>

Sample success responses

XML format

HTTP/1.1 200 OK


JSON format

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "RequestId" : "BD8A3F71-00C5-4655-8F55-11F3976C3274"

Error codes

HttpCode Error code Error message Description
400 ResourceNotFound.TrafficMirrorRule The specified resource of traffic mirror rule is not found. The error message returned because the specified filter does not exist.
400 IncorrectStatus.TrafficMirrorRule The status of traffic mirror rule is incorrect. The error message returned because the specified filter is in an invalid state.

For a list of error codes, visit the API Error Center.