Queries transcoding summaries of media files based on the file ID. A transcoding summary includes the status and progress of media transcoding.

Usage notes

  • A media file may be transcoded multiple times. This operation returns only the latest transcoding summary.
  • You can query transcoding summaries for a maximum of 10 media files in one request.
  • You can call the ListTranscodeTask operation to query historical transcoding tasks.
  • You can call this operation to query information only about transcoding tasks created within the past year.

QPS limit

You can call this operation up to 15 times per second per account. Requests that exceed this limit are dropped and you will experience service interruptions. We recommend that you take note of this limit when you call this operation. For more information, see QPS limits on API operations in ApsaraVideo VoD.


OpenAPI Explorer automatically calculates the signature value. For your convenience, we recommend that you call this operation in OpenAPI Explorer. OpenAPI Explorer dynamically generates the sample code of the operation for different SDKs.

Request parameters

Parameter Type Required Example Description
Action String Yes GetTranscodeSummary

The operation that you want to perform. Set the value to GetTranscodeSummary.

VideoIds String Yes "d4860fcc6ae9fed52e8938244****,e1db68cc586644b83e562bcd94****,hhhhhhh"

The ID of the audio or video file. You can specify up to 10 IDs. Separate the IDs with commas (,). You can use one of the following methods to obtain the ID:

  • Log on to the ApsaraVideo VOD console. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Media Files > Audio/Video. On the Video and Audio page, view the ID of the audio or video file. This method is applicable to files that are uploaded by using the ApsaraVideo VOD console.
  • Obtain the value of VideoId from the response to the CreateUploadVideo operation that you call to obtain the upload URL and credential.
  • Obtain the value of VideoId by calling the SearchMedia operation. This method is applicable to files that have been uploaded.

Response parameters

Parameter Type Example Description
RequestId String 25818875-5F78-4A*****F6-D7393642CA58

The ID of the request.

NonExistVideoIds Array of String ["hhhhhhh"]

The IDs of the audio or video files that do not exist.

TranscodeSummaryList Array of TranscodeSummary

The transcoding summary of the file.

CreationTime String 2019-01-23T12:35:12Z

The time when the transcoding task was created. The time follows the ISO 8601 standard in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format. The time is displayed in UTC.

VideoId String e1db68cc586644b83e562bcd94****

The ID of the audio or video file.

CompleteTime String 2019-01-23T12:40:12Z

The time when the transcoding task was complete. The time follows the ISO 8601 standard in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format. The time is displayed in UTC.

TranscodeStatus String Processing

The status of the transcoding task. Valid values:

  • Processing: In progress.
  • Partial: Some transcoding jobs were complete.
  • CompleteAllSucc: All transcoding jobs were successful.
  • CompleteAllFail: All transcoding jobs failed. If an exception occurs in the source file, no transcoding job is initiated and the transcoding task fails.
  • CompletePartialSucc: All transcoding jobs were complete but only some were successful.
TranscodeTemplateGroupId String 44f9e406bbb*****736a9abe876ecc0

The ID of the transcoding template group.

TranscodeJobInfoSummaryList Array of TranscodeJobInfoSummary

The summaries of transcoding jobs.

CreationTime String 2019-02-27T03:34:46Z

The time when the transcoding job was created. The time follows the ISO 8601 standard in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format. The time is displayed in UTC.

ErrorMessage String ErrorMessage

The error message returned when the transcoding job failed.

Height String 960

The height of the output video. Unit: pixels.

TranscodeProgress Long 100

The transcoding progress. Valid values: [0,100].

TranscodeTemplateId String 57496724ae2*****0968d6e08acc8f6

The ID of the transcoding template.

Bitrate String 749

The average bitrate of the output video. Unit: Kbit/s.

ErrorCode String 200

The error code returned when the transcoding job failed.

CompleteTime String 2019-02-27T03:40:51Z

The time when the transcoding job was complete. The time follows the ISO 8601 standard in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format. The time is displayed in UTC.

Width String 544

The width of the output video. Unit: pixels.

Duration String 12

The duration of the output video. Unit: seconds.

Fps String 30

The frame rate of the output video. Unit: frames per second.

TranscodeJobStatus String Transcoding

The status of the transcoding job. Valid values:

  • Transcoding
  • TranscodeSuccess
  • TranscodeFail
FileSize Long 1144259

The size of the output video. Unit: bytes.

Format String mp4

The container format of the output video.

WatermarkIdList Array of String ["af2afe4761992c*****d947dae97337"]

The IDs of the watermarks that are applied to the output video.


Sample requests

&<Common request parameters>

Sample responses

XML format

HTTP/1.1 200 OK


JSON format

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "RequestId" : "25818875-5F78-4A*****F6-D7393642CA58",
  "TranscodeSummaryList" : [ {
    "VideoId" : "e1db68cc58664*****4b83e562bcd9",
    "TranscodeStatus" : "Processing",
    "TranscodeTemplateGroupId" : "44f9e406bbb*****736a9abe876ecc0",
    "CreationTime" : "2019-01-23T12:35:12Z",
    "CompleteTime" : "2019-01-23T12:40:12Z",
    "TranscodeJobInfoSummaryList" : [ {
      "Format" : "mp4",
      "Encryption" : "{}",
      "TranscodeProgress" : 100,
      "Height" : "960",
      "CreationTime" : "2019-02-27T03:34:46Z",
      "CompleteTime" : "2019-02-27T03:40:51Z",
      "TranscodeJobStatus" : "TranscodeSuccess",
      "Filesize" : 1144259,
      "WatermarkIdList" : [ "af2afe4761992c*****d947dae97337" ],
      "Duration" : "12",
      "TranscodeTemplateId" : "57496724ae2*****0968d6e08acc8f6",
      "Width" : "544",
      "Fps" : "30",
      "Bitrate" : "749",
      "Definition" : "LD"
    }, {
      "Format" : "m3u8",
      "Encryption" : "{\"EncryptType\":\"AliyunVoDEncryption\"}",
      "TranscodeProgress" : 100,
      "Height" : "640",
      "CreationTime" : "2019-02-27T03:34:46Z",
      "CompleteTime" : "2019-02-27T03:40:50Z",
      "TranscodeJobStatus" : "TranscodeSuccess",
      "Filesize" : 759520,
      "Duration" : "12",
      "TranscodeTemplateId" : "4733b3a55b27*****82dae36ac22d34",
      "Width" : "360",
      "Fps" : "25",
      "Bitrate" : "499",
      "Definition" : "LD"
    } ]
  } ],
  "NonExistVideoIds" : [ "hhhhhhh" ]

Error codes

For a list of error codes, visit the API Error Center.