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User Center:Overview of Monthly Bill

最終更新日:Jul 28, 2023


You can view your consumption summary by month on the Overview of Monthly Bill page. You can also view the consumption summary of one or more linked accounts.

The following information is displayed on the Overview of Monthly Bill page:

  • The monthly bills of the specified account. You must settle the monthly bills with Alibaba Cloud.

  • The consumption trend of the specified account in the last six months and the consumption distribution by service within the specified billing cycle.


The data that is displayed on the Overview of Monthly Bill page varies based on the account that you use to log on to the Billing Management console. The following section describes the scenarios:

  • Scenario 1: The logon account is a main account. In this case, the monthly bills displayed on the Overview of Monthly Bill page include the monthly bills of trusteeship linked accounts. The owner of the main account must also settle the monthly bills of the linked accounts.

  • Scenario 2: The logon account is a trusteeship linked account. In this case, the linked account does not have bills to be settled, but the linked account can use the data on the Consumption by Bill and Billing Details tabs of the Bill Details page for analysis. The bills of the linked account are settled by the main account. For more information, see Scenario 1.

  • Scenario 3: The logon account is a non-trusteeship linked account. In this case, the monthly bills displayed on the Overview of Monthly Bill page include the bills that the owner of the non-trusteeship linked account must settle.

  • The bills displayed on the Overview of Monthly Bill page are updated in real time based on the consumption in the current month. The bills include uncleared (pending or being accumulated) pay-as-you-go bills.

  • The bills displayed on the Consumption by Bill and Billing Details tabs of the Bill Details page do not include uncleared (pending or being accumulated) pay-as-you-go bills.

Usage notes

On the Overview of Monthly Bill page, you can perform the following operations:

  • View bills in all billing cycles: You can view your consumption data in all billing cycles. By default, you can view the consumption data in up to 12 billing cycles (months) at a time. If you want to view more data, specify the billing cycles that you want to view.

  • View bills of multiple accounts: If you log on to the Billing Management console by using a main account, you can view the bills of one or more linked accounts or the bills of all accounts.

  • View bills by bill status: You can query bills based on bill status. Bills can be in the following states: Generating, Posted, Uncleared, and Cleared.


After you settle a bill in the Unsettled state, the bill status is not immediately changed. You can check whether the bill status changes 3.5 hours later after you pay the bill.

  • Export data: If you log on to the Billing Management console by using a main account, you can export the bills of one or more linked accounts or the bills of all accounts.