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Tair:Step 1: Create a Tair instance

最終更新日:Apr 30, 2024

Tair provides three series types of instances: DRAM-based instances, persistent memory-optimized instances, and ESSD/SSD-based instances. This topic describes how to create a Tair instance that meets your business requirements.


  • An Alibaba Cloud account is created. For more information, see Create an account.

  • If you want to create a pay-as-you-go instance, make sure that you have sufficient balance within your account.


  1. Go to the buy page.

  2. Set Product Type and Billing Method.

    • Product Type: Tair (Cloud Disk) is selected by default.

    • Billing Method:

      • Subscription: You must pay for the instance when you create the instance. For long-term use, the subscription billing method is more cost-effective than the pay-as-you-go billing method. Alibaba Cloud provides lower prices for longer subscription durations.

      • Pay-as-you-go: You are charged on an hourly basis after you create the instance. For short-term use, we recommend that you select the pay-as-you-go billing method. If you no longer require a pay-as-you-go instance, you can release the instance to reduce costs.

  3. Configure the parameters that are described in the following table.



    Storage Type

    • Memory: DRAM-based instances use the multi-threading model. A DRAM-based instance delivers three times the performance of a Community Edition instance that has the same specifications, and provides a variety of enhanced data structures to simplify development. For more information, see DRAM-based instances.

    • Persistent Memory: Data is stored in persistent memory, providing command-level persistence capabilities. This storage type is suitable for scenarios that require high performance and data consistency. For more information, see Persistent memory-optimized instances.

    • ESSD-based (ESSD/Standard SSD): Data is stored in enhanced SSDs (ESSDs) or standard SSDs, providing command-level persistence capabilities and massive storage capacity. An ESSD/SSD-based instance delivers approximately 60% of the performance of an ApsaraDB for Redis Community Edition instance at a cost that can be as low as 15% that of an ApsaraDB for Redis Community Edition instance. This storage type is suitable for scenarios that require moderate performance and high cost-effectiveness. For more information, see ESSD/SSD-based instances.


    The region in which you want to create the instance. The region cannot be changed after the instance is created.

    • To maximize access speed, we recommend that you select a region that is close to the geographic location of your users.

    • Make sure that the Tair instance is created in the same region as the Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance to which you want to connect. Otherwise, the ApsaraDB for Redis instance and the ECS instance cannot communicate over the internal network to achieve optimal performance.

    Deployment Type

    • Single-zone: The master and replica nodes are deployed in the same zone. This deployment type can provide single-data center disaster recovery.

    • Dual-zone: The master and replica nodes are separately deployed in the specified primary and secondary zones of the same region to form a zone-disaster recovery architecture.

    Primary Zone

    The zone in which you want to create the instance. Each region has multiple isolated locations that are known as zones. Each zone has its own independent power supply and network. When an ECS instance and a Tair instance are deployed in the same zone, they can communicate over the internal network to minimize the network latency.


    If you set the Deployment Type parameter to Dual-zone, you must also set the Secondary Zones parameter to a zone that is different from the zone specified by the Primary Zone parameter. The primary and secondary zones form a master-replica zone-disaster recovery architecture.

    Network Type

    The network type of the instance. This parameter is automatically set to VPC. A VPC is an isolated network that provides higher security and better performance than the traditional classic network.


    Make sure that the Tair instance belongs to the same VPC as the ECS or ApsaraDB RDS instance to which you want to connect. Otherwise, the ECS or ApsaraDB RDS instance cannot access the Tair instance over the internal network.


    The VPC in which you want to create the instance. If you do not have a VPC, create one first. For more information, see Create and manage a VPC.


    The vSwitch that you want to connect to the instance in the VPC. If no vSwitches are available in the VPC in the current zone, create a vSwitch. For more information, see Create and manage a vSwitch.

    Node Type

    This parameter is automatically set to High Availability.


    The engine version of the instance that you want to create.


    • Standalone: uses the master-replica or read/write splitting architecture.

      Select whether to enable Read/Write Splitting.

      • If you disable Read/Write Splitting, the instance uses the standard master-replica architecture.

      • If you enable Read/Write Splitting, the instance uses the read/write splitting architecture. In this case, you must specify the Nodes parameter. Valid values: 2 to 6. A value in this range includes a master node. Up to five read replicas are supported.

    • Cluster: uses the sharded cluster architecture. For more information, see Cluster architecture.

      If you select Cluster, you must perform the following operations:

      • Set Connection Mode to one of the following values:

        • Proxy (default): Clients use proxy nodes to connect to the Tair instance, enable architecture changes, route commands, balance loads, and perform failovers. The connection mode offers several advantages, including aggregated connections, enhanced read performance, and ease of use. This can help you design more efficient business systems. For more information, see Features of proxy nodes.

        • Direct Connection: Clients directly connect to the Tair instance, and tasks such as load balancing are handled by the instance. This is exactly the same as the direct connection to a native Redis cluster.


        After the instance is created, you cannot change the connection mode for the instance. You can select only a single connection mode for your instance. We recommend that you evaluate your use scenario in advance and select the connection mode that suits your business needs.

      • Specify Shards. The instance performance increases with the number of shards. You can calculate the instance capacity by using the following formula: Instance capacity = Number of shards × Shard specifications. You can select 2 to 128 shards when you create an instance. After you create the instance, you can add more shards to the instance. For more information, see Adjust the number of data shards for an instance .


    ESSD-based instances do not support the cluster architecture.

    Shard Specification

    The shard specifications. Each option contains a group of configurations, such as the memory capacity, maximum number of concurrent connections, and maximum bandwidth. For more information, see Overview.


    Database metadata is generated when an instance is created. The size of the metadata on each shard of a cluster instance ranges from 30 MB to 50 MB. The total size of the metadata on a cluster instance is equal to the total size of metadata on all shards of the cluster instance.

  4. If you set Storage Type to ESSD-based (ESSD/Standard SSD), you must also configure the Storage Class and Storage Space parameters.

  5. Configure parameters such as Instance Name and Password Setting. If you select the subscription billing method, you must also specify the subscription duration of the instance.

  6. Click Buy Now.

  7. On the Confirm Order page, read and select the terms of service, and then follow the instructions to pay for the instance.

    After you complete the payment, wait for 1 minute to 5 minutes. To view the created Tair instance, you can select the region in which the instance resides on the Instances page of the Tair console.


  • How long does it take to create an instance?

    The amount of time that is required to create an instance is directly proportional to the number of shards in the instance. A larger number of shards require more resources. As a result, it takes longer to create the instance. For example, it can take 2 to 3 minutes to create a standard master-replica instance, 10 to 15 minutes to create a 128-shard cluster master-replica instance, and 20 to 40 minutes to create a 256-shard cluster master-replica instance.

    • A standard instance is regarded as a single-shard instance.

    • The master node of a read/write splitting instance is regarded as a shard that processes both read and write requests. Each read replica of a read/write splitting instance is regarded as a shard that processes only read requests.

  • Why am I unable to find the created instance?

    The following table describes the possible causes and solutions.

    Possible cause


    The region that you selected in the Tair console is not the region in which the instance is deployed.

    Log on to the Tair console and select the region in which the instance resides.

    The instance list in the Tair console is not updated or is updated before the instance is created.

    Wait for a few minutes and then update the instance list to check whether the Tair instance is displayed in the list.

    The instance is not created due to insufficient resources.

    The system may fail to create the instance due to insufficient resources. In this case, your payment is refunded. You can check your refund on the Orders page.

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Creates a Tair instance.