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OpenSearch:List of operations by function

最終更新日:Oct 25, 2024
This product(OpenSearch/2017-12-25) OpenAPI adopts ROA Signature style. See signature details in Description of the signature mechanism. We have packaged SDKs for common programming languages for developers. Developers can directly call the OpenAPI of this product by downloading the SDK without paying attention to the technical details. If the existing SDK cannot meet the usage requirements, you can connect through the signature mechanism. It will take about 5 working days. Therefore, it is recommended to join our DingTalk service group (78410016550) and sign under the guidance of experts.
Before using the API, you need to prepare your identity account and access key (AccessKey) to effectively access the API through client tools (SDK, CLI, etc.). For details see getAccessKey.

Application instance

Application ManagementApplication Management
RenewAppGroupRenewAppGroupRenews an application. This operation is not available now. You must renew an application in the OpenSearch console.
CreateAppGroupCreateAppGroupCreates an OpenSearch application.
ModifyAppGroupModifyAppGroupModifies the properties of an OpenSearch application or sets the online version of an OpenSearch application.
ModifyAppGroupQuotaModifyAppGroupQuotaModifies the quotas of an OpenSearch application.
RemoveAppGroupRemoveAppGroupDeletes an OpenSearch application.
ListAppGroupsListAppGroupsQueries a list of OpenSearch applications.
Application VersionApplication Version
CreateAppCreateAppCreates a version for an OpenSearch application.
RemoveAppRemoveAppDeletes a version of an OpenSearch application.
DescribeAppStatisticsDescribeAppStatisticsQueries the statistics about a version of an OpenSearch application.

Instance surrounding

Custom analyzerCustom analyzer
ListUserAnalyzersListUserAnalyzersQueries the custom analyzers that belong to the current account.
RemoveUserAnalyzerRemoveUserAnalyzerDeletes a custom analyzer.
ListUserAnalyzerEntriesListUserAnalyzerEntriesQueries the entries of a custom analyzer.
PushUserAnalyzerEntriesPushUserAnalyzerEntriesAccepts the changes in the entries of a custom analyzer.
Experimental sceneExperimental scene
ListABTestScenesListABTestScenesQueries test scenarios.
CreateABTestSceneCreateABTestSceneCreates an scenario.
DescribeABTestSceneDescribeABTestSceneQueries the information about an A/B test scenario.
UpdateABTestSceneUpdateABTestSceneModifies an A/B test scenario.
DeleteABTestSceneDeleteABTestSceneDeletes an A/B test scenario.
The experimental groupThe experimental group
CreateABTestGroupCreateABTestGroupCreates a test group.
DescribeABTestGroupDescribeABTestGroupQueries the details of a test group.
UpdateABTestGroupUpdateABTestGroupModifies a test group.
ListABTestExperimentsListABTestExperimentsQueries a list of experiments.
CreateABTestExperimentCreateABTestExperimentCreates an experiment.
UpdateABTestExperimentUpdateABTestExperimentModifies the parameters of an A/B test.
DeleteABTestExperimentDeleteABTestExperimentDeletes a test.
ListABTestFixedFlowDividersListABTestFixedFlowDividersQueries whitelists.
UpdateABTestFixedFlowDividersUpdateABTestFixedFlowDividersModifies whitelists.
The crude row expressionThe crude row expression
ListFirstRanksListFirstRanksQueries the rough sort expressions that are configured for a version of an OpenSearch application.
CreateFirstRankCreateFirstRankCreates a rough sort expression for a version of an OpenSearch application. If you set dryRun to true, this operation checks the specified rough sort expression. By default, the value of dryRun is false if you do not set this parameter.
DescribeFirstRankDescribeFirstRankQueries a rough sort expression that is configured for an OpenSearch application version.
RemoveFirstRankRemoveFirstRankDeletes a rough sort expression for a version of an OpenSearch application.
ModifyFirstRankModifyFirstRankModifies a rough sort expression for an OpenSearch application. If you set dryRun to true, this operation checks the rough sort expression after the expression is modified. If you do not specify this parameter, false is used by default.
Fine row expressionFine row expression
ListSecondRanksListSecondRanksQueries the fine sort expressions that are configured for a version of an OpenSearch application.
CreateSecondRankCreateSecondRankCreates a fine sort expression for a version of an OpenSearch application. If you set dryRun to true, this operation checks the specified fine sort expression. The default value of dryRun is false if you do not set this parameter.
DescribeSecondRankDescribeSecondRankQueries a fine sort expression that is configured for a version of an OpenSearch application.
ModifySecondRankModifySecondRankModifies a fine sort expression that is configured for a specific OpenSearch application version. If you set dryRun to true, the specified fine sort expression is checked after the expression is modified. By default, the value of dryRun is false if you do not specify this parameter.
RemoveSecondRankRemoveSecondRankDeletes a fine sort expression from a version of an OpenSearch application.
Query analyzerQuery analyzer
ListQueryProcessorsListQueryProcessorsQueries a list of query analysis rules that are configured for a version of an OpenSearch application.
CreateQueryProcessorCreateQueryProcessorCreates a query analysis rule. If you set dryRun to true, this operation checks the specified query analysis rule. By default, the value of dryRun is false if you do not set this parameter.
ModifyQueryProcessorModifyQueryProcessorModifies a query analysis rule for a specific application version. If you set dryRun to true, this operation checks the specified query analysis rule. By default, the value of dryRun is false if you do not specify this parameter.
RemoveQueryProcessorRemoveQueryProcessorDeletes a query analysis rule for an OpenSearch application version.
DescribeQueryProcessorDescribeQueryProcessorQueries the query analysis rule for a version of an OpenSearch application.
ListQueryProcessorNersListQueryProcessorNersQueries the recommended priority settings of entity types for named entity recognition (NER).
ListQueryProcessorAnalyzerResultsListQueryProcessorAnalyzerResultsQueries the results of a query analysis test. This API operation is available only to existing applications of OpenSearch Open Source Compatible Edition.
Intervention DictionaryIntervention Dictionary
CreateInterventionDictionaryCreateInterventionDictionaryCreate an intervention dictionary.
DescribeInterventionDictionaryDescribeInterventionDictionaryQueries the details of an intervention dictionary.
RemoveInterventionDictionaryRemoveInterventionDictionaryDeletes an intervention dictionary.
ListInterventionDictionaryEntriesListInterventionDictionaryEntriesQueries the intervention entries in an intervention dictionary.
PushInterventionDictionaryEntriesPushInterventionDictionaryEntriesAccepts the changes in intervention entries.
ListInterventionDictionaryRelatedEntitiesListInterventionDictionaryRelatedEntitiesQueries the resources that are associated with an intervention dictionary. If the intervention dictionary is referenced by query analysis rules, this operation returns all applications that use the intervention dictionary and the information about the query analysis rules.
The MasterThe Master
EnableSlowQueryEnableSlowQueryEnables slow query optimization of Optimization Master.
ListSlowQueryCategoriesListSlowQueryCategoriesQueries the suggestions that are provided by Optimization Master for slow queries.
Quota approvalQuota approval
ListQuotaReviewTasksListQuotaReviewTasksQueries tickets that are submitted to apply for quotas for an OpenSearch application.
Scheduled TasksScheduled Tasks
ListScheduledTasksListScheduledTasksQueries a list of scheduled tasks of an OpenSearch application.
CreateScheduledTaskCreateScheduledTaskCreates a scheduled task for an OpenSearch application.
ModifyScheduledTaskModifyScheduledTaskModifies a scheduled task.
RemoveScheduledTaskRemoveScheduledTaskDeletes a scheduled task of an OpenSearch application.
Search StrategySearch Strategy
ListSortExpressionsListSortExpressionsQueries a list of sort expressions that are configured for a version of an OpenSearch application.
ElasticSearch Engine instanceElasticSearch Engine instance
UnbindEsInstanceUnbindEsInstanceUnbinds an Elasticsearch instance from an OpenSearch application.
BindEsInstanceBindEsInstanceBinds an Elasticsearch instance.
BindESUserAnalyzerBindESUserAnalyzerBinds a custom analyzer to an Elasticsearch instance.
UnbindESUserAnalyzerUnbindESUserAnalyzerUnbinds a custom analyzer from an Elasticsearch instance.
The current process flowThe current process flow
ListStatisticLogsListStatisticLogsQueries log statistics, such as application error logs, hotword rankings, and slow query logs.
ListStatisticReportListStatisticReportQueries statistical reports, such as application reports, drop-down suggestion reports, hotword shading reports, A/B test reports, and data quality reports.
cava scriptcava script
UpdateSortScriptUpdateSortScriptModifies the description of a sort script.
SaveSortScriptFileSaveSortScriptFileUploads a sort script.
GetSortScriptFileGetSortScriptFileQueries the content of a sort script.
GetSortScriptGetSortScriptQueries the details of a sort script.
DeleteSortScriptFileDeleteSortScriptFileDeletes a script file.
CreateSortScriptCreateSortScriptCreates a sort script.
CompileSortScriptCompileSortScriptCompiles a sort script.
Query the throttling policiesQuery the throttling policies
UpdateSearchStrategyUpdateSearchStrategyModifies a query policy.
RemoveSearchStrategyRemoveSearchStrategyDeletes a query policy.
ListSearchStrategiesListSearchStrategiesQueries the details of query policies.
GetSearchStrategyGetSearchStrategyQueries the details of a query policy.
CreateSearchStrategyCreateSearchStrategyCreates a query policy.

Version surrounding

By default fieldsBy default fields
UpdateFetchFieldsUpdateFetchFieldsUpdates fetch fields. A dry run is supported.
A summary of search results andA summary of search results and
UpdateSummariesUpdateSummariesUpdates summaries. A dry run is supported.

Algorithm surrounding

CreateFunctionResourceCreateFunctionResourceCreates an algorithm resource for a specific feature.
GetFunctionCurrentVersionGetFunctionCurrentVersionQueries the version information about the current feature when you create an instance.
GetFunctionVersionGetFunctionVersionQueries version information by version ID.
GetFunctionDefaultInstanceGetFunctionDefaultInstanceQueries the algorithm instance that an application uses by default.
UpdateFunctionDefaultInstanceUpdateFunctionDefaultInstanceSets the default algorithm instance used by the specified application. The new algorithm instance automatically overwrites the most recently set default instance. If no instance is set, the default instance is canceled.
ListFunctionTasksListFunctionTasksQueries the training tasks. The returned results are sorted by start time in descending order.
GetFunctionTaskGetFunctionTaskQueries the details of a training task.
DeleteFunctionTaskDeleteFunctionTaskDeletes a training task. The training task in progress cannot be deleted.
CreateFunctionTaskCreateFunctionTaskStarts a training task for an algorithm instance.
ListFunctionInstancesListFunctionInstancesQueries all algorithm instances of a user, which meet specified conditions.
GetFunctionInstanceGetFunctionInstanceQueries the details of an algorithm instance by instance name.
DeleteFunctionInstanceDeleteFunctionInstanceDeletes an algorithm instance. Before you delete an instance, make sure that it is not in use to prevent service interruptions.
UpdateFunctionInstanceUpdateFunctionInstanceUpdates an algorithm instance.
CreateFunctionInstanceCreateFunctionInstanceCreates an algorithm instance of a feature.


DescribeAppGroupDescribeAppGroupQueries the details of an OpenSearch application.
ValidateDataSourcesValidateDataSourcesVerifies data sources.
ReplaceAppGroupCommodityCodeReplaceAppGroupCommodityCodeConverts a service-based application to an instance-based application.
ListSortScriptsListSortScriptsQueries all sort scripts of an application version.
ListDataSourceTablesListDataSourceTablesObtains all data from a specified data source.
ListDataSourceTableFieldsListDataSourceTableFieldsQueries all fields in a table of a data source. This operation is for internal use only.
GetDomainGetDomainQueries the type of an industry.
GenerateMergedTableGenerateMergedTableQueries the information about a wide table that is generated after a JOIN operation is performed on multiple tables.
DescribeRegionsDescribeRegionsQueries the endpoints of all regions that support OpenSearch.


DescribeDataCollctionDescribeDataCollctionQueries the details of a data collection task of an application.
ListDataCollectionsListDataCollectionsQueries the data collection tasks of an OpenSearch application.
RemoveDataCollectionRemoveDataCollectionDisables data collection.
UntagResourcesUntagResourcesRemove tags from resources.
ListTagResourcesListTagResourcesQueries tagged resources.
TagResourcesTagResourcesAdds tags to resources.
GetFunctionResourceGetFunctionResourceQueries an algorithm resource.
ListFunctionResourcesListFunctionResourcesQueries algorithm resources.
DeleteFunctionResourceDeleteFunctionResourceDeletes an algorithm resource.
UpdateFunctionResourceUpdateFunctionResourceUpdates an algorithm resource.