Queries the list of created monitoring sessions.
Usage notes
Create monitoring sessions before you call this operation to query the monitoring session list. Make sure that the parameter settings meet the requirements.
QPS limit
You can call this operation up to 15 times per second per account. Requests that exceed this limit are dropped and you will experience service interruptions. We recommend that you take note of this limit when you call this operation. For more information, see QPS limit on an API operation in ApsaraVideo Live.
Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Example | Description |
Action | String | Yes | DescribeLiveStreamMonitorList | The operation that you want to perform. Set the value to DescribeLiveStreamMonitorList. |
MonitorId | String | No | 445409ec-7eaa-461d-8f29-4bec2eb9**** | The ID of the monitoring session. Note You can obtain the monitoring session ID from the response of the CreateLiveStreamMonitor operation. |
PageNum | Integer | No | 2 | The page number. |
PageSize | Integer | No | 10 | The number of monitoring sessions to return per page. |
Status | Integer | No | 1 | The status of the monitoring session. Valid values:
OrderRule | Integer | No | 1 | The sorting order of monitoring sessions. Valid values:
Response parameters
Parameter | Type | Example | Description |
Total | Integer | 1 | The number of monitoring sessions. |
RequestId | String | 2234baba-a586-46ea-8bd4-c8f7891abcdef | The request ID. |
LiveStreamMonitorList | Array of LiveStreamMonitorInfo | The list of monitoring sessions. | |
MonitorConfig | String | "{\"fpsLowThres\": 0.6,\"brLowThres\": 1.1,\"eofDurationThresSec\": 10}" | The monitoring alert thresholds. The following fields are included:
Status | Integer | 1 | The status of the monitoring session. Valid values:
MonitorId | String | 445409ec-7eaa-461d-8f29-4bec2eb9**** | The ID of the monitoring session. |
Domain | String | demo.aliyundoc.com | The domain name. |
CallbackUrl | String | http://guide.aliyundoc.com/notify | The callback URL that sends monitoring alerts. |
AudioFrom | Integer | 1 | The audio source in the layout. |
DingTalkWebHookUrl | String | https://oapi.dingtalk.com/robot/send?access_token=7a7d404056eee1f2fd944ace9bcfc361dc6448583e1d3d3baa**** | The URL of the DingTalk chatbot. |
MonitorName | String | liveMonito**** | The name of the monitoring session. |
StopTime | String | 2017-01-11T12:00:00Z | The end time of live monitoring. The time is displayed in UTC. |
StartTime | String | 2017-01-11T12:00:00Z | The start time of live monitoring. The time is displayed in UTC. |
OutputTemplate | String | lp_ud | The output resolution template. Valid values:
Region | String | cn-shanghai | The ID of the region. Valid values:
InputList | Array of InputConfig | The list of monitored input streams. | |
Index | Integer | 1 | The index. |
InputUrl | String | demo.aliyundoc.com | The URL of the input stream. |
LayoutId | Integer | 1 | The layout ID, which must start from 1. |
StreamName | String | monitorStream**** | The display name of the monitored stream. |
LayoutConfig | Object | The layout information. | |
FillMode | String | none | The fill type. Set the value to none. |
PositionRefer | String | topLeft | The reference position of the element. Valid values:
PositionNormalized | Array of Float | 0.1 | The normalized value of the coordinates of the layer, in the format of [x,y]. For example, [0.1,0.1] indicates that the layer is horizontally offset by 10% and vertically offset by 10% towards the upper-left corner. |
SizeNormalized | Array of Float | 0.3 | The normalized value of the size of the layer, in the format of [w,h]. For example, [0.2,0.3] indicates that the width of the layer is 20% of the screen width, and the height of the layer is 30% of the screen height. |
PlayConfig | Object | The playback configurations. | |
VolumeRate | Float | 0.50 | The volume. Valid values: 0 to 1. The value is rounded down to two decimal places. |
OutputUrls | Object | The output URLs. | |
FlvUrl | String | http://demo.aliyundoc.com/monitor/445409ec-7eaa-461d-8f29-4bec2eb9****.flv | The output URL in the Flash Video (FLV) format. |
RtmpUrl | String | rtmp://demo.aliyundoc.com/monitor/445409ec-7eaa-461d-8f29-4bec2eb9**** | The output URL in the Real-Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP) format. |
Sample requests
&<Common request parameters>
Sample success responses
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"RequestId" : "2234baba-a586-46ea-8bd4-c8f7891abcdef",
"Total" : "1",
"LiveStreamMonitorList" : [ {
"Status" : "1",
"AudioFrom" : "1",
"OutputTemplate" : "lp_ud",
"StartTime" : "2017-01-11T12:00:00Z",
"MonitorName" : "liveMonito****",
"Region" : "cn-shanghai",
"Domain" : "demo.aliyundoc.com",
"MonitorId" : "445409ec-7eaa-461d-8f29-4bec2eb9****",
"StopTime" : "2017-01-11T12:00:00Z",
"InputList" : [ {
"StreamName" : "monitorStream****",
"LayoutId" : "1",
"Index" : "1",
"InputUrl" : "demo.aliyundoc.com",
"LayoutConfig" : {
"FillMode" : "none",
"PositionRefer" : "topLeft",
"PositionNormalized" : "0.1",
"SizeNormalized" : "0.3"
"PlayConfig" : {
"VolumeRate" : "0.50"
} ],
"OutputUrls" : {
"FlvUrl" : "http://demo.aliyundoc.com/monitor/445409ec-7eaa-461d-8f29-4bec2eb9****.flv",
"RtmpUrl" : "rtmp://demo.aliyundoc.com/monitor/445409ec-7eaa-461d-8f29-4bec2eb9****"
} ]
Error codes
For a list of error codes, see Service error codes.