The following tables describe the API operations available for use in IoT Platform.


CreateProductCreates a product.
UpdateProductModifies the information about a product.
QueryProductListQueries products.
QueryProductQueries the details of a product.
DeleteProductDeletes a product.
CreateProductTagsCreates product tags.
UpdateProductTagsModifies the tags of a product.
DeleteProductTagsDeletes product tags.
ListProductTagsQueries all tags of a product.
ListProductByTagsQueries products by tag.
UpdateProductFilterConfigModifies the deduplication rule for property messages that are submitted by devices of a product.
ReleaseProductPublishes a product.
CancelReleaseProductUnpublishes a product.


RegisterDeviceRegisters a device.
QueryClientIdsQueries the ClientIDs of a device. This API operation is supported for preregistration-free unique-certificate-per-product verification.
TransformClientIdSpecifies a valid ClientID for a device to prevent unauthorized logons if the device has multiple ClientIDs. This API operation is supported for preregistration-free unique-certificate-per-product verification.
DeleteClientIdsDeletes all ClientIDs of a device if the number of ClientIDs exceeds the limit (5). This API operation is supported for preregistration-free unique-certificate-per-product verification.
QueryDeviceInfoQueries the basic information about a device. The information includes the device ID, device certificate, and alias.
QueryDeviceDetailQueries the details of a device.
BatchQueryDeviceDetailQueries the details of multiple devices.
QueryDeviceQueries the devices of a product.
DeleteDeviceDeletes a device.
GetDeviceStatusQueries the status of a device.
BatchGetDeviceStateQueries the statuses of devices.
DisableThingDisables a device.
EnableThingEnables a device that is disabled.
ResetThingResets a device.
BatchCheckDeviceNamesSpecifies names for multiple devices at a time. IoT Platform checks whether the names are valid.
BatchRegisterDeviceWithApplyIdRegisters multiple devices by using an application ID at a time.
BatchRegisterDeviceRegisters multiple devices at a time.
QueryBatchRegisterDeviceStatusQueries the processing status of registration for multiple devices.
QueryPageByApplyIdQueries multiple devices by application ID.
SaveDevicePropCreates tags for a device.
QueryDevicePropQueries the tags of a device.
DeleteDevicePropDeletes the tags of a device.
GetThingTopoQueries the sub-devices of a gateway device.
NotifyAddThingTopoNotifies a gateway device to establish a topological relationship with a sub-device.
BatchAddThingTopoEstablishes topological relationships between multiple sub-devices and a gateway device.
RemoveThingTopoRemoves the topological relationships of a device.
QueryDeviceStatisticsQueries device statistics.
GetGatewayBySubDeviceQueries the information about a gateway device based on sub-device information.
QueryDeviceByTagsQueries devices by tag.
QueryDeviceFileListQueries the files that are uploaded to IoT Platform from a device.
QueryDeviceFileQueries the details of a file that is uploaded to IoT Platform from a device.
DeleteDeviceFileDeletes a file that is uploaded to IoT Platform from a device.
BatchUpdateDeviceNicknameModifies the aliases of multiple devices.
QueryDeviceByStatusQueries devices by status.
ListOTAModuleVersionsByDeviceQueries the versions of the over-the-air (OTA) module. The versions are submitted by devices.
ImportDeviceAdds a device to an MQTT gateway product.
BatchImportDeviceAdds multiple devices to an MQTT gateway product at a time.
BatchCheckImportDeviceVerifies multiple devices that are added to an MQTT gateway product at a time.
QueryImportedDeviceByApplyIdQueries multiple devices that are added at a time by application ID.
BatchImportVehicleDeviceAdds multiple devices to a JT/T 808 gateway product at a time.
BatchCheckVehicleDeviceVerifies multiple devices that are added to a JT/T 808 gateway product at a time.
QueryVehicleDeviceQueries the information about a device of a JT/T 808 gateway product.

Device distribution

CreateDeviceDistributeJobCreates a task to distribute devices. The product to which the devices belong is also distributed.
CreateProductDistributeJobCreates a task to distribute a product to an instance.
QueryDeviceDistributeDetailQueries the result of a device distribution task.
QueryDeviceDistributeJobQueries the details of a device distribution task.
ListDeviceDistributeJobQueries device distribution tasks.
DeleteDeviceDistributeJobDeletes a device distribution task.
ListDistributedDeviceQueries distributed devices.
ListDistributedProductQueries distributed products.

Device groups

CreateDeviceGroupCreates a device group.
DeleteDeviceGroupDeletes a device group.
UpdateDeviceGroupModifies the information about a device group.
QueryDeviceGroupInfoQueries the details of a device group.
QueryDeviceGroupListQueries all device groups.
BatchAddDeviceGroupRelationsAdds devices to a device group.
BatchDeleteDeviceGroupRelationsRemoves devices from a device group.
SetDeviceGroupTagsCreates tags for a device group or updates the tags of a device group.
QueryDeviceGroupTagListQueries the tags of a device group.
QueryDeviceGroupByDeviceQueries the groups to which a device belongs.
QuerySuperDeviceGroupQueries the details of a parent group by sub-group ID.
QueryDeviceListByDeviceGroupQueries devices in a device group.
QueryDeviceGroupByTagsQueries device groups by tag.

Thing Specification Language (TSL) models

CreateThingModelAdds features or extended information to the TSL model of a product.
UpdateThingModelModifies a feature or extended information about the TSL model for a product.
QueryThingModelQueries the details of a TSL model for a product.
CopyThingModelCopies the TSL model of a product to a destination product.
PublishThingModelPublishes the TSL model of a product.
DeleteThingModelRemoves a feature from the TSL model of a product.
ListThingTemplatesQueries all product categories that are predefined in IoT Platform.
GetThingTemplateQueries the standard TSL model information about a category.
ListThingModelVersionQueries the TSL model versions of a product.
GetThingModelTslQueries the TSL model of a product.
ImportThingModelTslImports a TSL model to a product. Extended information cannot be imported.
QueryThingModelPublishedQueries the details of a published TSL model for a product.
GetThingModelTslPublishedQueries the basic information about a published TSL model for a product.
QueryThingModelExtendConfigQueries the extended information about the TSL model for a product.
QueryThingModelExtendConfigPublishedQueries the extended information about a published TSL model.
CreateThingScriptSubmits a data parsing script for a product.
UpdateThingScriptModifies a data parsing script for a product.
GetThingScriptQueries a data parsing script for a product.

Use of TSL models

SetDevicePropertyConfigures properties for a device.
SetDevicesPropertyConfigures properties for multiple devices at a time.
InvokeThingServiceCalls a service on a device.
InvokeThingsServiceCalls a service on multiple devices at a time.
QueryDevicePropertyDataQueries the property records of a device.
QueryDevicePropertiesDataQueries the records of multiple properties of a device.
QueryDeviceEventDataQueries the event records of a device.
QueryDeviceServiceDataQueries the service records of a device.
SetDeviceDesiredPropertySpecifies multiple desired property values for a device at a time.
QueryDeviceDesiredPropertyQueries the desired property values of a device.
QueryDevicePropertyStatusQueries the property snapshots of a device.
QueryDeviceOriginalPropertyStatusQueries the original property snapshots of a device.
QueryDeviceOriginalPropertyDataQueries the original property records of a device.
QueryDeviceOriginalEventDataQueries the original event records of a device.
QueryDeviceOriginalServiceDataQueries the original service records of a device.
ClearDeviceDesiredPropertyDeletes the desired values of properties of a device.

Data forwarding (old version)

ListRuleQueries rules.
CreateRuleCreates a rule.
GetRuleQueries the details of a rule.
UpdateRuleModifies a rule.
DeleteRuleDeletes a rule.
ListDataSourceItemQueries the topics of a data source in the rules engine.
ListRuleActionsQueries rule actions.
GetRuleActionQueries the details of a rule action.
CreateRuleActionCreates a rule action.
UpdateRuleActionModifies a rule action.
DeleteRuleActionDeletes a rule action.
StartRuleEnables a rule.
StopRuleDisables a rule.

Data forwarding (new version)

CreateParserCreates a parser.
UpdateParserUpdates the name and description of a parser.
ListParserQueries the details of parsers. The details include the basic information, status, creation time, and modification time.
GetParserQueries the details of a parser. The details include the basic information, parsing script, status, and associated data source.
DeleteParserDeletes a parser.
CreateParserDataSourceCreates a data source from which you want to forward data.
UpdateParserDataSourceUpdates the name and description of a data source.
ListParserDataSourceQueries all data sources.
GetParserDataSourceQueries the details of a data source.
DeleteParserDataSourceDeletes a data source.
CreateDataSourceItemAdds a topic to a data source.
ListDataSourceItemQueries the topics of a data source.
DeleteDataSourceItemDisassociates a topic from a data source.
CreateDestinationCreates a data destination to which you want to forward data.
UpdateDestinationUpdates the name, type, and description of a data destination.
ListDestinationQueries data destinations.
GetDestinationQueries the details of a data destination.
DeleteDestinationDeletes a data destination.
AttachParserDataSourceAssociates a parser with a data source.
ListParserDestinationQueries the data destinations that are associated with a parser.
DetachParserDataSourceDisassociates a parser from a data source.
AttachDestinationAssociates a parser with a data destination.
DetachDestinationDisassociates a parser from a data destination.
SaveScriptModifies and saves the draft of a parser script.
PublishScriptPublishes the script of a parser.
StartParserEnables a parser.
StopParserDisables a parser.


CreateProductTopicCreates a custom topic category for a product.
UpdateProductTopicModifies a custom topic category.
QueryProductTopicQueries the custom topic categories of a product.
DeleteProductTopicDeletes a custom topic category.
CreateTopicRouteTableCreates a route table for a topic.
QueryTopicRouteTableQueries the route table of a topic.
QueryTopicReverseRouteTableQueries the reverse route table of a topic.
DeleteTopicRouteTableDeletes the route table of a topic.

Server-side subscription

CreateSubscribeRelationCreates a Message Service (MNS) server-side subscription or Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) server-side subscription.
UpdateSubscribeRelationModifies an MNS server-side subscription or an AMQP server-side subscription.
QuerySubscribeRelationQueries the details of an MNS server-side subscription or an AMQP server-side subscription.
DeleteSubscribeRelationDeletes an MNS server-side subscription or an AMQP server-side subscription.
CreateConsumerGroupCreates a consumer group to create an AMQP server-side subscription.
UpdateConsumerGroupChanges the name of a consumer group.
QueryConsumerGroupByGroupIdQueries the details of a consumer group by consumer group ID.
QueryConsumerGroupListQueries all consumer groups of an account, or performs a fuzzy search by consumer group name.
QueryConsumerGroupStatusQueries the status of a consumer group when AMQP server-side subscription is enabled. The status information includes the online client information, message consumption rate, number of accumulated messages, and most recent message consumption time.
ResetConsumerGroupPositionClears the accumulated messages of a consumer group when an AMQP server-side subscription is enabled.
DeleteConsumerGroupDeletes a consumer group.
CreateConsumerGroupSubscribeRelationAdds a consumer group to an AMQP server-side subscription.
DeleteConsumerGroupSubscribeRelationRemoves a consumer group from an AMQP server-side subscription.


RRpcSends a request to a device and synchronously receives a response from the device.
PubBroadcastBroadcasts a message to all devices of a product or all devices that subscribe to a topic.
PubPublishes a message to a device by using a custom topic. You can call this operation to broadcast messages to online devices that subscribe to the custom topic. The online devices belong to a specified product.
BatchPubPublishes a message to multiple devices of a product by using a custom topic.
SubscribeTopicSubscribes to a topic for a device.
QueryDeviceSubTopicQueries the topics to which a device subscribes.

Device shadows

GetDeviceShadowQueries the shadow information about a device.
UpdateDeviceShadowModifies the shadow information about a device.

OTA updates

GenerateOTAUploadURLGenerates the URL and details of an update package to be uploaded to OSS.
GenerateDeviceNameListURLGenerates the URL and details of a device list file to be uploaded to OSS. When you create a static update batch, you can specify devices to be updated in a device list file.
CreateOTAFirmwareAdds an update package.
DeleteOTAFirmwareRemoves an update package.
ListOTAFirmwareQueries update packages.
QueryOTAFirmwareQueries the details of an update package.
CreateOTAVerifyJobCreates a verification batch for an update package.
CreateOTAStaticUpgradeJobCreates a static update batch.
CreateOTADynamicUpgradeJobCreates a dynamic update batch.
ListOTAJobByFirmwareQueries the update batches of an update package.
ListOTAJobByDeviceQueries the update batches of an update package by device.
ListOTATaskByJobQueries the update tasks of a device by update batch.
QueryOTAJobQueries the details of an update batch.
CancelOTAStrategyByJobCancels an update policy that is associated with a dynamic update batch.
CancelOTATaskByDeviceCancels the pending device update tasks of an update package.
CancelOTATaskByJobCancels the device update tasks of an update batch.
CreateOTAModuleCreates an OTA module for a product.
UpdateOTAModuleModifies the alias and description of an OTA module.
DeleteOTAModuleRemoves a custom OTA module.
ListOTAModuleByProductQueries the OTA modules of a product.
ConfirmOTATaskConfirms the device update tasks that are in the pending confirmation status.
ListOTAUnfinishedTaskByDeviceQueries the uncompleted device update tasks of a device.