The following tables describe the API operations available for use in IoT Platform.
API | Description |
CreateProduct | Creates a product. |
UpdateProduct | Modifies the information about a product. |
QueryProductList | Queries products. |
QueryProduct | Queries the details of a product. |
DeleteProduct | Deletes a product. |
CreateProductTags | Creates product tags. |
UpdateProductTags | Modifies the tags of a product. |
DeleteProductTags | Deletes product tags. |
ListProductTags | Queries all tags of a product. |
ListProductByTags | Queries products by tag. |
UpdateProductFilterConfig | Modifies the deduplication rule for property messages that are submitted by devices of a product. |
ReleaseProduct | Publishes a product. |
CancelReleaseProduct | Unpublishes a product. |
API | Description |
RegisterDevice | Registers a device. |
QueryClientIds | Queries the ClientIDs of a device. This API operation is supported for preregistration-free unique-certificate-per-product verification. |
TransformClientId | Specifies a valid ClientID for a device to prevent unauthorized logons if the device has multiple ClientIDs. This API operation is supported for preregistration-free unique-certificate-per-product verification. |
DeleteClientIds | Deletes all ClientIDs of a device if the number of ClientIDs exceeds the limit (5). This API operation is supported for preregistration-free unique-certificate-per-product verification. |
QueryDeviceInfo | Queries the basic information about a device. The information includes the device ID, device certificate, and alias. |
QueryDeviceDetail | Queries the details of a device. |
BatchQueryDeviceDetail | Queries the details of multiple devices. |
QueryDevice | Queries the devices of a product. |
DeleteDevice | Deletes a device. |
GetDeviceStatus | Queries the status of a device. |
BatchGetDeviceState | Queries the statuses of devices. |
DisableThing | Disables a device. |
EnableThing | Enables a device that is disabled. |
ResetThing | Resets a device. |
BatchCheckDeviceNames | Specifies names for multiple devices at a time. IoT Platform checks whether the names are valid. |
BatchRegisterDeviceWithApplyId | Registers multiple devices by using an application ID at a time. |
BatchRegisterDevice | Registers multiple devices at a time. |
QueryBatchRegisterDeviceStatus | Queries the processing status of registration for multiple devices. |
QueryPageByApplyId | Queries multiple devices by application ID. |
SaveDeviceProp | Creates tags for a device. |
QueryDeviceProp | Queries the tags of a device. |
DeleteDeviceProp | Deletes the tags of a device. |
GetThingTopo | Queries the sub-devices of a gateway device. |
NotifyAddThingTopo | Notifies a gateway device to establish a topological relationship with a sub-device. |
BatchAddThingTopo | Establishes topological relationships between multiple sub-devices and a gateway device. |
RemoveThingTopo | Removes the topological relationships of a device. |
QueryDeviceStatistics | Queries device statistics. |
GetGatewayBySubDevice | Queries the information about a gateway device based on sub-device information. |
QueryDeviceByTags | Queries devices by tag. |
QueryDeviceFileList | Queries the files that are uploaded to IoT Platform from a device. |
QueryDeviceFile | Queries the details of a file that is uploaded to IoT Platform from a device. |
DeleteDeviceFile | Deletes a file that is uploaded to IoT Platform from a device. |
BatchUpdateDeviceNickname | Modifies the aliases of multiple devices. |
QueryDeviceByStatus | Queries devices by status. |
ListOTAModuleVersionsByDevice | Queries the versions of the over-the-air (OTA) module. The versions are submitted by devices. |
ImportDevice | Adds a device to an MQTT gateway product. |
BatchImportDevice | Adds multiple devices to an MQTT gateway product at a time. |
BatchCheckImportDevice | Verifies multiple devices that are added to an MQTT gateway product at a time. |
QueryImportedDeviceByApplyId | Queries multiple devices that are added at a time by application ID. |
BatchImportVehicleDevice | Adds multiple devices to a JT/T 808 gateway product at a time. |
BatchCheckVehicleDevice | Verifies multiple devices that are added to a JT/T 808 gateway product at a time. |
QueryVehicleDevice | Queries the information about a device of a JT/T 808 gateway product. |
Device distribution
API | Description |
CreateDeviceDistributeJob | Creates a task to distribute devices. The product to which the devices belong is also distributed. |
CreateProductDistributeJob | Creates a task to distribute a product to an instance. |
QueryDeviceDistributeDetail | Queries the result of a device distribution task. |
QueryDeviceDistributeJob | Queries the details of a device distribution task. |
ListDeviceDistributeJob | Queries device distribution tasks. |
DeleteDeviceDistributeJob | Deletes a device distribution task. |
ListDistributedDevice | Queries distributed devices. |
ListDistributedProduct | Queries distributed products. |
Device groups
API | Description |
CreateDeviceGroup | Creates a device group. |
DeleteDeviceGroup | Deletes a device group. |
UpdateDeviceGroup | Modifies the information about a device group. |
QueryDeviceGroupInfo | Queries the details of a device group. |
QueryDeviceGroupList | Queries all device groups. |
BatchAddDeviceGroupRelations | Adds devices to a device group. |
BatchDeleteDeviceGroupRelations | Removes devices from a device group. |
SetDeviceGroupTags | Creates tags for a device group or updates the tags of a device group. |
QueryDeviceGroupTagList | Queries the tags of a device group. |
QueryDeviceGroupByDevice | Queries the groups to which a device belongs. |
QuerySuperDeviceGroup | Queries the details of a parent group by sub-group ID. |
QueryDeviceListByDeviceGroup | Queries devices in a device group. |
QueryDeviceGroupByTags | Queries device groups by tag. |
Thing Specification Language (TSL) models
API | Description |
CreateThingModel | Adds features or extended information to the TSL model of a product. |
UpdateThingModel | Modifies a feature or extended information about the TSL model for a product. |
QueryThingModel | Queries the details of a TSL model for a product. |
CopyThingModel | Copies the TSL model of a product to a destination product. |
PublishThingModel | Publishes the TSL model of a product. |
DeleteThingModel | Removes a feature from the TSL model of a product. |
ListThingTemplates | Queries all product categories that are predefined in IoT Platform. |
GetThingTemplate | Queries the standard TSL model information about a category. |
ListThingModelVersion | Queries the TSL model versions of a product. |
GetThingModelTsl | Queries the TSL model of a product. |
ImportThingModelTsl | Imports a TSL model to a product. Extended information cannot be imported. |
QueryThingModelPublished | Queries the details of a published TSL model for a product. |
GetThingModelTslPublished | Queries the basic information about a published TSL model for a product. |
QueryThingModelExtendConfig | Queries the extended information about the TSL model for a product. |
QueryThingModelExtendConfigPublished | Queries the extended information about a published TSL model. |
CreateThingScript | Submits a data parsing script for a product. |
UpdateThingScript | Modifies a data parsing script for a product. |
GetThingScript | Queries a data parsing script for a product. |
Use of TSL models
API | Description |
SetDeviceProperty | Configures properties for a device. |
SetDevicesProperty | Configures properties for multiple devices at a time. |
InvokeThingService | Calls a service on a device. |
InvokeThingsService | Calls a service on multiple devices at a time. |
QueryDevicePropertyData | Queries the property records of a device. |
QueryDevicePropertiesData | Queries the records of multiple properties of a device. |
QueryDeviceEventData | Queries the event records of a device. |
QueryDeviceServiceData | Queries the service records of a device. |
SetDeviceDesiredProperty | Specifies multiple desired property values for a device at a time. |
QueryDeviceDesiredProperty | Queries the desired property values of a device. |
QueryDevicePropertyStatus | Queries the property snapshots of a device. |
QueryDeviceOriginalPropertyStatus | Queries the original property snapshots of a device. |
QueryDeviceOriginalPropertyData | Queries the original property records of a device. |
QueryDeviceOriginalEventData | Queries the original event records of a device. |
QueryDeviceOriginalServiceData | Queries the original service records of a device. |
ClearDeviceDesiredProperty | Deletes the desired values of properties of a device. |
Data forwarding (old version)
API | Description |
ListRule | Queries rules. |
CreateRule | Creates a rule. |
GetRule | Queries the details of a rule. |
UpdateRule | Modifies a rule. |
DeleteRule | Deletes a rule. |
ListDataSourceItem | Queries the topics of a data source in the rules engine. |
ListRuleActions | Queries rule actions. |
GetRuleAction | Queries the details of a rule action. |
CreateRuleAction | Creates a rule action. |
UpdateRuleAction | Modifies a rule action. |
DeleteRuleAction | Deletes a rule action. |
StartRule | Enables a rule. |
StopRule | Disables a rule. |
Data forwarding (new version)
API | Description |
CreateParser | Creates a parser. |
UpdateParser | Updates the name and description of a parser. |
ListParser | Queries the details of parsers. The details include the basic information, status, creation time, and modification time. |
GetParser | Queries the details of a parser. The details include the basic information, parsing script, status, and associated data source. |
DeleteParser | Deletes a parser. |
CreateParserDataSource | Creates a data source from which you want to forward data. |
UpdateParserDataSource | Updates the name and description of a data source. |
ListParserDataSource | Queries all data sources. |
GetParserDataSource | Queries the details of a data source. |
DeleteParserDataSource | Deletes a data source. |
CreateDataSourceItem | Adds a topic to a data source. |
ListDataSourceItem | Queries the topics of a data source. |
DeleteDataSourceItem | Disassociates a topic from a data source. |
CreateDestination | Creates a data destination to which you want to forward data. |
UpdateDestination | Updates the name, type, and description of a data destination. |
ListDestination | Queries data destinations. |
GetDestination | Queries the details of a data destination. |
DeleteDestination | Deletes a data destination. |
AttachParserDataSource | Associates a parser with a data source. |
ListParserDestination | Queries the data destinations that are associated with a parser. |
DetachParserDataSource | Disassociates a parser from a data source. |
AttachDestination | Associates a parser with a data destination. |
DetachDestination | Disassociates a parser from a data destination. |
SaveScript | Modifies and saves the draft of a parser script. |
PublishScript | Publishes the script of a parser. |
StartParser | Enables a parser. |
StopParser | Disables a parser. |
API | Description |
CreateProductTopic | Creates a custom topic category for a product. |
UpdateProductTopic | Modifies a custom topic category. |
QueryProductTopic | Queries the custom topic categories of a product. |
DeleteProductTopic | Deletes a custom topic category. |
CreateTopicRouteTable | Creates a route table for a topic. |
QueryTopicRouteTable | Queries the route table of a topic. |
QueryTopicReverseRouteTable | Queries the reverse route table of a topic. |
DeleteTopicRouteTable | Deletes the route table of a topic. |
Server-side subscription
API | Description |
CreateSubscribeRelation | Creates a Message Service (MNS) server-side subscription or Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) server-side subscription. |
UpdateSubscribeRelation | Modifies an MNS server-side subscription or an AMQP server-side subscription. |
QuerySubscribeRelation | Queries the details of an MNS server-side subscription or an AMQP server-side subscription. |
DeleteSubscribeRelation | Deletes an MNS server-side subscription or an AMQP server-side subscription. |
CreateConsumerGroup | Creates a consumer group to create an AMQP server-side subscription. |
UpdateConsumerGroup | Changes the name of a consumer group. |
QueryConsumerGroupByGroupId | Queries the details of a consumer group by consumer group ID. |
QueryConsumerGroupList | Queries all consumer groups of an account, or performs a fuzzy search by consumer group name. |
QueryConsumerGroupStatus | Queries the status of a consumer group when AMQP server-side subscription is enabled. The status information includes the online client information, message consumption rate, number of accumulated messages, and most recent message consumption time. |
ResetConsumerGroupPosition | Clears the accumulated messages of a consumer group when an AMQP server-side subscription is enabled. |
DeleteConsumerGroup | Deletes a consumer group. |
CreateConsumerGroupSubscribeRelation | Adds a consumer group to an AMQP server-side subscription. |
DeleteConsumerGroupSubscribeRelation | Removes a consumer group from an AMQP server-side subscription. |
API | Description |
RRpc | Sends a request to a device and synchronously receives a response from the device. |
PubBroadcast | Broadcasts a message to all devices of a product or all devices that subscribe to a topic. |
Pub | Publishes a message to a device by using a custom topic. You can call this operation to broadcast messages to online devices that subscribe to the custom topic. The online devices belong to a specified product. |
BatchPub | Publishes a message to multiple devices of a product by using a custom topic. |
SubscribeTopic | Subscribes to a topic for a device. |
QueryDeviceSubTopic | Queries the topics to which a device subscribes. |
Device shadows
API | Description |
GetDeviceShadow | Queries the shadow information about a device. |
UpdateDeviceShadow | Modifies the shadow information about a device. |
OTA updates
API | Description |
GenerateOTAUploadURL | Generates the URL and details of an update package to be uploaded to OSS. |
GenerateDeviceNameListURL | Generates the URL and details of a device list file to be uploaded to OSS. When you create a static update batch, you can specify devices to be updated in a device list file. |
CreateOTAFirmware | Adds an update package. |
DeleteOTAFirmware | Removes an update package. |
ListOTAFirmware | Queries update packages. |
QueryOTAFirmware | Queries the details of an update package. |
CreateOTAVerifyJob | Creates a verification batch for an update package. |
CreateOTAStaticUpgradeJob | Creates a static update batch. |
CreateOTADynamicUpgradeJob | Creates a dynamic update batch. |
ListOTAJobByFirmware | Queries the update batches of an update package. |
ListOTAJobByDevice | Queries the update batches of an update package by device. |
ListOTATaskByJob | Queries the update tasks of a device by update batch. |
QueryOTAJob | Queries the details of an update batch. |
CancelOTAStrategyByJob | Cancels an update policy that is associated with a dynamic update batch. |
CancelOTATaskByDevice | Cancels the pending device update tasks of an update package. |
CancelOTATaskByJob | Cancels the device update tasks of an update batch. |
CreateOTAModule | Creates an OTA module for a product. |
UpdateOTAModule | Modifies the alias and description of an OTA module. |
DeleteOTAModule | Removes a custom OTA module. |
ListOTAModuleByProduct | Queries the OTA modules of a product. |
ConfirmOTATask | Confirms the device update tasks that are in the pending confirmation status. |
ListOTAUnfinishedTaskByDevice | Queries the uncompleted device update tasks of a device. |