Queries basic Global Accelerator (GA) instances.


OpenAPI Explorer automatically calculates the signature value. For your convenience, we recommend that you call this operation in OpenAPI Explorer. OpenAPI Explorer dynamically generates the sample code of the operation for different SDKs.

Request parameters

Parameter Type Required Example Description
Action String Yes ListBasicAccelerators

The operation that you want to perform. Set the value to ListBasicAccelerators.

RegionId String Yes cn-hangzhou

The ID of the region to which the basic GA instance belongs. Set the value to cn-hangzhou.

PageNumber Integer No 1

The number of the page to return. Default value: 1.

PageSize Integer No 10

The number of entries to return on each page. Maximum value: 50. Default value: 10.

AcceleratorId String No ga-bp17frjjh0udz4qz****

The ID of the basic GA instance.

State String No active

The state of the basic GA instance. Valid values:

  • init: The basic GA instance is being initialized.
  • active: The basic GA instance is available.
  • configuring: The basic GA instance is being configured.
  • binding: The basic GA instance is being associated.
  • unbinding: The basic GA instance is being disassociated.
  • deleting: The basic GA instance is being deleted.
  • finacialLocked: The basic GA instance is locked due to overdue payments.
ResourceGroupId String No rg-aekzrnd67gq****

The ID of the resource group to which the basic GA instance belongs.

Tag.N.Key String No Keytest

The key of tag N of the basic GA instance. The tag key cannot be an empty string.

The tag key can be up to 64 characters in length and cannot contain http:// or https://. It cannot start with aliyun or acs:.

You can specify up to 20 tag keys.

Tag.N.Value String No Valuetest

The value of tag N of the basic GA instance. The tag value can be an empty string.

The tag value can be up to 128 characters in length and cannot contain http:// or https://. It cannot start with aliyun or acs:.

You can specify up to 20 tag values.

Response parameters

Parameter Type Example Description
TotalCount Integer 1

The total number of basic GA instances returned.

PageSize Integer 10

The number of entries returned per page.

RequestId String 54B48E3D-DF70-471B-AA93-08E683A1B45

The ID of the request.

Accelerators Array of Accelerators

The information about basic GA instances.

Type String None

This parameter is invalid.

State String active

The state of the basic GA instance.

  • init: The basic GA instance is being initialized.
  • active: The basic GA instance is available.
  • configuring: The basic GA instance is being configured.
  • binding: The basic GA instance is being associated.
  • unbinding: The GA instance is being disassociated.
  • deleting: The basic GA instance is being deleted.
  • finacialLocked: The basic GA instance is locked due to overdue payments.
CreateTime Long 1637734547

The timestamp that indicates when the basic GA instance was created.

The time follows the UNIX time format. It is the number of seconds that have elapsed since the epoch time January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC.

BasicBandwidthPackage Object

Details about the basic bandwidth plan that is associated with the basic GA instance.

Bandwidth Integer 2

The bandwidth value of the basic bandwidth plan. Unit: Mbit/s.

BandwidthType String Basic

The type of the bandwidth that is provided by the basic bandwidth plan.

  • Basic: basic
  • Enhanced: enhanced
  • Advanced: premium
InstanceId String gbwp-bp1d8xk8bg139j0fw****

The ID of the basic bandwidth plan.

RegionId String cn-hangzhou

The ID of the region where the basic GA instance is deployed.

InstanceChargeType String PREPAY

The billing method of the basic GA instance. Only PREPAY is returned, which indicates the subscription billing method.

AcceleratorId String ga-bp17frjjh0udz4qz****

The ID of the basic GA instance.

Description String BasicAccelerator

The description of the basic GA instance.

ExpiredTime Long 1640326547

The timestamp that indicates when the basic GA instance expires.

The time follows the UNIX time format. It is the number of seconds that have elapsed since the epoch time January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC.

Name String BasicAccelerator

The name of the basic GA instance.

CrossDomainBandwidthPackage Object

Details about the cross-region acceleration bandwidth plan that is associated with the GA instance.

This parameter is returned only when you call this operation on the International site (alibabacloud.com).

Bandwidth Integer 2

The bandwidth value of the cross-region acceleration bandwidth plan. Unit: Mbit/s.

InstanceId String gbwp-bp1d8xk8bg139j0fw****

The ID of the cross-region acceleration bandwidth plan.

BasicEndpointGroupId String epg-bp1dmlohjjz4kqaun****

The ID of the endpoint group that is associated with the basic GA instance.

BasicIpSetId String ips-bp11ilwqjdkjeg9r7****

The ID of the acceleration region where the basic GA instance is deployed.

BandwidthBillingType String BandwidthPackage

The bandwidth billing method.

  • BandwidthPackage: billed based on bandwidth plans.
  • CDT: billed through Cloud Data Transfer (CDT) and based on data transfer.
  • CDT95: billed through CDT and based on the 95th percentile bandwidth. This bandwidth billing method is available only for users that are included in the whitelist.
ResourceGroupId String rg-aekzrnd67gq****

The ID of the resource group to which the basic GA instance belongs.

Tags Array of Tags

The tags of the basic GA instance.

Key String Keytest

The tag key of the basic GA instance.

Value String Valuetest

The tag value of the basic GA instance.

PageNumber Integer 1

The page number of the returned page.


Sample requests

&Common request parameters

Sample success responses

XML format

HTTP/1.1 200 OK


JSON format

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "TotalCount" : 1,
  "PageSize" : 10,
  "RequestId" : "54B48E3D-DF70-471B-AA93-08E683A1B45",
  "Accelerators" : [ {
    "Type" : "None",
    "State" : "active",
    "CreateTime" : 1637734547,
    "BasicBandwidthPackage" : {
      "Bandwidth" : 2,
      "BandwidthType" : "Basic",
      "InstanceId" : "gbwp-bp1d8xk8bg139j0fw****"
    "RegionId" : "cn-hangzhou",
    "InstanceChargeType" : "PREPAY",
    "AcceleratorId" : "ga-bp17frjjh0udz4qz****",
    "Description" : "BasicAccelerator",
    "ExpiredTime" : 1640326547,
    "Name" : "BasicAccelerator",
    "CrossDomainBandwidthPackage" : {
      "Bandwidth" : 2,
      "InstanceId" : "gbwp-bp1d8xk8bg139j0fw****"
    "BasicEndpointGroupId" : "epg-bp1dmlohjjz4kqaun****",
    "BasicIpSetId" : "ips-bp11ilwqjdkjeg9r7****",
    "BandwidthBillingType" : "BandwidthPackage",
    "ResourceGroupId" : "rg-aekzrnd67gq****",
    "Tags" : [ {
      "Key" : "Keytest",
      "Value" : "Valuetest"
    } ]
  } ],
  "PageNumber" : 1

Error codes

HttpCode Error code Error message Description
500 UnknownError An error occurred while processing your request. Please try again. If the error persists, please submit a ticket. The error message returned because an error occurred while the request was being processed. Try again later. If the error persists, submit a ticket.

For a list of error codes, see Service error codes.