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Function Compute:CreateFunction

最終更新日:Sep 14, 2024

Creates a function.

Operation description

Resources of Function Compute are scheduled and run based on functions. A function usually refers to a code snippet that is written by a user and can be independently executed to respond to events and requests.


OpenAPI Explorer automatically calculates the signature value. For your convenience, we recommend that you call this operation in OpenAPI Explorer.

Authorization information

There is currently no authorization information disclosed in the API.

Request syntax

POST /2023-03-30/functions

Request parameters


The information about function configurations.

Response parameters


The information about function configurations.


Sample success responses


  "codeChecksum": "2825179536350****",
  "codeSize": 412,
  "cpu": 1,
  "createdTime": "2023-04-01T08:15:27Z",
  "customContainerConfig": {
    "accelerationInfo": {
      "status": "Ready"
    "accelerationType": "default",
    "acrInstanceId": "cri-xxxxxxxxxx",
    "command": [
    "entrypoint": [
    "healthCheckConfig": {
      "failureThreshold": 1,
      "httpGetUrl": "/ready",
      "initialDelaySeconds": 1,
      "periodSeconds": 1,
      "successThreshold": 2,
      "timeoutSeconds": 2
    "image": "",
    "port": 9000,
    "registryConfig": {
      "authConfig": {
        "password": "abc***",
        "userName": "admin"
      "certConfig": {
        "insecure": true,
        "rootCaCertBase64": "cm9vdF9jYV9jZXJ0"
      "networkConfig": {
        "securityGroupId": "sg-xxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
        "vSwitchId": "vsw-xxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
        "vpcId": "vpc-xxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
    "resolvedImageUri": "****0d64d6"
  "customDNS": {
    "dnsOptions": [
        "name": "ndots",
        "value": "2"
    "nameServers": [
    "searches": [
  "customRuntimeConfig": {
    "args": [
    "command": [
    "healthCheckConfig": {
      "failureThreshold": 1,
      "httpGetUrl": "/ready",
      "initialDelaySeconds": 1,
      "periodSeconds": 1,
      "successThreshold": 2,
      "timeoutSeconds": 2
    "port": 9000
  "description": "my function",
  "diskSize": 512,
  "environmentVariables": {
    "key": "value1"
  "functionArn": "acs:fc:cn-shanghai:123:functions/functionName",
  "functionId": "aa715851-1c20-4b89-a8fb-***",
  "functionName": "my-function-1",
  "gpuConfig": {
    "gpuMemorySize": 2048,
    "gpuType": "fc.gpu.ampere.1"
  "handler": "index.handler",
  "instanceConcurrency": 1,
  "instanceLifecycleConfig": {
    "initializer": {
      "handler": "index.initializer",
      "timeout": 10
    "preStop": {
      "handler": "index.initializer",
      "timeout": 10
  "internetAccess": true,
  "lastModifiedTime": "2023-05-01T08:15:27Z",
  "lastUpdateStatus": "InProgress",
  "lastUpdateStatusReason": "The system is currently processing the acceleration optimization for the image.",
  "lastUpdateStatusReasonCode": "ImageOptimizing",
  "layers": [
      "arn": "acs:fc:cn-beijing:186824xxxxxx:layers/fc_layer/versions/1",
      "size": 421
  "logConfig": {
    "enableInstanceMetrics": true,
    "enableRequestMetrics": true,
    "logBeginRule": "DefaultRegex",
    "logstore": "test-logstore",
    "project": "test-project"
  "memorySize": 512,
  "nasConfig": {
    "groupId": 100,
    "mountPoints": [
        "enableTLS": true,
        "mountDir": "/home/test",
        "serverAddr": "***"
    "userId": 100
  "ossMountConfig": {
    "mountPoints": [
        "bucketName": "my-bucket",
        "bucketPath": "/my-dir",
        "endpoint": "",
        "mountDir": "/mnt/dir",
        "readOnly": true
  "role": "acs:ram::188077086902****:role/fc-test",
  "runtime": "python3.10",
  "state": "Pending",
  "stateReason": "Function creating",
  "stateReasonCode": "Creating",
  "timeout": 60,
  "tracingConfig": {
    "params": {
      "key": "tracing_analysis_jaeger_endpoint"
    "type": "Jaeger"
  "vpcConfig": {
    "securityGroupId": "sg-bp18hj1wtxgy3b0***",
    "vSwitchIds": [
    "vpcId": "vpc-***",
    "role": "acs:ram::188077086902****:role/fc-test"

Error codes

For a list of error codes, visit the Service error codes.

Change history

Change timeSummary of changesOperation
2024-02-22The internal configuration of the API is changed, but the call is not affectedView Change Details
2023-08-30API Description UpdateView Change Details
2023-08-30API Description Update. The response structure of the API has changedView Change Details
2023-07-05The request parameters of the API has changedView Change Details
2023-06-28Add OperationView Change Details