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最終更新日:Aug 15, 2023

Queries virtual border routers (VBRs).


OpenAPI Explorer automatically calculates the signature value. For your convenience, we recommend that you call this operation in OpenAPI Explorer. OpenAPI Explorer dynamically generates the sample code of the operation for different SDKs.

Request parameters

Parameter Type Required Example Description
Action String Yes DescribeVirtualBorderRouters

The operation that you want to perform. Set the value to DescribeVirtualBorderRouters.

RegionId String Yes cn-shanghai

The ID of the region where the VBRs are deployed. You can call the DescribeRegions operation to query the most recent region list.

PageNumber Integer No 1

The page number. Default value: 1.

PageSize Integer No 10

The number of entries per page. Maximum value: 50. Default value: 10.

Filter.N.Key String No Status

The filter keys. You can specify up to five filter keys. Valid values:

  • PhysicalConnectionId: Express Connect circuit ID.
  • VbrId: VBR ID.
  • Status: VBR status.
  • Name: VBR name.
  • AccessPointId: access point ID.
  • eccId: Express Cloud Connect (ECC) instance ID.
  • type: Express Connect circuit type.
Filter.N.Value.N String No Active

The filter values for keys. You can specify multiple filter values for each filter key. Values in the same filter key are evaluated by using the "OR" operator. If one value is matched, the filter key is matched.

IncludeCrossAccountVbr Boolean No false

Specifies whether cross-account VBRs are included.

  • true: yes.
  • false (default): no.
ResourceGroupId String No rg-acfmxazb4ph6aiy****

The resource group ID.

For more information about resource groups, see the "Resource Group" section of the What is Resource Management? topic.

Tags.N.Key String No FinanceDept

The key of tag N to add to the resource. You must enter at least one tag key and at most 20 tag keys. The tag key cannot be an empty string.

A tag key can be up to 128 characters in length. It cannot start with aliyun or acs:, and cannot contain http:// or https://.

Tags.N.Value String No FinanceJoshua

The value of tag N to add to the resource. You can specify up to 20 tag values. The tag value can be an empty string.

The tag value can be up to 128 characters in length. It cannot contain http:// or https:// and cannot start with acs: or aliyun.

Response parameters

Parameter Type Example Description
RequestId String DE77A7F3-3B74-41C0-A5BC-CAFD188C28B6

The request ID.

PageNumber Integer 1

The page number. Default value: 1.

PageSize Integer 10

The number of entries per page. Maximum value: 50. Default value: 10.

TotalCount Integer 1

The total number of entries returned.

VirtualBorderRouterSet Array of VirtualBorderRouterType

The information about the queried VBRs.

CreationTime String 2020-06-08T12:20:55

The time when the VBR was created.

Status String active

The status of the VBR. Valid values:

  • unconfirmed: pending confirmation from other users.
  • active: running normally.
  • terminating: being disabled.
  • terminated: disabled.
  • recovering: being enabled.
  • deleting: being deleted.
Type String pconnVBR

The type of the VBR.

MinTxInterval Long 300

The time interval to send Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) packets. Valid values: 200 to 1000. Unit: milliseconds.

PeerIpv6GatewayIp String 2001:XXXX:3c4d:0015:0000:0000:0000:1a2b

The IPv6 address of the gateway device on the user side.

PConnVbrExpireTime String 2021-06-08T12:20:55

The time when the VBR expires.

PhysicalConnectionOwnerUid String 1688000000000****

The user ID (UID) of the Alibaba Cloud account to which the Express Connect circuit belongs.

ActivationTime String 2021-06-08T12:20:55

The first time when the VBR was activated.

PhysicalConnectionBusinessStatus String Normal

The business status of the Express Connect circuit. Valid values:

  • Normal: The Express Connect circuit is running normally.
  • FinancialLocked: The Express Connect circuit is locked due to overdue payments.
Description String desc

The description of the VBR.

TerminationTime String 2021-06-08T12:20:55

The last time when the VBR was disabled.

MinRxInterval Long 300

The time interval to receive BFD packets. Valid values: 200 to 1000. Unit: milliseconds.

PeerGatewayIp String 192.168.XX.XX

The IPv4 address of the VBR on the user side.

Name String test

The VBR name.

VbrId String vbr-bp1jcg5cmxjbl9xgc****


VlanId Integer 10

The VLAN ID of the VBR.

VlanInterfaceId String ri-2zeo3xzyf38r4xx****

The VBR interface ID.

CircuitCode String longtel0****

The circuit code of the Express Connect circuit. The circuit code is predefined by the Internet service provider (ISP).

LocalIpv6GatewayIp String 2001:XXXX:3c4d:0015:0000:0000:0000:1a2b

The IPv6 address of the gateway device on the Alibaba Cloud side.

LocalGatewayIp String 192.168.XX.XX

The IPv4 address of the gateway device on the Alibaba Cloud side.

PeeringSubnetMask String

The subnet mask of the IPv4 addresses configured on the user side and Alibaba Cloud side.

EnableIpv6 Boolean false

Indicates whether IPv6 is enabled. Valid values:

  • true
  • false
RouteTableId String rtb-bp1****

The route table ID of the VBR.

DetectMultiplier Long 3

The multiple of the detection time.

This value indicates the maximum number of dropped packets that is allowed by the receiver when the initiator transmits packets. This value can be used to check whether the connection works as expected.

Valid values: 3 to 10.

EccId String ecc-h****

The ECC instance ID.

CloudBoxInstanceId String cb-****

The cloud box ID.

RecoveryTime String 2021-05-08T12:20:55

The last time when the status of the VBR changed from terminated to active.

PhysicalConnectionStatus String Normal

The status of the Express Connect circuit. Valid values:

  • Initial: The application is under review.
  • Approved: The application is approved.
  • Allocating: The system is allocating resources.
  • Allocated: The Express Connect circuit is under construction.
  • Confirmed: The Express Connect circuit is pending for user confirmation.
  • Enabled: The Express Connect circuit is enabled.
  • Rejected: The application is rejected.
  • Canceled: The application is canceled.
  • Allocation Failed: The system failed to allocate resources.
  • Terminated: The Express Connect circuit is disabled.
PeeringIpv6SubnetMask String 2000:1234:0:a000::/55

The subnet mask of the IPv6 addresses configured on the user side and Alibaba Cloud side.

AccessPointId String ap-cn-kojok1x****

The access point ID.

PConnVbrChargeType String PrePaid

The billing method of the VBR. Valid values:

  • PrePaid: subscription. If you choose this billing method, make sure that your Alibaba Cloud account supports balance payments or credit payments.
  • PostPaid: pay-as-you-go.
PhysicalConnectionId String pc-119mfjzm7x****

The ID of the Express Connect circuit to which the VBR belongs.

AssociatedPhysicalConnections Array of AssociatedPhysicalConnection

The information about the Express Connect circuits that are associated with the VBR.

Status String active

The status of the VBR. Valid values:

  • unconfirmed: The VBR is pending confirmation from other users.
  • active: The VBR is running normally.
  • terminating: The VBR is being disabled.
  • terminated: The VBR is disabled.
  • recovering: The VBR is being enabled.
  • deleting: The VBR is being deleted.
VlanInterfaceId String ri-kojok19x3j0q6k****

The ID of the VBR interface, which can be used as the next hop of a VBR route.

CircuitCode String longtel0**

The circuit code of the Express Connect circuit. The circuit code is predefined by the ISP.

PeerIpv6GatewayIp String 2001:XXXX:3c4d:0015:0000:0000:0000:1a2b

The IPv6 address of the gateway device on the user side.

LocalIpv6GatewayIp String 2001:XXXX:3c4d:0015:0000:0000:0000:1a2b

The IPv6 address of the gateway device on the Alibaba Cloud side.

PhysicalConnectionOwnerUid String 12345678****

The UID of the Alibaba Cloud account to which the Express Connect circuit belongs.

LocalGatewayIp String 192.168.XX.XX

The IPv4 address of the gateway device on the Alibaba Cloud side.

PhysicalConnectionBusinessStatus String Normal

The business status of the Express Connect circuit. Valid values:

  • Normal: The Express Connect circuit is running normally.
  • FinancialLocked: The Express Connect circuit is locked due to overdue payments.
PeeringSubnetMask String

The subnet mask of the IPv4 addresses configured on the user side and Alibaba Cloud side.

The two IPv4 addresses must fall within the same subnet.

EnableIpv6 Boolean true

Indicates whether IPv6 is enabled. Valid values:

  • true
  • false
PhysicalConnectionStatus String Enabled

The status of the Express Connect circuit. Valid values:

  • Initial: The application is under review.
  • Approved: The application is approved.
  • Allocating: The system is allocating resources.
  • Allocated: The Express Connect circuit is under construction.
  • Confirmed: The Express Connect circuit is pending for user confirmation.
  • Enabled: The Express Connect circuit is enabled.
  • Rejected: The application is rejected.
  • Canceled: The application is canceled.
  • Allocation Failed: The system failed to allocate resources.
  • Terminated: The Express Connect circuit is disabled.
PeerGatewayIp String 116.62.XX.XX

The IPv4 address of the VBR on the user side.

PeeringIpv6SubnetMask String 2408:4004:cc:400::/56

The subnet mask of the IPv6 addresses configured on the user side and Alibaba Cloud side.

The two IPv6 addresses must fall within the same subnet.

PhysicalConnectionId String pc-119mfjzm7****

The Express Connect circuit ID.

VlanId String 0

The VLAN ID of the VBR.

AssociatedCens Array of AssociatedCen

The information about the Cloud Enterprise Network (CEN) instances to which the VBR is attached.

CenOwnerId Long 1688000000000****

The UID of the Alibaba Cloud account to which the CEN instance belongs.

CenId String cen-kojok19xxx****

The CEN instance ID.

CenStatus String Attached

The status of the CEN instance. Valid values:

  • Attached: The VBR is attached to the CEN instance.
  • Attaching: The VBR is being attached to the CEN instance.
  • Detached: The VBR is detached from the CEN instance.
  • Detaching: The VBR is being detached from the CEN instance.
  • If no value is returned, the VBR is not attached to a CEN instance.
Bandwidth Integer 50

The bandwidth of the VBR. Unit: Mbit/s.

ResourceGroupId String rg-acfmxazb4ph6aiy****

The resource group ID.

For more information about resource groups, see What is a resource group?

Tags Array of Tags

The tags that are added to the resource.

Key String FinanceDept

The key of tag N that is added to the resource.

Value String FinanceJoshua

The value of tag N that is added to the resource.


Sample requests

&<Common request parameters>

Sample success responses

XML format

HTTP/1.1 200 OK


JSON format

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "RequestId" : "DE77A7F3-3B74-41C0-A5BC-CAFD188C28B6",
  "PageNumber" : 1,
  "PageSize" : 10,
  "TotalCount" : 1,
  "VirtualBorderRouterSet" : [ {
    "CreationTime" : "2020-06-08T12:20:55",
    "Status" : "active",
    "Type" : "pconnVBR",
    "MinTxInterval" : 300,
    "PeerIpv6GatewayIp" : "2001:XXXX:3c4d:0015:0000:0000:0000:1a2b",
    "PConnVbrExpireTime" : "2021-06-08T12:20:55",
    "PhysicalConnectionOwnerUid" : "1688000000000****",
    "ActivationTime" : "2021-06-08T12:20:55",
    "PhysicalConnectionBusinessStatus" : "Normal",
    "Description" : "desc",
    "TerminationTime" : "2021-06-08T12:20:55",
    "MinRxInterval" : 300,
    "PeerGatewayIp" : "192.168.XX.XX",
    "Name" : "test",
    "VbrId" : "vbr-bp1jcg5cmxjbl9xgc****",
    "VlanId" : 10,
    "VlanInterfaceId" : "ri-2zeo3xzyf38r4xx****",
    "CircuitCode" : "longtel0****",
    "LocalIpv6GatewayIp" : "2001:XXXX:3c4d:0015:0000:0000:0000:1a2b",
    "LocalGatewayIp" : "192.168.XX.XX",
    "PeeringSubnetMask" : "",
    "EnableIpv6" : false,
    "RouteTableId" : "rtb-bp1****",
    "DetectMultiplier" : 3,
    "EccId" : "ecc-h****",
    "CloudBoxInstanceId" : "cb-****",
    "RecoveryTime" : "2021-05-08T12:20:55",
    "PhysicalConnectionStatus" : "Normal",
    "PeeringIpv6SubnetMask" : "2000:1234:0:a000::/55",
    "AccessPointId" : "ap-cn-kojok1x****",
    "PConnVbrChargeType" : "PrePaid",
    "PhysicalConnectionId" : "pc-119mfjzm7x****",
    "AssociatedPhysicalConnections" : [ {
      "Status" : "active",
      "VlanInterfaceId" : "ri-kojok19x3j0q6k****",
      "CircuitCode" : "longtel0**",
      "PeerIpv6GatewayIp" : "2001:XXXX:3c4d:0015:0000:0000:0000:1a2b",
      "LocalIpv6GatewayIp" : "2001:XXXX:3c4d:0015:0000:0000:0000:1a2b",
      "PhysicalConnectionOwnerUid" : "12345678****",
      "LocalGatewayIp" : "192.168.XX.XX",
      "PhysicalConnectionBusinessStatus" : "Normal",
      "PeeringSubnetMask" : "",
      "EnableIpv6" : true,
      "PhysicalConnectionStatus" : "Enabled",
      "PeerGatewayIp" : "116.62.XX.XX",
      "PeeringIpv6SubnetMask" : "2408:4004:cc:400::/56",
      "PhysicalConnectionId" : "pc-119mfjzm7****",
      "VlanId" : "0"
    } ],
    "AssociatedCens" : [ {
      "CenId" : "cen-kojok19xxx****",
      "CenStatus" : "Attached"
    } ],
    "Bandwidth" : 50,
    "ResourceGroupId" : "rg-acfmxazb4ph6aiy****",
    "Tags" : [ {
      "Key" : "FinanceDept",
      "Value" : "FinanceJoshua"
    } ]
  } ]

Error codes

HttpCode Error code Error message Description
404 InvalidFilterKey.ValueNotSupported Specified filter key is not supported: Filter.X.key The error message returned because Filter.X.key is not supported.

For a list of error codes, see Service error codes.