Queries whether permissions on a virtual private cloud (VPC) are granted to a virtual border router (VBR).
Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Example | Description |
Action | String | Yes | DescribeEcGrantRelation | The operation that you want to perform. Set the value to DescribeEcGrantRelation. |
InstanceType | String | Yes | VBR | The type of instance. Valid values:
InstanceId | String | Yes | vbr-bp12mw1f8k3jgygk9**** | The ID of the instance.
PageNumber | Long | No | 1 | The number of the page to return. Default value: 1. |
PageSize | Long | No | 10 | The number of entries to return on each page. Maximum value: 50. Default value: 10. |
VbrRegionNo | String | No | cn-hangzhou | The ID of the region where the instance is deployed.
Response parameters
Parameter | Type | Example | Description |
RequestId | String | E6E90F6B-2B41-5AAF-ABEB-236ADBAAD91D | The ID of the request. |
EcGrantRelations | Array of EcGrantRelationModel | The query results. |
VbrOwnerUid | Long | 1210123456123456 | The ID of the Alibaba Cloud account to which the VBR belongs. |
VbrInstanceId | String | vbr-m5ex0xf63xk8s5bob**** | The ID of the VBR. |
InstanceId | String | vpc-bp1brjuegjc88v3u9**** | The ID of the VPC. |
AliUid | Long | 1250123456123456 | The ID of the Alibaba Cloud account to which the VPC belongs. |
RegionNo | String | cn-hangzhou | The ID of the region where the VPC is deployed. |
Status | String | Created | The query result. Valid values:
InstanceName | String | VPCname | The name of the VPC. |
InstanceRouterId | String | vrt-bp1i0yzgjd8ra05ec**** | The ID of the vRouter. |
VbrRegionNo | String | cn-hangzhou | The ID of the region where the VBR is deployed. |
GmtCreate | String | 2022-09-02T11:46Z | The time when permissions on the VPC were granted to the VBR. |
GrantType | String | All | The VBRs that have permissions on the VPC. Valid values:
TotalCount | Integer | 10 | The total number of entries returned. |
Count | Integer | 1 | The total number of entries returned. |
Page | Integer | 1 | The number of the returned page. |
PageSize | Integer | 10 | The number of entries returned on each page. |
Sample requests
&Common request parameters
Sample success responses
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"RequestId" : "E6E90F6B-2B41-5AAF-ABEB-236ADBAAD91D",
"EcGrantRelations" : [ {
"VbrOwnerUid" : 1210123456123456,
"VbrInstanceId" : "vbr-m5ex0xf63xk8s5bob****",
"InstanceId" : "vpc-bp1brjuegjc88v3u9****",
"AliUid" : 1250123456123456,
"RegionNo" : "cn-hangzhou",
"Status" : "Created",
"InstanceName" : "VPCname",
"InstanceRouterId" : "vrt-bp1i0yzgjd8ra05ec****",
"VbrRegionNo" : "cn-hangzhou",
"GmtCreate" : "2022-09-02T11:46Z",
"GrantType" : "All"
} ],
"TotalCount" : 10,
"Count" : 1,
"Page" : 1,
"PageSize" : 10
Error codes
HttpCode | Error code | Error message | Description |
400 | InvalidParam.NotNull | The parameter must not be null. | The error message returned because one or more parameters are not set. |
400 | Parameter.Illegal | The parameter is illegal. | The error message returned because a parameter is set to an invalid value. |
404 | VRouterId.NotFound | The VRouter not found. | The error message returned because the specified vRouter cannot be found. |
404 | Instance.NotExist | The instance not exist. | The error message returned because the specified instance does not exist. |
For a list of error codes, see Service error codes.