Deletes a route from a route table of a vRouter or virtual border router (VBR).
Usage notes
When you call this operation, take note of the following rules:
- You can delete only routes that are in the Available state.
- You cannot delete a route of a virtual private cloud (VPC) in which a vSwitch or a route is being created.
- Before you call this operation to delete a route of a VBR route table, call the DescribeRouteEntryList operation to query the NextHopId of the route first.
- The DeleteRouteEntry operation is asynchronous. After you send the request, the system returns a request ID. However, the operation is still being performed in the system background. You can call the DescribeRouteEntryList operation to query the status of a route:
- If the route is in the Deleting state, the route is being deleted.
- If you cannot query the route, the route is deleted.
- You cannot repeatedly call the DeleteRouteEntry operation to delete a route from the route table of a vRouter or a VBR within the specified period of time.
Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Example | Description |
Action | String | Yes | DeleteRouteEntry | The operation that you want to perform. Set the value to DeleteRouteEntry. |
RegionId | String | No | cn-hangzhou | The region ID of the route table. You can call the DescribeRegions operation to query the most recent region list. |
RouteTableId | String | No | vtb-2ze3jgygk9bmsj23s**** | The ID of the route table to which the route belongs. |
RouteEntryId | String | Yes | rte-bp1mnnr2al0naomnpv**** | The ID of the route that you want to delete. |
DestinationCidrBlock | String | No | 47.100.XX.XX/16 | The destination CIDR block of the route entry. IPv4 and IPv6 CIDR blocks are supported. |
NextHopId | String | No | ri-2zeo3xzyf38r4urzd**** | The ID of the next hop.
NextHopList.N.NextHopId | String | No | ri-2zeo3xzyf38r43cd**** | The ID of the next hop that is configured for ECMP routing. You can specify information about at most 16 next hops. |
NextHopList.N.NextHopType | String | No | RouterInterface | The type of the next hop that is configured for ECMP routing. Set the value to RouterInterface. You can specify information about at most 16 next hops. |
Response parameters
Parameter | Type | Example | Description |
RequestId | String | 0ED8D006-F706-4D23-88ED-E11ED28DCAC0 | The ID of the request. |
Sample requests
&Common request parameters
Sample success responses
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"RequestId" : "0ED8D006-F706-4D23-88ED-E11ED28DCAC0"
Error codes
HttpCode | Error code | Error message | Description |
400 | MissingParameter | Miss mandatory parameter. | The error message returned because some required parameters are not set. Check whether you have set all required parameters before you call this operation. |
400 | IncorrcetRouteEntryStatus | Some route entry status blocked this operation. | The error message returned because one or more route entries in the route table are in the Pending or Modifying state. |
400 | InvalidCidrBlock.Malformed | Specified CIDR block is not valid. | The error message returned because the format of the specified CIDR block is invalid. |
400 | OperationDenied | Specified operation is denied as route entry type is system. | The error message returned because the specified route entry is a system route entry. |
400 | InvalidRouteEntry.NotFound | Route entry not exists. | The error message returned because the specified route entry does not exist. Check whether the specified route entry is valid. |
400 | InvalidVRouter.NotFound | vRouter not exists. | The error message returned because the specified router does not exist. Check whether the specified router is valid. |
400 | IncorrectRouteEntryStatus | Some route entry status blocked this operation. | The error message returned because one or more route entries in the current route table are in the Pending or Modifying state. |
400 | IncorrectRouteEntryStatus | VBR has NotStable route entry. | The error message returned because one or more routes in the VBR are in the Pending or Modifying state. |
400 | IncorrectRouteEntryStatus | Specified routeEntry status error. | The error message returned because one or more route entries in the current route table are in the Pending or Modifying state. |
400 | Forbbiden | Specified RouteEntry cannot allowed delete by openApi. | The error message returned because you cannot call this operation to delete the specified route. |
400 | InvalidNextHop | Specified nexthop and nexthop list cannot both null. | The error message returned because the next hop and next hop list cannot be empty at the same time. |
400 | InvalidRouteEntry | Specified routeEntry not exist. | The error message returned because the specified route does not exist. |
400 | TaskConflict | The operation is too frequent, TaskConflict. | The error message returned because the system is busy. Try again later. |
400 | InvalidRouteEntryId.NotFound | Specified RouteEntryId does not exist. | The error message returned because the specified route entry does not exist. |
400 | IncorrectVpcStatus | Current VPC status does not support this operation. | The error message returned because this operation cannot be performed when the VPC is in the current state. |
400 | OperationDenied.DeleteManagedRouteEntry | The operation is not allowed because of route entry is managed. | The error message returned because you cannot delete hosted routes. |
404 | InvalidRouteTableId.NotFound | Specified route table does not exist. | The error message returned because the specified route table does not exist. |
404 | InvalidVpcId.NotFound | Specified value of VpcId is not found in our record. | The error message returned because the specified VPC does not exist. Check whether the specified VPC ID is valid. |
For a list of error codes, see Service error codes.