The following tables list the API operations available for use in Data Management (DMS).
API | Description |
BuyPayAsYouGoOrder | Purchases a pay-as-you-go DMS resource. |
RefundPayAsYouGoOrder | Unsubscribes from a pay-as-you-go DMS resource. |
ListEffectiveOrders | Queries the information about effective orders. |
User management
API | Description |
RegisterUser | Adds a user for your enterprise. |
DisableUser | Disables a user that is temporarily not used. |
EnableUser | Enables a user that is disabled. |
DeleteUser | Removes a user that is no longer needed. |
UpdateUser | Updates the information about a user. |
ListUsers | Queries users. |
ListUserTenants | Queries tenants. |
GetUserActiveTenant | Queries the information about the current tenant. |
GetUser | Queries the information about a user. |
Instance management
API | Description |
RegisterInstance | Registers a database instance for your enterprise. |
UpdateInstance | Updates the information about a database instance and checks the connectivity of the database instance. |
GetInstance | Queries the details of a database instance. |
DeleteInstance | Removes a database instance from DMS Enterprise. |
ListInstances | Queries database instances and the details of individual database instances. |
Operation audit
API | Description |
GetOpLog | Queries the details of operation logs generated within a specified period. |
ListSQLExecAuditLog | Queries the audit logs of SQL operations. |
ListProxySQLExecAuditLog | Queries the audit logs for proxy endpoints generated by the secure access proxy feature. |
ListInstanceLoginAuditLog | Queries the logon records of an instance. |
ListSensitiveDataAuditLog | Queries the audit logs of sensitive data. |
Approval process management
API | Description |
ListWorkFlowNodes | Queries approval nodes. |
ListWorkFlowTemplates | Queries approval templates. |
Metadata management of databases and tables
API | Description |
SearchDatabase | Queries a database. |
SearchTable | Queries a table. |
ListDatabases | Queries the databases in a database instance. |
ListTables | Queries the tables in a database. |
ListColumns | Queries the columns in a table. |
ListIndexes | Queries the indexes of a table. |
GetDatabase | Queries the details of a database. |
GetPhysicalDatabase | Queries the details of a physical database. |
GetTableTopology | Queries the topology of a table. |
GetMetaTableDetailInfo | Queries the details of columns and indexes in a table. |
GetMetaTableColumn | Queries the details of columns in a table. |
SyncInstanceMeta | Synchronizes the metadata of all databases in a database instance. |
SyncDatabaseMeta | Synchronizes the metadata of a database. |
Logical databases and tables
API | Description |
CreateLogicDatabase | Creates a logical database in DMS. |
EditLogicDatabase | Modifies the information about a logical database. |
DeleteLogicDatabase | Deletes a logical database from DMS. |
ListLogicDatabases | Queries the details of logical databases. |
GetLogicDatabase | Queries the details of a logical database. |
GetDBTopology | Queries a logical database and the topology of the physical database shard that corresponds to the logical database. |
ListLogicTables | Queries the logical tables in a logical database. |
GetTableDBTopology | Queries the topology of a table in a logical database and the physical database shard that corresponds to the logical database. |
AddLogicTableRouteConfig | Adds a routing algorithm to a logical table. |
DeleteLogicTableRouteConfig | Removes a routing algorithm from a logical table. |
ListLogicTableRouteConfig | Queries routing algorithms of a logical table. |
Ticket management
Category | API | Description |
General operations | ApproveOrder | Approves a ticket. |
CloseOrder | Closes a ticket. | |
GetApprovalDetail | Queries the approval details of a ticket. | |
GetOrderBaseInfo | Queries the basic information about a ticket. | |
ListOrders | Queries tickets. | |
CreateOrder | Creates a ticket. | |
SubmitOrderApproval | Submits a ticket for approval. | |
Permission application | GetOwnerApplyOrderDetail | Queries the details of a ticket that is used to configure the owner of an instance, a database, or a table. |
GetPermApplyOrderDetail | Queries the details of a ticket to apply for permissions. | |
Table synchronization between databases | CreateStructSyncOrder | Creates a schema synchronization ticket. |
GetStructSyncOrderDetail | Queries the details of a schema synchronization ticket. | |
GetStructSyncJobDetail | Queries the details of a schema synchronization task. | |
GetStructSyncJobAnalyzeResult | Queries the analysis result of a schema synchronization task. | |
GetStructSyncExecSqlDetail | Queries the SQL statements that are involved in a schema synchronization ticket. | |
SubmitStructSyncOrderApproval | Submits a schema synchronization ticket for approval. | |
ExecuteStructSync | Executes a schema synchronization ticket. | |
Data change | CreateDataCorrectOrder | Creates a data change ticket. |
CreateDataCronClearOrder | Creates a history data cleaning ticket. | |
CreateDataImportOrder | Creates a data import ticket. | |
CreateFreeLockCorrectOrder | Creates a lock-free change ticket. | |
ExecuteDataCorrect | Executes a data change ticket. | |
GetDataCorrectTaskDetail | Queries the details of a task that is used to change data, perform lock-free change, or import data. | |
GetDataCronClearTaskDetailList | Queries history data cleaning tasks. | |
GetDataCorrectOrderDetail | Queries the details of a data change ticket. | |
GetDataCorrectBackupFiles | Queries the download URL of backup files for a data change ticket. | |
GetDataCorrectSQLFile | Queries the SQL attachment of a data change ticket. | |
ModifyDataCorrectExecSQL | Modifies the SQL script that is submitted by using a data change ticket. | |
ListDataCorrectPreCheckSQL | Queries the precheck information about an SQL statement that is specified in a data change ticket. | |
ListDataCorrectPreCheckDB | Queries the databases that are involved in the precheck of a data change ticket. | |
PauseDataCorrectSQLJob | Pauses an SQL task for data change. | |
RetryDataCorrectPreCheck | Reruns the precheck for a data change ticket. | |
RestartDataCorrectSQLJob | Reruns a failed SQL task for data change. | |
Schema design | CreatePublishGroupTask | Executes a schema design ticket. |
ListDDLPublishRecords | Queries the publishing details of a schema design ticket. | |
Data export | GetDataExportDownloadURL | Queries the download URL of export results for a data export ticket. |
ExecuteDataExport | Executes a data export ticket. | |
GetDataExportOrderDetail | Queries the details of a data export ticket. | |
SQL review | CreateSQLReviewOrder | Creates an SQL review ticket. |
GetSQLReviewCheckResultStatus | Queries the review result of an SQL review ticket. | |
ListSQLReviewOriginSQL | Queries the details of the SQL statements that are involved in an SQL review ticket. | |
GetSQLReviewOptimizeDetail | Queries the details of SQL optimization suggestions. | |
File upload | CreateUploadFileJob | Creates a file upload task. |
CreateUploadOSSFileJob | Creates a task to upload an object from Object Storage Service (OSS). | |
GetUserUploadFileJob | Queries the information about a file upload task. |
SQL task management
API | Description |
ListDBTaskSQLJob | Queries SQL tasks. |
ListDBTaskSQLJobDetail | Queries the details of an SQL task. |
GetDBTaskSQLJobLog | Queries the log that records the scheduling details of an SQL task. |
GetOnlineDDLProgress | Queries the progress of an Online DDL task. |
Permission management
API | Description |
SetOwners | Configures the owners of an instance, a database, or a table. |
RevokeUserPermission | Revokes a permission on a resource from a user. |
ListUserPermissions | Queries the permissions of a user on databases and tables. |
ListDatabaseUserPermssions | Queries the permissions of users on a database. |
GrantUserPermission | Grants permissions on a database or a table to a user. |
ListInstanceUserPermissions | Queries the permissions of a user on a instance. |
Security management
Category | API | Description |
Security rule set management | CreateStandardGroup | Creates a security rule set. |
ListStandardGroups | Queries security rule sets. | |
Secure access proxy | CreateProxy | Enables the secure access proxy feature for a database instance. |
CreateProxyAccess | Authorizes a user to access a database instance by using the proxy endpoints generated by the secure access proxy feature. | |
ListProxyAccesses | Queries users who are authorized to access a database instance by using the proxy endpoints generated by the secure access proxy feature. | |
InspectProxyAccessSecret | Queries the AccessKey secret that an authorized user uses to connect to the proxy endpoints generated by the secure access proxy feature for a database instance. | |
ListProxies | Queries the proxy endpoints generated by the secure access proxy feature. | |
GetProxy | Queries the details of a proxy endpoint generated by the secure access proxy feature. | |
DeleteProxyAccess | Revokes permissions from an authorized user who no longer accesses a database instance by using the proxy endpoints generated by the secure access proxy feature. | |
DeleteProxy | Disables the secure access proxy feature for a database instance. | |
Sensitive field management | ListSensitiveColumns | Queries sensitive fields. |
ListSensitiveColumnsDetail | Queries the details of a sensitive field. | |
AddDesensitizationRule | Adds a masking rule. | |
ListDesensitizationRule | Queries masking rules. | |
ModifyDesensitizationStrategy | Modifies the masking rule bound to a specified field. | |
ListClassificationTemplates | Queries classification templates. | |
ChangeColumnSecLevel | Adjusts the sensitivity level of a field. |
Data query
API | Description |
ExecuteScript | Executes SQL statements. |
Data development
Category | API | Description |
Data warehouse development | CreateLakeHouseSpace | Creates a workspace for data warehouse development. |
GetLhSpaceByName | Queries the details of a workspace that is identified by the specified workspace name. | |
DeleteLakeHouseSpace | Deletes a workspace for data warehouse development. | |
ListLhTaskFlowAndScenario | Queries the information about task flows that correspond to different business scenarios in a workspace for data warehouse development. | |
AddLhMembers | Adds one or more administrators, members, or task flow developers to a workspace for data warehouse development. | |
DeleteLhMembers | Removes one or more members or task flow developers from a workspace for data warehouse development. | |
ChangeLhDagOwner | Changes the owner of a task flow. | |
Task orchestration | ListTaskFlow | Queries task flows. |
DeleteTaskFlow | Deletes a task flow. | |
OfflineTaskFlow | Unpublishes a published task flow. | |
ListTaskFlowInstance | Queries the execution records of a task flow. | |
GetTaskInstanceRelation | Queries the information about the nodes in an execution record of a task flow. | |
ListDAGVersions | Queries the published versions of a task flow. | |
ReDeployLhDagVersion | Redeploys one or all of the published versions of a task flow. | |
CreateTaskFlow | Creates a task flow. | |
DeleteTask | Deletes a task in a specified task flow. | |
MakeTaskFlowInstanceSuccess | Sets the status of a specified task flow to "Successful". | |
SuspendTaskFlowInstance | Suspends a task flow instance that is running. | |
PublishAndDeployTaskFlow | Publishes and deploys a specified task flow. | |
ListTasksInTaskFlow | Queries the tasks in a specified task flow. | |
UpdateTaskConfig | Updates the advanced configuration of a specified task. | |
ListTaskFlowConstants | Queries the constants for a specified task flow. | |
UpdateTaskFlowConstants | Updates the constants for a specified task flow. | |
ResumeTaskFlowInstance | Resumes a suspended task flow. | |
ListTaskFlowsByPage | Queries the execution records of task flows by page. | |
UpdateTaskContent | Updates the configuration of a specified task node. | |
UpdateScenario | Updates the name and description of a specified business scenario of a task flow. | |
ListScenarios | Queries the business scenarios. | |
DeleteScenario | Deletes a business scenario. | |
CreateScenario | Creates a business scenario. | |
UpdateTaskTimeVariables | Updates the time variables for a specified task. | |
UpdateTaskFlowTimeVariables | Updates the time variables for a specified task flow. | |
ListTaskFlowTimeVariables | Queries the time variables for a specified task flow. | |
UpdateTaskFlowCooperators | Updates the users who are involved in a specified task flow. | |
MoveTaskFlowToScenario | Moves a task flow to a specified business scenario. | |
UpdateTaskName | Updates the name of a specified task node. | |
ListTaskFlowCooperators | Queries the users who are involved in a specified task flow. | |
UpdateTaskOutput | Updates the output variables for a specified task node. | |
GetTask | Queries the configuration of a specified task node, including the time variables for the task. | |
UpdateTaskFlowSchedule | Updates the scheduling settings of a specified task flow. | |
StopTaskFlowInstance | Stops a task flow instance that is running. | |
ReRunTaskFlowInstance | Reruns a task flow instance. | |
CreateTask | Creates a task node for a specified task flow. | |
UpdateTaskFlowNotification | Updates the notification settings for task flows. | |
DeleteTaskFlowEdgesByCondition | Deletes task flow edges based on multiple conditions. | |
ListTaskFlowEdgesByCondition | Queries the edges of the directed acyclic graph (DAG) for a specified task flow based on multiple conditions. | |
UpdateTaskFlowEdges | Updates multiple start nodes and end nodes of specified edges of a specified task flow at a time. | |
GetTaskFlowGraph | Queries the DAG of a task flow. | |
UpdateTaskFlowRelations | Updates all the edges of a specified task flow. | |
UpdateTaskFlowNameAndDesc | Updates the name and description of a specified task flow. | |
UpdateTaskFlowOwner | Updates the owner of a specified task flow. | |
BackFill | Backfills data for task orchestration. |