Searches for the parsing result of a data tracking task.
Authorization information
Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description | Example |
OrderId | long | Yes | The ID of the ticket. You can call the ListOrders operation to query the ticket ID. | 420**** |
FilterStartTime | string | No | The start time of the time range in which you want to track data operations. The time must be in the yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss format. | 2023-04-23 00:00:00 |
FilterEndTime | string | No | The end time of the time range in which you want to track data operations. The time must be in the yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss format. | 2023-04-23 10:00:00 |
FilterTableList | array | No | The names of the tables for which you want to track data operations. | |
string | No | The name of a table for which you want to track data operations. | table2 | |
FilterTypeList | array | No | The types of data operations that you want to track. | |
string | No | A type of data operation that you want to track. | UPDATE | |
ColumnFilter | object | No | The condition to filter columns. | |
ColumnName | string | No | The name of the column. | c_payer_name |
Operator | string | No | The type of the operator used to configure the filter condition. Valid values:
Value | string | No | The value used in the filter condition. | 1 |
BetweenStart | string | No | The start value of the range used in the filter condition. This parameter takes effect only when Operator is set to BETWEEN. | 1 |
BetweenEnd | string | No | The end value of the range used in the filter condition. This parameter takes effect only when Operator is set to BETWEEN. | 10 |
InList | array | No | The IN list used in the filter condition. This parameter takes effect only when Operator is set to IN or NOT_IN. | |
string | No | A value in the IN list. This parameter takes effect only when Operator is set to IN or NOT_IN. | 1 | |
Tid | long | No | The ID of the tenant. You can call the GetUserActiveTenant or ListUserTenants operation to query the tenant ID. | 62*** |
Response parameters
Sample success responses
"RequestId": "0C1CB646-1DE4-4AD0-B4A4-7D47DD52E931",
"Success": true,
"ErrorMessage": "UnknownError",
"ErrorCode": "UnknownError",
"TrackResult": {
"TotalCount": 109,
"EventList": [
"DataAfter": [
"DataBefore": [
"EventLength": 4324,
"EventTimestamp": "2023-04-23 10:25:47",
"EventType": "UPDATE_ROWS",
"EventId": 1,
"RollSQL": "-- Timestamp:2023-04-23 10:25:47 #1\\r\\nUPDATE `dc_test`.`tb_chunk_dml` SET `id`=1 , `gmt_create`='2021-09-30T00:00:00' , `content`='2023-03-30 14:51:50' , `c1`='2023-04-17 13:42:03' , `c_id`=1 , `c13425`='b\\\\'' , `c432532535`= null , `c1432`= null , `c143243253`= null , `c1432535`= null , `c43125325`= null , `c3425325`= null WHERE (`id`=1)\""
"TableInfoList": [
"SchemaName": "prod_eb_vas",
"TableName": "import_table_test1",
"Columns": [
"ColumnName": "basic_platform",
"ColumnPosition": 1,
"ColumnType": "BIGINT",
"Fictive": true
"Description": "auto-description"
Error codes
For a list of error codes, visit the Service error codes.
Change history
Change time | Summary of changes | Operation |