Creates, configures, and starts a backup schedule.
Operation description
Before you call this operation, make sure that you fully understand the billing methods and pricing of Database Backup (DBS).
Authorization information
The following table shows the authorization information corresponding to the API. The authorization information can be used in the Action
policy element to grant a RAM user or RAM role the permissions to call this API operation. Description:
- Operation: the value that you can use in the Action element to specify the operation on a resource.
- Access level: the access level of each operation. The levels are read, write, and list.
- Resource type: the type of the resource on which you can authorize the RAM user or the RAM role to perform the operation. Take note of the following items:
- The required resource types are displayed in bold characters.
- If the permissions cannot be granted at the resource level,
All Resources
is used in the Resource type column of the operation.
- Condition Key: the condition key that is defined by the cloud service.
- Associated operation: other operations that the RAM user or the RAM role must have permissions to perform to complete the operation. To complete the operation, the RAM user or the RAM role must have the permissions to perform the associated operations.
Operation | Access level | Resource type | Condition key | Associated operation |
dbs:CreateAndStartBackupPlan | create |
| none |
Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description | Example |
BackupPlanId | string | No | The ID of the backup schedule. | dbstooi0******* |
Region | string | No | The ID of the region in which you want to store the backup data. You can query the supported regions of DBS by calling the DescribeRegions operation. | cn-hangzhou |
InstanceClass | string | Yes | The type of the backup schedule. Valid values:
A backup schedule type with higher specifications offers higher backup and restoration performance. For more information, see Select a backup schedule type.
| micro |
DatabaseType | string | Yes | The type of the source database. Valid values:
| MySQL |
BackupMethod | string | Yes | The method that is used to generate the backup file. Valid values:
| logical |
Period | string | No | Specifies whether to use yearly subscription or monthly subscription for the instance. Valid values:
| Year |
UsedTime | integer | No | The subscription duration.
| 1 |
PayType | string | No | The billing method. Valid values:
The default value is prepay. You can set this parameter to postpay only if you set BackupMethod to duplication.
| Postpaid |
DatabaseRegion | string | No | The region in which the database that you want to back up resides. Note
This parameter is required if the PayType parameter is set to postpay.
| cn-hangzhou |
StorageRegion | string | No | The region in which you want to store the backup data. Note
This parameter is required if the PayType parameter is set to postpay.
| cn-hangzhou |
InstanceType | string | No | The type of the source database instance. Valid values:
If PayType is set to postpay, this parameter is required.
| RDS |
StorageType | string | No | This parameter is unavailable. | N/A |
FromApp | string | No | The request source. Default value: OpenApi. You do not need to set this parameter. | OpenApi |
SourceEndpointInstanceType | string | Yes | The location of the source database. Valid values:
| RDS |
SourceEndpointRegion | string | No | The region in which the database that you want to back up resides. Note
This parameter is required if the SourceEndpointInstanceType parameter is set to RDS, ECS, DDS, Express, or Agent.
| cn-hangzhou |
SourceEndpointInstanceID | string | No | The ID of the database instance. Note
This parameter is required if the SourceEndpointInstanceType parameter is set to RDS, ECS, DDS, or Express.
| rm-uf6wjk5xxxxxxxxxx |
SourceEndpointIP | string | No | The endpoint of the database. Note
This parameter is required if the SourceEndpointInstanceType parameter is set to Express, Agent, or Other.
| |
SourceEndpointPort | integer | No | The port of the database. Note
This parameter is required if the SourceEndpointInstanceType parameter is set to Express, Agent, Other, or ECS.
| 3306 |
SourceEndpointDatabaseName | string | No | The name of the database. Note
This parameter is required if the DatabaseType parameter is set to PostgreSQL or MongoDB.
| testRDS |
SourceEndpointUserName | string | No | The username of the account that is used to connect to the database. Note
This parameter is required except that the database is an SQL Server database that is connected to DBS over a DBS backup gateway or a Redis database.
| testRDS |
SourceEndpointPassword | string | No | The password of the account that is used to connect to the database. Note
This parameter is required except that the database is an SQL Server database that is connected to DBS over a DBS backup gateway or a Redis database.
| testPassword |
BackupGatewayId | long | No | The backup gateway ID. Note
| 23313123312 |
OSSBucketName | string | No | The name of the Object Storage Service (OSS) bucket used to store backup files. By default, the system automatically generates a name for the OSS bucket. | TestOssBucket |
BackupObjects | string | No | The object to be backed up. | \[ { "DBName":"Name of the database to be backed up", "SchemaName":"Name of the schema to be backed up", "TableIncludes":\[{ "TableName":"Name of the table to be backed up" }], "TableExcludes":\[{ "TableName":"Name of the table that you do not want to back up" }] } ] |
BackupPeriod | string | No | The day of the week on which you want to perform full backup. Valid values:
You can specify multiple values. Separate multiple values with commas (,).
| Monday |
BackupStartTime | string | No | The start time of full backup tasks. Specify the value in the HH:mm format. The time must be in UTC. | 14:22 |
EnableBackupLog | boolean | No | Specifies whether to enable the incremental log backup feature. Valid values:
| true |
BackupLogIntervalSeconds | integer | No | The interval at which you want to perform incremental log backups. Unit: seconds. Note
This parameter is required only if you set BackupMethod to physical.
| 1000 |
BackupRetentionPeriod | integer | No | The number of days for which the backup data is retained. Valid values: 0 to 1825. Default value: 730. | 730 |
DuplicationInfrequentAccessPeriod | integer | No | The number of days after which the storage class of the backup data is changed to Infrequent Access (IA). Default value: 180. | 180 |
DuplicationArchivePeriod | integer | No | The number of days after which the storage class of the backup data is changed to Archive. Default value: 365. | 365 |
BackupPlanName | string | Yes | The name of the backup schedule. | dbstooi0******* |
SourceEndpointOracleSID | string | No | The system ID (SID) of the Oracle database. This parameter is required if the source database is an Oracle database. | test |
BackupStorageType | string | No | The storage type. Valid values:
| N/A |
BackupSpeedLimit | long | No | The I/O limit for the disk. Unit: KB/s. Note
This parameter takes effect only when physical backups for MySQL databases are performed.
| 262144 |
BackupRateLimit | long | No | The network bandwidth throttling. Unit: KB/s. DBS allows a maximum bandwidth of 10 GB/s. Note
This parameter takes effect only when physical backups for MySQL databases are performed.
| 262144 |
BackupStrategyType | string | No | The backup method that you want to use for full backups. Valid values:
Default value: simple.
| simple |
CrossAliyunId | string | No | The unique ID (UID) of the Alibaba Cloud account to which the source database belongs. | 2xxx7778xxxxxxxxxx |
CrossRoleName | string | No | The name of the RAM role that is used to perform backups across Alibaba Cloud accounts. | test123 |
ClientToken | string | No | The client token that is used to ensure the idempotence of the request. | DBS |
ResourceGroupId | string | No | The ID of the resource group. | rg-aekzecovzti**** |
Response parameters
Sample success responses
"HttpStatusCode": 200,
"RequestId": "4F1888AC-1138-4995-B9FE-D2734F61C058",
"CreateBackupSet": true,
"ErrCode": "Param.NotFound",
"Success": true,
"ErrMessage": "The specified parameter %s value is not valid.",
"BackupPlanId": "dbs1hvb0wwweusfa",
"OrderId": "2056157***"
Error codes
HTTP status code | Error code | Error message |
403 | Request.Forbidden | Have no Permissions |
For a list of error codes, visit the Service error codes.
Change history
Change time | Summary of changes | Operation |