Updates a category.
Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Example | Description |
Action | String | Yes | UpdateMetaCategory |
The operation that you want to perform. |
CategoryId | Long | Yes | 2 |
Class ID. |
Name | String | Yes | category name |
The name of the class. |
RegionId | String | Yes | cn-shanghai |
The ID of the region where your project resides. |
Comment | String | No | category name |
The description of the category. |
Response parameters
Parameter | Type | Example | Description |
Data | Boolean | true |
Indicates whether the category update was successful. |
ErrorCode | String | Invalid.Tenant.ConnectionNotExists |
The error code. |
ErrorMessage | String | The connection does not exist. |
The error message. |
HttpStatusCode | Integer | 200 |
The HTTP status code. |
RequestId | String | 0bc1ec92159376 |
The ID of the request. |
Success | Boolean | true |
Indicates whether the request is successful. |
Sample requests
http(s)://[Endpoint]/? Action=UpdateMetaCategory &CategoryId=2 &Name=category name &RegionId=cn-shanghai &<common request parameters>
Sample success responses
<RequestId>0bc1ec92159376</RequestId> <HttpStatusCode>200</HttpStatusCode> <Data>true</Data> <Success>true</Success>
{ "RequestId": "0bc1ec92159376", "HttpStatusCode": 200, "Data": true, "Success": true }
Error codes
HttpCode | Error codes | Error message | Description |
403 | Forbidden.Access | Access is forbidden. Activate DataWorks first. | You have restricted access. Please activate DataWorks Enterprise Edition or above. |
500 | InternalError.System | An internal system error occurred. Try again later. | An internal system error occurred. Please try again later. |
500 | InternalError.UserId.Missing | An internal system error occurred. Try again later. | An internal system error occurred. Please try again later. |
403 | ResourceNotAuthorized.Api | You are not authorized to access the resources. | You cannot access resources without authorization. |
429 | Throttling.Api | The request for this resource has exceeded your available limit. | The request for the resource exceeds your available upper limit. |
429 | Throttling.Api.Risk | The request for this resource has exceeded your daily available limit. | The request for the resource has exceeded your daily availability limit. |
429 | Throttling.System | The DataWorks system is busy. Try again later. | DataWorks the system is busy, please try again later. |
429 | Throttling.User | Your request is too frequent. Try again later. | Your request is too frequent, please try to slow down the request speed. |
403 | Forbidden.Meta.NoTenant | The user is not the owner of any tenants. | The current user is not the owner of any of the tenants. |
500 | InternalError.Meta.NoCalcEngine | An error occurred while retrieving the compute engine based on the MaxCompute project. | Failed to get compute engine based on maxcompute project {0}. |
500 | InternalError.Meta.TenantTimeOut | Failed to connect to the interface network. | The interface network is disconnected. |
500 | InternalError.Meta.Unknown | An unknown error occurred while processing your request. | Resolve the error based on the error message. |
403 | Invalid.Meta.CategoryForbidden | Failed to delete the category. The current category is associated with a table and cannot be operated. | Failed to delete a category because an associated table exists for the category. |
400 | Invalid.Meta.CategoryIllegalDepth | A category can contain a maximum of 4 levels. | The category level exceeds 4 levels. |
403 | Invalid.Meta.CategoryIllegalTenant | The tenant ID is different in the parent and child categories. | Tenant IDs for parent-child classes are inconsistent. |
400 | Invalid.Meta.CategoryNameDuplicate | The category name is duplicated at this level. | Duplicate category names at the same level. |
500 | Invalid.Meta.CategoryRelationDuplicate" | The table is already bound to the category. | The category is already associated with the table. |
400 | Invalid.Meta.TableNotExist | The table does not exist. | The error message returned because |
400 | InvalidParameter.Meta.CommonError | The specified parameter is invalid. | The error message returned because one or more request parameters are invalid. |
400 | InvalidParameter.Meta.GuidFormat | The GUID format is invalid. | Bad Guid information. |
400 | InvalidParameter.Meta.Illegal | The app guid parameter is invalid. | The error message returned because the App parameter is invalid. |
400 | InvalidParameter.Meta.IllegalDate | The date format is invalid. | Date format error. |
400 | InvalidParameter.Meta.IllegalPageError | The parameter for paging is invalid. | The pagination information is incorrect. |
400 | InvalidParameter.Meta.NotExist | The object does not exist. | Data does not exist. |
Go to the Error Center.For more information, see error codes.