Queries the information about a baseline based on its ID.
Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Example | Description |
Action | String | Yes | GetBaseline | The operation that you want to perform. Set the value to GetBaseline. |
BaselineId | Long | Yes | 123456 | The baseline ID. You can call the ListBaselines operation to query the ID. |
ProjectId | Long | Yes | 10000 | The ID of the workspace to which the baseline belongs. You can call the ListBaselines operation to query the ID. |
Response parameters
Parameter | Type | Example | Description |
Success | Boolean | true | Indicates whether the request was successful. Valid values:
ErrorCode | String | 1031203110005 | The error code. |
ErrorMessage | String | The specified parameters are invalid | The error message. |
HttpStatusCode | Integer | 200 | The HTTP status code. |
Data | Object | The data returned. | |
BaselineId | Long | 1001 | The baseline ID. |
BaselineName | String | Test baseline | The name of the baseline. |
ProjectId | Long | 10000 | The workspace ID. |
Owner | String | 9527952**** | The owner. |
Priority | Integer | 1 | The priority of the baseline. Valid values: 1, 3, 5, 7, and 8. |
BaselineType | String | DAILY | The type of the baseline. Valid values:
OverTimeSettings | Array of OverTimeSetting | The settings of the committed completion time of the baseline. | |
Cycle | Integer | 1 | The cycle that corresponds to the committed completion time. For a day-level baseline, the value of this parameter is 1. For an hour-level baseline, the value of this parameter cannot exceed 24. |
Time | String | 00:00 | The committed completion time. The time is in the hh:mm format. Valid values of hh: 0 to 47. Valid values of mm: 0 to 59. |
Enabled | Boolean | true | Indicates whether the baseline is enabled. |
NodeIds | Array of Long | 700003559814 | The node IDs. |
AlertEnabled | Boolean | true | Indicates whether the alerting feature is enabled. Valid values:
AlertMarginThreshold | Integer | 60 | The alert margin threshold. Unit: minutes. |
AlertSettings | Array of AlertSetting | The alert settings. | |
AlertType | String | BASELINE | The type of the alert. Valid values:
AlertMethods | Array of String | The alert notification methods. Valid values:
| |
SilenceStartTime | String | 00:00:00 | The beginning of the time range for silence. The time is in the HH:mm:ss format. |
SilenceEndTime | String | 00:00:00 | The end of the time range for silence. The time is in the HH:mm:ss format. |
AlertInterval | Integer | 900 | The interval at which an event alert notification is sent. Unit: seconds. |
AlertMaximum | Integer | 1 | The maximum number of times an event alert notification is sent. |
DingRobots | Array of DingRobot | The DingTalk chatbots. | |
WebUrl | String | https://oapi.dingtalk.com/robot/send?access_token=xxx | The webhook URL of the DingTalk chatbot. |
AtAll | Boolean | true | Indicates whether all members were reminded by using the at sign (@). |
Webhooks | Array of String | https://open.feishu.cn/open-apis/bot/v2/hook/xxx | The webhook URL of the WeCom or Lark chatbot. If multiple webhook URLs are involved, the webhook URLs are separated by commas (,). The value of AlertMethods must include WEBHOOKS. Only DataWorks Enterprise Edition supports this parameter. The webhook URL-based alerting feature is supported in the following regions: China (Shanghai), China (Chengdu), China (Zhangjiakou), China (Beijing), China (Hangzhou), China (Shenzhen), China (Hong Kong), Germany (Frankfurt), and Singapore. |
TopicTypes | Array of String | SLOW | The type of the event alert. Valid values:
BaselineAlertEnabled | Boolean | false | Indicates whether the baseline alerting feature is enabled. The feature is specific to baselines. Valid values:
AlertRecipientType | String | OWNER | The type of the alert recipient. Valid values:
AlertRecipient | String | 123123 | The details of the alert recipient.
RequestId | String | ecb967ec-c137-48a5-860**** | The request ID. |
Sample requests
&<Common request parameters>
Sample success responses
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
<ErrorMessage>The specified parameters are invalid</ErrorMessage>
<BaselineName>Test baseline</BaselineName>
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"Success" : true,
"ErrorCode" : "1031203110005",
"ErrorMessage" : "The specified parameters are invalid",
"HttpStatusCode" : 200,
"Data" : {
"BaselineId" : 1001,
"BaselineName" : "Test baseline",
"ProjectId" : 10000,
"Owner" : "9527952****",
"Priority" : 1,
"BaselineType" : "DAILY",
"OverTimeSettings" : [ {
"Cycle" : 1,
"Time" : "00:00"
} ],
"Enabled" : true,
"TaskIds" : [ 123123 ],
"AlertEnabled" : true,
"AlertMarginThreshold" : 60,
"AlertSettings" : [ {
"AlertType" : "BASELINE",
"AlertMethods" : [ "MAIL" ],
"SilenceStartTime" : "00:00:00",
"SilenceEndTime" : "00:00:00",
"AlertInterval" : 900,
"AlertMaximum" : 1,
"DingRobots" : [ {
"WebUrl" : "https://oapi.dingtalk.com/robot/send?access_token=xxx",
"AtAll" : true
} ],
"Webhooks" : [ "https://open.feishu.cn/open-apis/bot/v2/hook/xxx" ],
"TopicTypes" : [ "SLOW" ],
"BaselineAlertEnabled" : false,
"AlertRecipientType" : "OWNER",
"AlertRecipient" : "123123"
} ]
"RequestId" : "ecb967ec-c137-48a5-860****"
Error codes
For a list of error codes, see Service error codes.