Adds or modifies the recipients to which alert notifications are sent based on an event-triggered alert rule.
Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Example | Description |
Action | String | Yes | PutEventRuleTargets |
The operation that you want to perform. Set the value to PutEventRuleTargets. |
RuleName | String | Yes | testEventRule |
The name of the event-triggered alert rule. |
FcParameters.N.FunctionName | String | No | fc-test |
The name of the function. Valid values of N: 1 to 5. |
FcParameters.N.Region | String | No | cn-hangzhou |
The region where Function Compute is deployed. Valid values of N: 1 to 5. |
FcParameters.N.ServiceName | String | No | fc-test |
The name of the Function Compute service. Valid values of N: 1 to 5. |
FcParameters.N.Id | String | No | 1 |
The ID of the recipient that receives alert notifications. Valid values of N: 1 to 5. |
ContactParameters.N.ContactGroupName | String | No | Default alert contact group |
The name of the alert contact group. Valid values of N: 1 to 5. |
ContactParameters.N.Id | String | No | 2 |
The ID of the recipient that receives alert notifications. Valid values of N: 1 to 5. |
ContactParameters.N.Level | String | No | 3 |
The alert notification methods. Valid values of N: 1 to 5. Valid values: 4: Alert notifications are sent by using DingTalk chatbots and emails. |
MnsParameters.N.Region | String | No | cn-hangzhou |
The region where Message Service (MNS) is deployed. Valid values of N: 1 to 5. |
MnsParameters.N.Queue | String | No | queue1 |
The name of the queue. Valid values of N: 1 to 5. |
MnsParameters.N.Id | String | No | 3 |
The ID of the recipient that receives alert notifications. Valid values of N: 1 to 5. |
MnsParameters.N.Topic | String | No | topic_sample |
The MNS topic. |
WebhookParameters.N.Protocol | String | No | http |
The name of the protocol. Valid values of N: 1 to 5. Valid values:
WebhookParameters.N.Url | String | No | |
The callback URL. Valid values of N: 1 to 5. |
WebhookParameters.N.Method | String | No | GET |
The HTTP request method. Valid values of N: 1 to 5. Valid values: GET and POST. |
WebhookParameters.N.Id | String | No | 4 |
The ID of the recipient that receives alert notifications. Valid values of N: 1 to 5. |
SlsParameters.N.LogStore | String | No | testlogstore |
The name of the Log Service Logstore. Valid values of N: 1 to 5. |
SlsParameters.N.Region | String | No | cn-hangzhou |
The region where Log Service is deployed. Valid values of N: 1 to 5. |
SlsParameters.N.Project | String | No | testproject |
The name of the Log Service project. Valid values of N: 1 to 5. |
SlsParameters.N.Id | String | No | 5 |
The ID of the recipient that receives alert notifications. Valid values of N: 1 to 5. |
OpenApiParameters.N.Action | String | No | PutLogs |
The name of the API operation. |
OpenApiParameters.N.Arn | String | No | acs:log:cn-hangzhou::project/cms-log-mon***/logstore/cxxxx*** |
The Alibaba Cloud Resource Name (ARN) of the resource. Valid values of N: 1 to 5. Format:
OpenApiParameters.N.Id | String | No | 3 |
The ID of the recipient that receives alert notifications sent by an API callback. |
OpenApiParameters.N.Product | String | No | log |
The ID of the cloud service to which the API operation belongs. |
OpenApiParameters.N.Region | String | No | cn-hangzhou |
The region where the resource resides. |
OpenApiParameters.N.Role | String | No | MyRole |
The name of the role. |
OpenApiParameters.N.Version | String | No | 2019-01-01 |
The version of the API. |
OpenApiParameters.N.JsonParams | String | No | {"customField1":"value1","customField2":"$.name"} |
The parameters of the alert callback. The parameters are in the JSON format. |
Response parameters
Parameter | Type | Example | Description |
Code | String | 200 |
The HTTP status code. Note The status code 200 indicates that the call was successful.
Message | String | The Request is not authorization. |
The error message. |
RequestId | String | 409C64DA-CF14-45DF-B463-471C790DD15A |
The ID of the request. |
Success | Boolean | true |
Indicates whether the call was successful. The value true indicates success. The value false indicates failure. |
FailedParameterCount | String | 2 |
The number of resources that failed to be created or modified. |
FailedContactParameters | Array of ContactParameter |
This parameter is returned if the specified alert contact groups in the request failed to be created or modified. |
ContactParameter | |||
ContactGroupName | String | Default alert contact group |
The name of the alert contact group. |
Id | Integer | 2 |
The ID of the recipient. |
Level | String | 3 |
The alert notification methods. Valid values: 4: Alert notifications are sent by using DingTalk chatbots and emails. |
FailedMnsParameters | Array of MnsParameter |
This parameter is returned if the specified queues in the request failed to be created or modified in MNS. |
MnsParameter | |||
Queue | String | testQueue |
The name of the MNS queue. |
Id | Integer | 2 |
The ID of the recipient. |
Region | String | cn-hangzhou |
The ID of the region. |
FailedFcParameters | Array of FcParameter |
This parameter is returned if the specified functions in the request failed to be created or modified in Function Compute. |
FcParameter | |||
ServiceName | String | serviceTest1 |
The name of the Function Compute service. |
FunctionName | String | functionTest1 |
The name of the function. |
Id | Integer | 1 |
The ID of the recipient. |
Region | String | cn-hangzhou |
The ID of the region. |
Sample requests
&<Common request parameters>
Sample success responses
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"RequestId" : "681CC49A-DD28-4D11-B86F-19D3F71E0EAE",
"Code" : "200",
"Success" : true
Error codes
For a list of error codes, visit the API Error Center.