Queries alert groups.
Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Example | Description |
Action | String | Yes | DescribeContactGroupList |
The operation that you want to perform. Set the value to DescribeContactGroupList. |
PageSize | Integer | No | 1 |
The number of entries to return on each page. |
PageNumber | Integer | No | 10 |
The number of the page to return. |
Response parameters
Parameter | Type | Example | Description |
Code | String | 200 |
The HTTP status code. Note The status code 200 indicates that the call was successful.
ContactGroupList | Array of ContactGroup | N/A |
The information about alert groups that were queried. |
ContactGroup | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Contacts | List | Jimmy |
The alert contacts in the alert group. |
CreateTime | Long | 1507070598000 |
The time when the alert group was created. This value is a UNIX timestamp that represents the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC. |
Describe | String | PE alert group |
The description of the alert group. |
EnableSubscribed | Boolean | true |
Indicates whether the alert group subscribes to weekly reports. Valid values:
EnabledWeeklyReport | Boolean | true |
Indicates whether the alert group can subscribe to weekly reports. Valid values:
Note The weekly report subscription feature is only available for Alibaba Cloud accounts
with more than five Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances.
Name | String | Contact1 |
The name of the alert group. |
UpdateTime | Long | 1589447759000 |
The time when the alert group was modified. This value is a UNIX timestamp that represents the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC. |
ContactGroups | List | { "ContactGroup": [ "ECS_Group", "Jim" ] } |
The names of alert groups. |
Message | String | The Request is not authorization. |
The returned message. |
RequestId | String | 916EE694-03C2-47B6-85EE-5054E3C168D3 |
The ID of the request. |
Success | Boolean | true |
Indicates whether the call was successful. Valid values:
Total | Integer | 22 |
The total number of the returned entries. |
Sample requests
http(s)://[Endpoint]/? Action=DescribeContactGroupList
&<Common request parameters>
Sample success responses
"ContactGroupList": {
"ContactGroup": [
"Describe": "",
"Contacts": {
"Contact": [
"CreateTime": 1507070598000,
"UpdateTime": 1589447759000,
"EnabledWeeklyReport": true,
"EnableSubscribed": false,
"Name": "Contact1"
"ContactGroups": {
"ContactGroup": [
"RequestId": "38516F54-0364-479E-AFCB-E856A4FFB67E",
"Total": 1,
"Code": "200",
"Success": true
Error codes
For a list of error codes, visit the API Error Center.