Queries the alert logs within the last year.
This topic provides an example to show how to query the alert logs of Elastic Compute Service (ECS) based on the product
Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Example | Description |
Action | String | Yes | DescribeAlertLogList | The operation that you want to perform. Set the value to DescribeAlertLogList. |
StartTime | Long | No | 1609988009694 | The start timestamp of the alert logs to be queried. Unit: milliseconds. Note
EndTime | Long | No | 1610074409694 | The end timestamp of the alert logs to be queried. Unit: milliseconds. Note
PageNumber | Integer | No | 1 | The number of the page to return. Default value: 1. |
PageSize | Integer | No | 10 | The number of entries to return on each page. Default value: 10. |
SearchKey | String | No | alert | The search keyword that is used to query alert logs. |
GroupId | String | No | 7301**** | The ID of the application group. |
Namespace | String | No | acs_ecs_dashboard | The namespace of the cloud service. Note For more information about the namespaces of cloud services, see Appendix 1: Metrics. |
Product | String | No | ECS | The abbreviation of the service name. For more information about how to obtain the abbreviation of a cloud service name, see DescribeProductsOfActiveMetricRule. |
Level | String | No | P4 | The severity level and notification methods of the alert. Valid values:
SendStatus | String | No | 0 | The alert status. Valid values:
If the value of the SendStatus parameter is 0, the value P4 of the Level parameter indicates a triggered alert and the value OK indicates a cleared alert. |
ContactGroup | String | No | ECS_Group | The alert contact group. |
RuleName | String | No | test123 | The name of the alert rule. |
MetricName | String | No | IntranetInRate | The name of the metric. Note For more information about the metrics of different cloud services, see Appendix 1: Metrics. |
LastMin | String | No | 360 | The statistical period of alert logs. Unit: minutes. |
GroupBy | String | No | product | The dimension based on which data is aggregated. This parameter is equivalent to the GROUP BY clause in SQL. Valid values:
RuleId | String | No | bc369e8_30f87e517ed2fc**** | The ID of the alert rule. For information about how to query the ID of an alert rule, see DescribeMetricRuleList. |
For more information about common request parameters, see Common parameters.
Response parameters
Parameter | Type | Example | Description |
RequestId | String | 1C4A3709-BF52-42EE-87B5-7435F0929585 | The request ID. |
Success | Boolean | true | Indicates whether the request was successful. Valid values:
Code | String | 200 | The HTTP status code. Note The status code 200 indicates that the request was successful. |
Message | String | The specified resource is not found. | The error message. |
PageNumber | Integer | 1 | The page number of the returned page. |
PageSize | Integer | 10 | The number of entries returned per page. |
AlertLogList | Array of Alarm | The alert logs. |
MetricName | String | cpu_total | The name of the metric. |
EventName | String | IOHang | The name of the event. |
Product | String | ECS | The identifier of the cloud service. Valid values:
BlackListUUID | String | 8410dbbd-7d30-41c5-94cb-**** | The universally unique identifier (UUID) of the blacklist policy. |
Message | String | {"alertName":"e47aa0ac-4076-44db-a47d-d1083968****_Availability"} | The alert information in a JSON string. |
Namespace | String | acs_ecs_dashboard | The namespace of the cloud service. |
LevelChange | String | P4->OK | Indicates whether the alert level was changed. Valid values:
InstanceId | String | i-m5e1qg6uo38rztr4**** | The resource ID. |
RuleName | String | CPU utilization | The name of the alert rule. |
RuleId | String | d582b9e9-b1c1-4f17-9279-0fe7333a****_ResponseTime | The ID of the alert rule. |
BlackListName | String | Black_Test | The name of the blacklist policy. |
GroupName | String | ECS_Instances | The name of the application group. |
GroupId | String | 7301**** | The ID of the application group. |
AlertTime | String | 1610043776621 | The timestamp that was generated when the alert was triggered. Unit: milliseconds. |
InstanceName | String | portalHost | The resource name. |
BlackListDetail | String | {"id":12****,"metricProject":"acs_ecs_dashboard","userId":173651113438****,"uuid":"8410dbbd-7d30-41c5-94cb-****","name":"alert-****","productCategory":"ecs","instances":[{"instanceId":"i-m5e1qg6uo38rztr4****"}],"metrics":null,"scopeType":"USER","scopeValue":"","startTime":"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z","endTime":"9999-12-31T23:59:59.999999999+08:00","effectiveTime":null,"isEnable":true,"status":1,"gmtCreate":"2021-11-02T16:35:59+08:00","gmtModified":"2021-11-02T16:35:59+08:00","loadTime":"2021-11-02T16:36:15.213072177+08:00"} | The details of the blacklist policy. |
Level | String | P4 | The severity level and notification methods of the alert. Valid values:
SendStatus | String | 0 | The alert status. Valid values:
If the value of the SendStatus parameter is 0, the value P4 of the Level parameter indicates a triggered alert and the value OK indicates a cleared alert. |
ExtendedInfo | Array of ExtInfo | The extended fields. |
Name | String | userId | The name of the extended field. |
Value | String | 100931896542**** | The value of the extended field. |
Dimensions | Array of Dimensions | The dimensions of the resource that triggered alerts. |
Key | String | instanceId | The key of the dimension. |
Value | String | i-m5e1qg6uo38rztr4**** | The value of the dimension. |
WebhookList | Array of WebhookList | The list of callback URLs. |
code | String | 200 | The status code of the alert callback. |
url | String | https://www.aliyun.com/webhook.html | The callback URL. |
message | String | success | The message returned for the alert callback. |
DingdingWebhookList | Array of String | https://oapi.dingtalk.com/robot/send?access_token=b7ff24032da1a5f86659ecda46797e13cc1d4e4da6903d7b014ea1d1488b**** | The webhook URLs of alert contacts. |
ContactOnCallList | Array of String | 1368888**** | The phone numbers of alert contacts that can receive alert phone calls. Note This parameter is valid only on the China site (aliyun.com). |
ContactMailList | Array of String | username@example.com | The email addresses of alert contacts. |
ContactGroups | Array of String | ECS_Group | The alert contact group. |
ContactALIIWWList | Array of String | Alice | The TradeManager IDs of alert contacts. Note This parameter is valid only on the China site (aliyun.com). |
ContactSMSList | Array of String | 1368888**** | The phone numbers of alert contacts that can receive alert text messages. Note This parameter is valid only on the China site (aliyun.com). |
ContactDingList | Array of String | CloudMonitor | The DingTalk chatbots of alert contacts. |
SendDetail | Object | The details about the sending results of alert notifications. |
ResultCode | String | success | Indicates whether the alert notifications are sent.
ChannelResultList | Array of ChannelResult | The list of sending results that are categorized by notification method. |
Channel | String | The method that is used to send alert notifications. Valid values:
ResultList | Array of Result | The sending results of alert notifications. |
Code | String | 200 | The HTTP status code.
RequestId | String | 0BDAF8A8-04DC-5F0C-90E4-724D42C4**** | The request ID returned when CloudMonitor calls another cloud service. |
Success | Boolean | true | Indicates whether the request was successful. Valid values:
Detail | String | { } | The details of the returned results. |
notifyTargetList | Array of String | The list of notification methods. |
Escalation | Object | The alert rule based on which the alert is triggered. |
Expression | String | $Average<90 | The description of the alert rule. Note This parameter is the content of the alert rule. If the metric value meets the alert condition, an alert is triggered. |
Times | Integer | 1 | The consecutive number of times for which the metric value meets the trigger condition before an alert is triggered. |
Level | String | P4 | The severity level and notification methods of the alert. Valid values:
SendResultList | Array of SendResult | The sending results of alert notifications. |
Key | String | The category of the alert notification method. Valid values:
Value | Array of String | username@example.com | The notification object corresponding to the alert notification method. |
LogId | String | 7510****::e8a472a0-46ae-4ac0-84b1-e46be368**** | The log ID. |
Sample requests
&<Common request parameters>
Sample success responses
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
<RuleName>CPU utilization</RuleName>
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"AlertLogList" : [ {
"GroupName" : "",
"ContactALIIWWList" : [ ],
"Message" : "{\"alertName\":\"d582b9e9-b1c1-4f17-9279-0fe7333a****_ResponseTime\",\"curLevel\":\"OK\",\"dimensions\":{\"taskId\":\"d582b9e9-b1c1-4f17-9279-0fe7333a****\",\"userId\":\"127067667954****\"},\"escalation\":{\"expression\":\"$Average>=800\",\"level\":P4,\"tag\":\"P4\",\"times\":1}",
"RuleId" : "d582b9e9-b1c1-4f17-9279-0f****_ResponseTime",
"Escalation" : {
"Expression" : "$Average>=800",
"Times" : 1,
"Level" : "P4"
"SendStatus" : "0",
"Product" : "acs_ecs_dashboard",
"MetricName" : "cpu_total",
"ContactSMSList" : [ ],
"RuleName" : "CPU utilization",
"ContactGroups" : [ "ECS_Group" ],
"DingdingWebhookList" : [ ],
"InstanceId" : "",
"LevelChange" : "P4->OK",
"Dimensions" : [ {
"Value" : "127067667954****",
"Key" : "userId"
}, {
"Value" : "i-abcdefgh12****",
"Key" : "instanceId"
} ],
"ContactOnCallList" : [ ],
"ContactDingList" : [ ],
"EventName" : "AlertOk",
"ExtendedInfo" : [ {
"Value" : "i-hp34y1eiszazu49y****",
"Name" : "instanceId"
}, {
"Value" : "100931896542****",
"Name" : "userId"
} ],
"Namespace" : "acs_ecs_dashboard",
"AlertTime" : 1610085521564,
"GroupId" : "7301****",
"InstanceName" : "portalHost",
"WebhookList" : [ ],
"ContactMailList" : [ ],
"Level" : "OK"
} ],
"RequestId" : "6FCB1AB7-57F7-4DDA-B14E-6468FAFE79D9",
"PageSize" : 10,
"PageNumber" : 1,
"Code" : 200,
"Success" : true
Error codes
HTTP status code | Error code | Error message | Description |
404 | ResourceNotFound | The specified resource is not found. | The specified resource is not found. |
For a list of error codes, see Service error codes.