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Application Real-Time Monitoring Service:Overview

最終更新日:Dec 10, 2024

The Real User Monitoring (RUM) sub-service of Application Real-Time Monitoring Service (ARMS) is available for commercial use from 00:00:00 (UTC+8) on June 24, 2024. It supports the pay-as-you-go billing method. This topic describes the billing method, billing cycle, and activation of the pay-as-you-go billing method for RUM.

Billing rules

You are charged based on the observability capacity units (OCUs) for RUM. The unit price is fixed and bills are settled on a daily basis.

The billable items are the number of sessions and custom reports. One OCU corresponds to a specific number of sessions and custom reports.

  • Number of sessions: A session is a period of interaction between a user and an application. The session remains active until the user logs out.

    All page visits, resource loading, and exceptions such as crashes, Application Not Responding (ANR) errors, and JS errors are included in a session. You are charged for RUM based on the number of sessions.

    The following list describes the time when a session is updated:

    • Web and H5 applications and mini-programs:

      • A user closes an application.

      • No active data is reported for more than 30 minutes.

    • Mobile apps:

      • A user closes an application.

      • A switchover is performed on the backend server for more than 25 seconds.

  • Number of custom reports: You can configure a custom reporting interface to report custom data such as custom events, custom exceptions, and custom information.

    The custom reporting capability is optional. It can help developers collect various types of custom data to facilitate the analysis of their own business scenarios. You are charged for RUM based on the number of custom reports.

Billable item


Default storage duration

Monthly free quota

Number of sessions


RUM splits over-long sessions during billing statistics:

  • If the duration of a session is less than four hours, you are charged based on one session. The number of billable sessions is one.

  • If the duration of a session exceeds four hours, the session is split into multiple billable sessions. The number of billable sessions is the session duration divided by four hours, which is rounded up to the nearest integer.

  • Web and H5 applications: 200 sessions = 1 OCU

  • Mini-programs: 100 sessions = 1 OCU

  • Mobile apps: 200 sessions = 1 OCU

  • Detail data: 30 days

  • Metric data: 90 days


The default storage duration is free of charge. You do not need to pay for the storage.

100 OCU

Number of custom reports

200 reports = 1 OCU


  • China (Hangzhou): USD 0.023 per OCU

  • Singapore and US (Silicon Valley): USD 0.033 per OCU


Go to the buy page of RUM and activate the sub-service as prompted.

Billing cycle

The billing cycle of RUM is one day. RUM starts to calculate the resource usage of the previous day at 04:00 each day. Generally, bills are generated before 08:00. If your Alibaba Cloud account has sufficient balance, the system deducts fees from the balance. You can view bills on the Expenses and Costs page and view resource usage in the ARMS console.