Queries the statistics on message publishing to a specified topic within a specified time range.


You can call this operation to query the statistics of messages that are published to a specified topic in the production environment. You can obtain the number of messages that are published to the topic or the transactions per second (TPS) for message publishing during each sampling period within a specified time range.

Note If your application publishes a small number of messages and does not publish messages at a specific interval, we recommend that you query the number of messages that are published to the topic during each sampling period because the statistics of TPS may not show a clear change trend.

Request limit

Each Alibaba Cloud account can call this operation up to 15 times per minute. If the number of requests that you send to call this operation within one minute reaches the request limit, new requests fail. This may interrupt your business. For information about the request limit of each operation, see API request limits.


By default, Alibaba Cloud accounts can call this operation. A Resource Access Management (RAM) user can call this operation only after the RAM user is granted the required permissions. The following table describes the permissions that must be granted to a RAM user to call this operation. For information about how to grant permissions, see Policies.



Resource in an instance that uses a namespace

Resource in an instance that does not use a namespace






Request parameters

Parameter Type Required Example Description
Action String Yes OnsTrendTopicInputTps

The operation that you want to perform. Set the value to OnsTrendTopicInputTps.

Topic String Yes test

The name of the topic that you want to query.

BeginTime Long Yes 1570852800000

The beginning of the time range to query. The value is a UNIX timestamp representing the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since the epoch time January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC.

EndTime Long Yes 1570868400000

The end of the time range to query. The value is a UNIX timestamp representing the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since the epoch time January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC.

Type Integer Yes 0

The type of information that you want to query. Valid values:

  • 0: the number of the messages that are published to the specified topic during each sampling period.
  • 1: the TPS for message publishing to the specified topic during each sampling period.
InstanceId String Yes MQ_INST_111111111111_DOxxxxxx

The ID of the Message Queue for Apache RocketMQ instance which contains the topic you want to query.

Period Long No 10

The sampling period. Unit: minutes. Valid values: 1, 5, and 10.

Response parameters

Parameter Type Example Description
RequestId String E213AD8A-0730-4B3D-A35A-340DA47D****

The ID of the request. The system generates a unique ID for each request. You can troubleshoot issues based on the request ID.

Data Object

The data that is returned.

Records Array of StatsDataDo

The data set that is returned based on each sampling period.

Y Float 0

Indicates the TPS for message publishing or the number of messages that are published to the topic.

X Long 1570852800000

Indicates the timestamp. The value is a UNIX timestamp representing the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since the epoch time January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC.

XUnit String time

The unit of the timestamp. Unit: milliseconds.

YUnit String msg

The unit of the value of the Y parameter.

Title String MQ_INST_111111111111_DOxxxxxx%test trend of received messages

The name of the table that stores the data.


Sample requests

&<Common request parameters>

Sample success responses

XML format

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

    <Title>MQ_INST_111111111111_DOxxxxxx%test-mq_topic trend of received messages</Title>

JSON format

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "Data" : {
    "Records" : {
      "StatsDataDo" : [ {
        "Y" : 0,
        "X" : 1570852800000
      }, {
        "Y" : 0,
        "X" : 1570853400000
      }, {
        "Y" : 0,
        "X" : 1570854000000
      }, {
        "Y" : 0,
        "X" : 1570854600000
      }, {
        "Y" : 0,
        "X" : 1570860600000
      }, {
        "Y" : 0,
        "X" : 1570861200000
      }, {
        "Y" : 0,
        "X" : 1570861800000
      }, {
        "Y" : 0,
        "X" : 1570862400000
      }, {
        "Y" : 0,
        "X" : 1570863000000
      }, {
        "Y" : 0,
        "X" : 1570863600000
      }, {
        "Y" : 0,
        "X" : 1570864200000
      }, {
        "Y" : 1,
        "X" : 1570864800000
      }, {
        "Y" : 0,
        "X" : 1570865400000
      }, {
        "Y" : 0,
        "X" : 1570866000000
      }, {
        "Y" : 0,
        "X" : 1570866600000
      }, {
        "Y" : 0,
        "X" : 1570867200000
      }, {
        "Y" : 0,
        "X" : 1570867800000
      }, {
        "Y" : 0,
        "X" : 1570868400000
      } ]
    "XUnit" : "time",
    "YUnit" : "msg",
    "Title": "MQ_INST_111111111111_DOxxxxxx%test trend of received messages"
  "RequestId" : "E213AD8A-0730-4B3D-A35A-340DA47D****"

Error codes

For a list of error codes, visit the API Error Center.

View statistics of messages in the console

In the Message Queue for Apache RocketMQ console, you can view the statistics of the messages that are published to a topic. For more information, see Dashboard.