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Last Updated:Feb 15, 2020


Global Traffic Manager (GTM) will begin charging for service from August 15, 2019.

  • During the open beta test, you can continue to use a GTM instance for free. However, when the instance expires, you must pay for renewing the instance. If you do not pay for the renewal, the instance will automatically stop the service.

  • During the open beta test, For instances that you have already renewed for free before August 15, 2019, you have a 6-month extended free period after the end of the public preview. However, instances that you have renewed multiple times for free with an expiration date later than February 15, 2020 will be released after February 24, 2020. To avoid service disruptions, we recommend that you migrate existing workloads to new GTM instances before February 24, 2020.

  • During the open beta test, For instances that you have already renewed for free before August 15, 2019, you have a 6-month extended free period after the end of the public preview. Instances with an expiration date before February 15, 2020 will not be automatically released before the expiration date. You can renew these instances before the expiration date to continue using them.


  1. On February 1, 2019, you purchased an instance that expires on August 1, 2019. You renewed the instance for free to extend the expiration date to February 1, 2020. In this case, you can renew the instance before February 1, 2020 to continue using it.

  2. On February 2, 2019, you purchased an instance that expires on August 2, 2019. You renewed the instance multiple times for free to extend the expiration date to February 2, 2022 (a date after February 15, 2020). To ensure business continuity, the instance will continue to run as expected for free until February 15, 2020. After February 15, 2020, the system will automatically release the instance. To avoid service disruptions, we recommend that you migrate important workloads to newly-purchased GTM instances before February 15, 2020.

Price description

1 . Billing method

GTM supports the subscription billing method.

2 . Billing cycle

The system calculates billing based on the specified duration starting from the purchase date in your purchase plan. The duration supports one month, two months, three months, four months, five months, six months, one year, two years, and three years.

3 . Prices

Version Price Billing description
Standard Edition USD 20 per month You must pay USD 20 each month for one GTM instance.

For example, if you purchase three GTM instances at a time and specify a 6-month duration, the subscription amount is:
USD 360 = USD 20 per month x 3 x 6 months

4 . Configurations

Feature Standard Edition
Health check interval 1 minute
Access policy granularity Region level

5 . Expiration description

The system notifies you of instance expiration seven days, three days, and one day before the expiration date. If you do not renew your instance upon expiration, the instance will automatically stop the service.