This topic describes the CreateAuditComplete event as well as its notification content and sample callbacks.

Event type


Event description

The CreateAuditComplete event is generated when the CreateAudit operation is called.

Event notification content

Parameter Type Required Description
EventType String Yes The event type. The value is CreateAuditComplete.
EventTime String Yes The time when the event is generated. The time is displayed in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format and in UTC.
Status String Yes Indicates whether the manual review is complete. Valid values:
  • success: The manual review is complete.
  • fail: The manual review failed to be complete.
MediaId String Yes The ID of the media resource.
SubType String Yes The type of the media resource.

video: audio and video

AuditStatus String Yes The result of the manual review. Valid values:
  • Normal: The media resource passes manual review.
  • Blocked: The media resource failed to pass manual review and is rejected.
CreationTime String Yes The time when the manual review is performed. The time is displayed in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format and in UTC.
Auditor String No The auditor who performs the manual review.
Reason String No The reason for the manual review.

Sample callbacks


  • For an HTTP callback, the following example is the body of the HTTP POST request.
  • For an MNS callback, the following example is the message body.
    "EventType": "CreateAuditComplete",
    "EventTime": "2017-03-20T07:49:17Z",
    "MediaId": "<Example ID>",
    "Status": "success",
    "CreationTime": "2017-03-20T07:49:17Z",
    "SubType": "video",
    "AuditStatus": "Blocked",
    "Reason":"Vulgar content"