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ApsaraVideo VOD:BatchSetVodDomainConfigs

Last Updated:Jul 19, 2024

Configures one or more domain names for CDN.

Operation description

Note This operation is available only in the China (Shanghai) region.


OpenAPI Explorer automatically calculates the signature value. For your convenience, we recommend that you call this operation in OpenAPI Explorer.

Authorization information

There is currently no authorization information disclosed in the API.

Request parameters


The domain name for CDN. Separate multiple domain names with commas (,).

The features to configure.

  • Set this parameter in the following format: [{"functionArgs":[{"argName":"domain_name","argValue":""}],"functionName":"set_req_host_header"}].
  • Specific features, such as filetype_based_ttl_set, support more than one configuration record. To update one of the configuration records, use the configId field to specify the record. [{"functionArgs":[{"argName":"file_type","argValue":"jpg"},{"argName":"ttl","argValue":"18"},{"argName":"weight","argValue":"30"}],"functionName":"filetype_based_ttl_set","configId":5068995}]
  • For more information, see the Feature description section.

Feature description

All parameter values are of the string type.

referer_white_list_setSpecifies the referer whitelist.refer_domain_allow_list: the referers to be added to the whitelist. Separate multiple referers with commas (,).

allow_empty: specifies whether an empty referer is allowed. Valid values: on and off.
referer_black_list_setSpecifies the referer blacklist.refer_domain_deny_list: the referers to be added to the blacklist. Separate multiple referers with commas (,).

allow_empty: specifies whether an empty referer is allowed. Valid values: on and off.
filetype_based_ttl_setSpecifies the time period after which a file expires.ttl: the expiration time of the cached content. Unit: seconds.

file_type: the file type. Separate multiple file types with commas (,). Example: txt,jpg.

weight: the weight of the file in the cache. Valid values: 1 to 199.
path_based_ttl_setSpecifies the time period after which a directory expires.ttl: the expiration time of the cached content. Unit: seconds.

path: the directory, which must start with a forward slash (/).

weight: the weight of the directory in the cache. Valid values: 1 to 99.
oss_authConfigures authentication for the access to an Object Storage Service (OSS) bucket.oss_bucket_id: the ID of the bucket.
ip_black_list_setSpecifies the IP address blacklist.ip_list: the IP addresses to be added to the whitelist. Separate multiple IP addresses with commas (,).
ip_allow_list_setSpecifies the IP address whitelist.ip_list: the IP addresses to be added to the whitelist. Separate multiple IP addresses with commas (,).
ip_white_list_setSpecifies the self-defined rules for the rate limit.ip_list: the IP addresses to be added to the whitelist. Separate multiple IP addresses with commas (,).
error_pageRedirects an error page to a specified page.error_code: the error code.

rewrite_page: the page to which the error page is redirected.
set_req_host_headerModifies the custom header of back-to-origin requests.domain_name: the custom host header of back-to-origin requests.
set_hashkey_argsIgnores the specified URL parameters.hashkey_args: the parameters to be reserved. Separate multiple parameters with commas (,).

disable: specifies whether to ignore all parameters. A value of on indicates that all parameters are ignored. A value of off indicates that none of the parameters are ignored.
aliauthConfigures Alibaba Cloud authentication.auth_type: the authentication type. Valid values: no_auth, type_a, type_b, and type_c.

auth_key1: the primary authentication key.

auth_key2: the secondary authentication key.

ali_auth_delta: the custom buffer time for authentication.

ali_auth_remote_desc: the pattern matching string.
set_resp_headerSpecifies a response header. To verify the setting, you can check the response message in a browser.key: the name of the response header. Valid values: Content-Type, Cache-Control, Content-Disposition, Content-Language, Expires, Access-Control-Allow-Origin, Access-Control-Allow-Methods, Access-Control-Allow-Headers, Access-Control-Max-Age, and Access-Control-Expose-Headers.

value: the content of the response header. If you want to delete the header, enter null.
https_forceConfigures force redirect to HTTPS.enable: specifies whether to enable force redirect to HTTPS. Valid values: on and off.
http_forceConfigures force redirect to HTTP.enable: specifies whether to enable force redirect to HTTP. Valid values: on and off.
l2_oss_keyConfigures private key authentication for back-to-origin requests from L2 nodes to private OSS buckets.private_oss_auth: specifies whether to authenticate the access to a private OSS bucket. Valid values: on and off.
green_managerConfigures pornography detection.enable: specifies whether to enable pornography detection. Valid values: on and off.
rangeConfigures object chunking.enable: specifies whether to enable object chunking. Valid values: on, off, and force.
video_seekConfigures video seeking.enable: specifies whether to enable video seeking. Valid values: on and off.
set_hashkey_argsIgnores the specified URL parameters.hashkey_args: the parameters to be reserved. Separate multiple parameters with commas (,).

disable: specifies whether to ignore all parameters. A value of on indicates that all parameters are ignored. A value of off indicates that none of the parameters are ignored.
tmd_signatureSpecifies the self-defined rules for the rate the name of the rule, which must be unique in the domain name.

path: the URI path. You can specify duplicate URI paths. However, you must verify their validity.

pathType: the matching rule. Valid values: 0 and 1. A value of 0 indicates a prefix match. A value of 1 indicates an exact match.

interval: the interval at which data is monitored. Unit: seconds. The interval must be greater than or equal to 10 seconds.

count: the number of visits from an IP address.

action: the operation to be performed after the specified conditions are met. Valid values: 0 and 1. A value of 0 indicates blocking. A value of 1 indicates bot detection.

ttl: the time period during which access is blocked. Unit: seconds.
ali_businessConfigures custom features.ali_business_type: required. The business type.

ali_business_table: the pattern matching string.
hls_token_rewriteConfigures M3U8 encryption and rewriting.enable: required. Specifies whether to enable M3U8 encryption and rewriting. Valid values: on and off.

hls_token_arg_name: the name of the appended parameter. If you do not specify the name, the parameter name MtsHlsUriToken is used.

Response parameters


The ID of the request.



Sample success responses


  "RequestId": "04F0F334-1335-436C-****-6C044FE73368"

Error codes

For a list of error codes, visit the Service error codes.

Change history

Change timeSummary of changesOperation
2023-05-19The Error code has changedView Change Details
2023-05-16The Error code has changedView Change Details

Common errors

The following table describes the common errors that this operation can return.

Error codeError messageHTTP status codeDescription
InvalidFunctions.MalformedSpecified Functions is malformed.400The error message returned because the value of the Functions parameter is invalid.
InvalidFunctionName.ValueNotSupportedFunctionName %s is not supported.400The error message returned because the %s feature name is invalid.
InvalidArgName.ValueNotSupportedArgName %s is not supported.400The error message returned because the %s parameter is invalid.
InvalidArgValue.MalformedSpecified ArgValue is malformed.400The error message returned because the value of the argValue field is invalid.