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Expenses and Costs:Enable features

Last Updated:Jan 15, 2025


Before you can use the features related to cost management, such as cost analysis and budget management, you must enable the features.


The features become available the next day after you enable the features. You are not charged for enabling the features.


Enable cost analysis

Log on to the Expenses and Costs console. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Cost Management > Cost Analysis. On the page that appears, perform the following operations:

  1. For first-time users of the cost analysis feature, enable the feature on the Cost Analysis page as prompted.

  2. View the brief description of the cost analysis feature.

  3. Click Activate for Free. In the Note message, click OK. The feature becomes available 48 hours after you enable it. You can use the feature to analyze costs after you purchase resources.


Enable budget management

In the left-side navigation pane of the Expenses and Costs console, choose Cost Management > Budget Management. On the page that appears, perform the following operations:

  1. For first-time users of the budget management feature, enable the feature on the Budget Management page as prompted.

  2. View the brief description of the budget management feature.

  3. Click Activate for Free. In the Note message, click OK. The feature becomes available 48 hours after you enable it. You can use the feature to manage your budgets after you purchase resources.
