Tair clients

Updated at: 2023-08-21 05:56

To facilitate the use of extended data structures of Tair, Tair clients are developed on top of specific Redis clients. You can use the Tair clients to call the extended data structures of Tair.

Tair client


Tair client



A Tair client that is developed based on Jedis.


A Tair client that is developed based on .NET Core 5.0 and StackExchange.Redis 2.5.61.


A Tair client that is developed based on go-redis.


A Tair client that is developed based on redis-py.

Tair is fully compatible with open source Redis. You can connect to a Tair instance in the same way as you connect to open source Redis. Therefore, you can use a client that is compatible with the Redis protocol to connect to a Tair instance. For more information, see Use a client to connect to a Tair instance.

Usage notes

Each client has specific errors and troubleshooting methods. We recommend that you search for errors in the official documentation of your client for troubleshooting.

For more information about the related common errors, see Common errors and solutions.

  • On this page (1, T)
  • Usage notes
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