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Certificate Management Service:List of operations by function

Last Updated:Feb 10, 2025
This product(cas/2020-04-07) OpenAPI adopts RPC Signature style. See signature details in Description of the signature mechanism. We have packaged SDKs for common programming languages for developers. Developers can directly call the OpenAPI of this product by downloading the SDK without paying attention to the technical details. If the existing SDK cannot meet the usage requirements, you can connect through the signature mechanism. It will take about 5 working days. Therefore, it is recommended to join our DingTalk service group (78410016550) and sign under the guidance of experts.
Before using the API, you need to prepare your identity account and access key (AccessKey) to effectively access the API through client tools (SDK, CLI, etc.). For details see getAccessKey.

Resource Group

MoveResourceGroupMoveResourceGroupChanges the resource group to which a certificate or certificate order belongs.

Deployment Tasks

ListDeploymentJobListDeploymentJobQueries a list of deployment tasks that are created.
DescribeDeploymentJobDescribeDeploymentJobQueries the details of a deployment task. You can call the CreateDeploymentJob operation to create a deployment task and obtain the ID of the task.
ListWorkerResourceListWorkerResourceQueries the details about the worker tasks of a deployment task. Alibaba Cloud allows you to deploy multiple certificates at a time. Therefore, a deployment task may include multiple worker tasks in multiple cloud services. A worker task refers to a task that deploys a certificate to a cloud resource in a cloud service.
DescribeDeploymentJobStatusDescribeDeploymentJobStatusQueries the number of worker tasks in a deployment task.
UpdateDeploymentJobUpdateDeploymentJobUpdates a deployment task.
ListDeploymentJobResourceListDeploymentJobResourceQueries the cloud resources of cloud services in a deployment task.
UpdateDeploymentJobStatusUpdateDeploymentJobStatusUpdates the status of a deployment task.
ListContactListContactQueries a list of contacts.
DescribeCloudResourceStatusDescribeCloudResourceStatusQueries the number of third-party cloud resources on which you deployed certificates by using a multi-cloud deployment task.
ListCloudResourcesListCloudResourcesQueries the certificate resources of a cloud service provider and cloud services.
ListDeploymentJobCertListDeploymentJobCertQueries the basic information about a deployment task. After you create a deployment task, you can call this operation to obtain the basic information about the deployment task, including the instance ID, type, and name of the certificate.
UpdateWorkerResourceStatusUpdateWorkerResourceStatusRolls back or executes a worker task in a deployment task.
DeleteWorkerResourceDeleteWorkerResourceDeletes the worker of a deployment task.
DeleteDeploymentJobDeleteDeploymentJobDeletes a deployment task.
ListCloudAccessListCloudAccessQueries a list of AccessKey pairs for multi-cloud deployment.
CreateDeploymentJobCreateDeploymentJobCreates a certificate deployment task. After an SSL certificate is issued, you can create a certificate deployment task to immediately deploy the certificate to an Alibaba Cloud service or deploy the certificate to the service at a specific point in time. Then, the certificate can implement trusted identity authentication and ensure the security of data transmission for your website hosted on the service.

Certificate applications

DescribeCertificateStateDescribeCertificateStateQueries the status of a specified certificate application order.
CreateCertificateWithCsrRequestCreateCertificateWithCsrRequestPurchases, applies for, and issues a domain validated (DV) certificate by using a custom certificate signing request (CSR) file. You can use extended certificate services to purchase and apply for a DV certificate with a few clicks.
CreateCertificateRequestCreateCertificateRequestPurchases, applies for, and issues a domain validated (DV) certificate by using extended certificate services.
DeleteCertificateRequestDeleteCertificateRequestDeletes an order in which the application for a domain validated (DV) certificate failed.
UploadUserCertificateUploadUserCertificateUploads a certificate.
GetUserCertificateDetailGetUserCertificateDetailQueries the details of a certificate.


DescribePackageStateDescribePackageStateQueries the quota for domain validated (DV) certificates that you purchase and the quota usage.
ListUserCertificateOrderListUserCertificateOrderQueries the certificates or certificate orders of users.
CreateCertificateForPackageRequestCreateCertificateForPackageRequestSubmits a certificate application.
CancelCertificateForPackageRequestCancelCertificateForPackageRequestRevokes an issued certificate and cancels the application order of the certificate.
CancelOrderRequestCancelOrderRequestCancels a certificate application order that is in the pending validation or being reviewed state.
RenewCertificateOrderForPackageRequestRenewCertificateOrderForPackageRequestSubmits a renewal application for an issued certificate.

Certificate Application Repository

GetCertWarehouseQuotaGetCertWarehouseQuotaQueries the API call quota for certificate application repositories. When you call API operations for signature generation, signature verification, data encryption, and data decryption, your API call quota for certificate application repositories is consumed. If your API call quota is exhausted, you can no longer call specific certificate application repository-related operations. You can call this operation to query the API call quota for certificate application repositories.
ListCertWarehouseListCertWarehouseQueries certificate repositories.
ListCertListCertQueries the certificates in a certificate repository.
SignSignSigns a private certificate in a certificate application repository.
VerifyVerifyVerifies the signature of a private certificate in a certificate application repository.
EncryptEncryptEncrypts a certificate in a certificate repository.
DecryptDecryptDecrypts a certificate in a certificate repository.
DeletePCACertDeletePCACertDeletes a private certificate from a certificate application repository.

CSR Management

ListCsrListCsrQueries the details of Certificate Signing Requests (CSRs).
CreateCsrCreateCsrCreates a certificate signing request (CSR). A CSR file contains the information about an SSL certificate that you want to apply for. The information includes the domain names that you want to bind to the certificate and the name and the geographical location of the certificate holder. When you submit a certificate application to a certificate authority (CA), you must provide a CSR. After the CA approves your certificate application, the CA uses the private key of the root CA to sign your CSR and generates a public key file. The public key file is the SSL certificate that the CA issues to you. The private key of the SSL certificate is generated when you create the CSR.
UploadCsrUploadCsrUploads an existing Certificate Signing Request (CSR). You can use the CSR when you upload a certificate. You can also manage the uploaded CSRs in a centralized manner.
GetCsrDetailGetCsrDetailObtains the content of a certificate signing request (CSR) file.
UpdateCsrUpdateCsrUploads or updates the private key for a Certificate Signing Request (CSR). If you did not upload the required priviate when you uploaded a CSR, you can call this operation to upload or update the private key.
DeleteCsrDeleteCsrDeletes a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) that is no longer required.


DeleteUserCertificateDeleteUserCertificateDeletes an expired or uploaded certificate.