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Simple Log Service:Use CloudLens for SLS to monitor project resource quotas

Last Updated:Dec 18, 2024

This topic describes how to use CloudLens for SLS to monitor the quota usage and overages of project resources based on error logs and metrics, and apply to increase resource quotas. Error logs and metrics belong to global logs.

Background information

CloudLens for SLS provides unified observability by using Simple Log Service. The application allows you to enable log collection for instance logs and global logs with a few clicks. Instance logs are classified into important logs, detailed logs, and job operational logs. Global logs are classified into audit logs, billing logs, error logs, and metrics.

Log type


Monitoring scenario

Instance logs

Detailed logs

Access traffic monitoring

Access exception monitoring

Important logs

Consumer group monitoring

Logtail collection monitoring

Job operational logs

Data transformation (new) monitoring

Scheduled SQL job monitoring

Global logs

Audit logs

Resource operation monitoring

Error logs

Quota overage monitoring

Access exception monitoring

Operation exception monitoring


Access traffic monitoring

Access exception monitoring

Resource quota usage monitoring

Billing logs

Resource usage tracking

For more information about log types, see Log types of CloudLens applications.


  • To monitor resource quota usage in real time, you must enable the log collection feature for the following global logs: error logs and metrics. The two types of global logs must be stored in the same project.

  • If monitoring logs are stored in a project that is in use, the resource quotas of the project are consumed. We recommend that you select the dedicated project that resides in a recommended region. For example, the log-service-{User ID}-cn-hangzhou project in the China (Hangzhou) region.

View the Quota Monitoring dashboard

On the Quota Monitoring dashboard of CloudLens for SLS, you can view the overview of resource quota alerting, the real-time quota usage details of key project resources, and the quota overage details of project resources.

  1. Log on to the Simple Log Service console.

  2. In the Log Application > Cloud Service Lens section, click CloudLens for SLS.

  3. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Report Center > Quota Monitoring to view the quota information.

Overview of resource quota alerting

The report displays the resources whose quota usage exceeds 80% and the distribution of resources whose quotas exceed the upper limit.


Real-time quota usage details of key project resources

The report displays the real-time usage details of basic project resource quotas and data read/write quotas.




Quota overage details of project resources

The report displays the quota overage details of project resources.


Resource monitoring

CloudLens for SLS supports basic monitoring for resource quotas and data read/write quotas, and advanced monitoring for Logstores, machine groups, and project writes.

  1. Log on to the Simple Log Service console.

  2. In the Log Application section, click CloudLens for SLS.

  3. In the left-side navigation pane of the CloudLens for SLS page, click Anomaly Detection to configure an alert rule for resource monitoring.

Quota monitoring

The following table describes the metric categories for quota monitoring.




Real-time usage monitoring

Basic Resource Quota Usage

  • Monitors whether the numbers of Logstores, machine groups, and Logtail configurations in a project exceed the specified thresholds.

  • Dependent Metricstore: internal-monitor-metric

Data Read/Write Quota Usage

  • Monitors the number of times that the write traffic quota of a project is exceeded and the number of times that the write operation quota of the project is exceeded.

  • Dependent Metricstore: internal-monitor-metric

Quota overage monitoring

Resource Quota Exceeded Count

  • Monitors the number of times that the basic resource quotas are exceeded and the number of times that the read/write quotas are exceeded.

  • Dependent Logstore: internal-error_log

Basic Resource Quota Usage

  1. Click Create Alert to configure an alert rule.

  2. Select a project for which you want to create an alert rule. You must select the project that stores error logs and metrics.

  3. Specify alert trigger conditions and an alert policy based on your business scenario.

    The following table describes the parameters that you can configure. You can retain the default settings for other parameters. For more information, see Configure an alert monitoring rule in Simple Log Service.



    Rule Name

    Basic Resource Quota Usage

    Check Frequency

    Fixed Interval, 15 Minutes

    Query Statistics

    • Type: Metricstore

    • Authorization: Default

    • Metricstore: internal-monitor-metric

    • Time Range: 15 Minutes(Relative)

    • Query:


      By default, an SQL statement can return a maximum of 100 rows of data. If you add limit 1000 to the end of the statement, a maximum of 1,000 rows of data can be returned.

      * | select Project, region, logstore_ratio, machine_group_ratio, logtail_config_ratio from 
      (SELECT as Project , A.region as region, 
      round(COALESCE(SUM(B.count_logstore), 0)/cast(json_extract(A.quota, '$.logstore') as double) * 100, 3)  as logstore_ratio,  cast(json_extract(A.quota, '$.logstore') as double) as quota_logstore, 
      round(COALESCE(SUM(C.count_machine_group), 0)/cast(json_extract(A.quota, '$.machine_group') as double) * 100, 3)  as machine_group_ratio, cast(json_extract(A.quota, '$.machine_group') as double) as quota_machine_group, 
      round(COALESCE(SUM(D.count_logtail_config), 0)/cast(json_extract(A.quota, '$.config') as double) * 100, 3)  as logtail_config_ratio, cast(json_extract(A.quota, '$.config') as double) as quota_logtail_config
      FROM  "resource.sls.cmdb.project" as A
      LEFT JOIN (
        SELECT project, COUNT(*) AS count_logstore
        FROM "resource.sls.cmdb.logstore" as B
        GROUP BY project
      ) AS B ON = B.project 
      LEFT JOIN (
        SELECT project, COUNT(*) AS count_machine_group
        FROM "resource.sls.cmdb.machine_group" as C
        GROUP BY project
      ) AS C ON = C.project
      LEFT JOIN (
        SELECT project, COUNT(*) AS count_logtail_config
        FROM "resource.sls.cmdb.logtail_config" as D
        GROUP BY project
      ) AS D ON = D.project 
      group by, A.quota, A.region) 
      where quota_logstore is not null and quota_machine_group is not null and quota_logtail_config is not null  and (logstore_ratio > 80 or machine_group_ratio > 80 or logtail_config_ratio > 80) limit 10000

    Group Evaluation

    Auto Label

    Trigger Condition

      • If one of the following conditions is met, a Critical alert is triggered: the Logstore quota usage exceeds 90%, the machine group quota usage exceeds 90%, and the Logtail configuration quota usage exceeds 90%.

      • If one of the following conditions is met, a Medium alert is triggered: the Logstore quota usage exceeds 80%, the machine group quota usage exceeds 80%, and the Logtail configuration quota usage exceeds 80%.

    • When data matches the expression logstore_ratio > 90 || machine_group_ratio > 90 || logtail_config_ratio > 90, Severity: Critical

    • When data matches the expression logstore_ratio > 80 || machine_group_ratio > 80 || logtail_config_ratio > 80, Severity: Medium


    Simple Log Service Notification

    Alert Policy

    Standard Mode

    Action Policy

    Select an existing action policy based on your business requirements, or click Add to create an action policy. For more information, see Create an action policy.


  4. After you configure the parameters, click OK.

Data Read/Write Quota Usage

  1. Click Create Alert to configure an alert rule.

  2. Select a project for which you want to create an alert rule. You must select the project that stores error logs and metrics.

  3. Specify alert trigger conditions and an alert policy based on your business scenario.

    The following table describes the parameters that you can configure. You can retain the default settings for other parameters. For more information, see Configure an alert monitoring rule in Simple Log Service.



    Rule Name

    Data Read/Write Quota Usage

    Check Frequency

    Fixed Interval, 15 Minutes

    Query Statistics

    • Type: Metricstore

    • Authorization: Default

    • Metricstore: internal-monitor-metric

    • Time Range: 5 Minutes(Relative)

    • Query:


      By default, an SQL statement can return a maximum of 100 rows of data. If you add limit 1000 to the end of the statement, a maximum of 1,000 rows of data can be returned.

      (*)| select Project, region, inflow_ratio, write_cnt_ratio from (SELECT as Project, cmdb.region as region, round(COALESCE(M.name1,0)/round(cast(json_extract(cmdb.quota, '$.inflow_per_min') as double)/1000000000, 3) * 100, 3) as inflow_ratio, round(COALESCE(M.name2,0)/cast(json_extract(cmdb.quota, '$.write_cnt_per_min') as double) * 100, 3) as write_cnt_ratio
       from "resource.sls.cmdb.project" as cmdb  
      LEFT JOIN (
           select project,  round(MAX(name1)/1000000000, 3) as name1, MAX(name2) as name2 from (SELECT __time_nano__ as time, element_at( split_to_map(__labels__, '|', '#$#') , 'project') as project,   sum(CASE WHEN __name__ = 'logstore_origin_inflow_bytes' THEN __value__ ELSE NULL END) AS name1,
        sum(CASE WHEN __name__ = 'logstore_write_count' THEN __value__ ELSE NULL END) AS name2
        FROM "internal-monitor-metric.prom" where __name__ in ('logstore_origin_inflow_bytes','logstore_write_count' ) and regexp_like(element_at( split_to_map(__labels__, '|', '#$#') , 'project') , '.*')  group by project,time )group by project) AS M ON = M.project) where inflow_ratio > 80 or write_cnt_ratio > 80  limit 10000

    Group Evaluation

    Auto Label

    Trigger Condition

      • If the usage of the write traffic quota of a project exceeds 90% or the usage of the write operation quota of the project exceeds 90%, a Critical alert is triggered.

      • If the usage of the write traffic quota of a project exceeds 80% or the usage of the write operation quota of the project exceeds 80%, a Medium alert is triggered.

    • When data matches the expression where inflow_ratio > 90 || write_cnt_ratio > 90, Severity: Critical

    • When data matches the expression where inflow_ratio > 80 || write_cnt_ratio > 80, Severity: Medium


    Simple Log Service Notification

    Alert Policy

    Standard Mode

    Action Policy

    Select an existing action policy based on your business requirements, or click Add to create an action policy. For more information, see Create an action policy.


  4. After you configure the parameters, click OK.

Resource Quota Exceeded Count

  1. Click Create Alert to configure an alert rule.

  2. Select a project for which you want to create an alert rule. You must select the project that stores error logs and metrics.

  3. Specify alert trigger conditions and an alert policy based on your business scenario.

    The following table describes the parameters that you can configure. You can retain the default settings for other parameters. For more information, see Configure an alert monitoring rule in Simple Log Service.



    Rule Name

    Resource Quota Exceeded Count

    Check Frequency

    Fixed Interval, 15 Minutes

    Query Statistics

    • Type: Logstore

    • Authorization: Default

    • Logstore: internal-error_log

    • Time Range: 15 Minutes(Relative)

    • Query:


      By default, an SQL statement can return a maximum of 100 rows of data. If you add limit 1000 to the end of the statement, a maximum of 1,000 rows of data can be returned.

      ((* and (ErrorCode: ExceedQuota or ErrorCode: QuotaExceed or ErrorCode: ProjectQuotaExceed or ErrorCode:WriteQuotaExceed or ErrorCode: ShardWriteQuotaExceed or ErrorCode: ShardReadQuotaExceed)))| SELECT Project,
      WHEN ErrorMsg like '%Project write quota exceed: inflow%' then 'The project write traffic quota is exceeded.'
      WHEN ErrorMsg like '%Project write quota exceed: qps%' then 'The project write operation quota is exceeded.'
      WHEN ErrorMsg like '%dashboard quota exceed%' then 'The dashboard quota is exceeded.'
      WHEN ErrorMsg like '%config count%' then 'The Logtail configuration quota is exceeded.'
      WHEN ErrorMsg like '%machine group count%' then 'The Machine group quota is exceeded.'
      WHEN ErrorMsg like '%Alert count %' then 'The alert rule quota is exceeded.'
      WHEN ErrorMsg like '%logstore count %' then 'The Logstore quota is exceeded.'
      WHEN ErrorMsg like '%shard count%' then 'The shard quota is exceeded.'
      WHEN ErrorMsg like '%shard write bytes%' then 'The shard write traffic quota is exceeded.'
      WHEN ErrorMsg like '%shard write quota%' then 'The shard write operation quota is exceeded.'
      WHEN ErrorMsg like '%user can only run%' then 'The concurrent SQL analysis operation quota is exceeded.'
          ELSE ErrorMsg
        END AS ErrorMsg, 
      COUNT(1) AS count GROUP BY Project, ErrorMsg Limit 1000

    Group Evaluation

    No Grouping

    Trigger Condition

      • If one of the preceding quotas is exceeded for more than 10 times, a Critical alert is triggered.

      • If one of the preceding quotas is exceeded for more than one time, a Medium alert is triggered.

    • When data matches the expression count > 10, Severity: Critical

    • When data matches the expression count > 1, Severity: Medium


    Simple Log Service Notification

    Alert Policy

    Standard Mode

    Action Policy

    Select an existing action policy based on your business requirements, or click Add to create an action policy. For more information, see Create an action policy.


  4. After you configure the parameters, click OK.

Advanced monitoring

The following table describes the metric categories for advanced monitoring.





Basic resource quotas

Logstore monitoring

Real-time Usage

  • Monitors whether the number of Logstores in a project exceeds the specified threshold.

  • Dependent Metricstore: internal-monitor-metric

Quota Exceeded

  • Monitors the number of times that the Logstore quota of a project is exceeded.

  • Dependent Logstore: internal-error_log

Machine group monitoring

Real-time Usage

  • Monitors whether the number of machine groups in a project exceeds the specified threshold.

  • Dependent Metricstore: internal-monitor-metric

Quota Exceeded

  • Monitors the number of times that the machine group quota of a project is exceeded.

  • Dependent Logstore: internal-error_log

Logtail configuration monitoring

Real-time Usage

  • Monitors whether the number of Logtail configurations in a project exceeds the specified threshold.

  • Dependent Metricstore: internal-monitor-metric

Quota Exceeded

  • Monitors the number of times that the Logtail configuration quota of a project is exceeded.

  • Dependent Logstore: internal-error_log

Data read/write quotas

Project write traffic monitoring

Real-time Usage

  • Monitors whether the write traffic of a project exceeds the specified threshold.

  • Dependent Metricstore: internal-monitor-metric

Quota Exceeded

  • Monitors the number of times that the write traffic quota of a project is exceeded.

  • Dependent Logstore: internal-error_log

Project write operation monitoring

Real-time Usage

  • Monitors whether the number of write operations of a project exceeds the specified threshold.

  • Dependent Metricstore: internal-monitor-metric

Quota Exceeded

  • Monitors the number of times that the write operation quota of a project is exceeded.

  • Dependent Logstore: internal-error_log

Logstore monitoring

Real-time Usage

  1. Click Create Alert to configure an alert rule.

  2. Select a project for which you want to create an alert rule. You must select the project that stores error logs and metrics.

  3. Specify alert trigger conditions and an alert policy based on your business scenario.

    The following table describes the parameters that you can configure. You can retain the default settings for other parameters. For more information, see Configure an alert monitoring rule in Simple Log Service.



    Rule Name

    Logstore Quota Usage

    Check Frequency

    Fixed Interval, 15 Minutes

    Query Statistics

    • Type: Metricstore

    • Authorization: Default

    • Metricstore: internal-monitor-metric

    • Time Range: 15 Minutes(Relative)

    • Query:


      By default, an SQL statement can return a maximum of 100 rows of data. If you add limit 1000 to the end of the statement, a maximum of 1,000 rows of data can be returned.

      * |  select Project, region, round(count_logstore/quota_logstore * 100, 3)  as logstore_ratio from 
      (SELECT as Project , A.region as region, COALESCE(SUM(B.count_logstore), 0)  AS count_logstore , cast(json_extract(A.quota, '$.logstore') as double)  as quota_logstore
      FROM  "resource.sls.cmdb.project" as A
      LEFT JOIN (
        SELECT project, COUNT(*) AS count_logstore
        FROM "resource.sls.cmdb.logstore" as B
        GROUP BY project
      ) AS B ON = B.project 
      group by, A.quota, A.region) where  quota_logstore is not null   order by logstore_ratio desc limit 1000

    Group Evaluation

    Auto Label

    Trigger Condition

      • If the number of Logstores in a project exceeds 90% of the quota, a Critical alert is triggered.

      • If the number of Logstores in a project exceeds 80% of the quota, a Medium alert is triggered.

    • When data matches the expression logstore_ratio > 90, Severity: Critical

    • When data matches the expression logstore_ratio > 80, Severity: Medium


    Simple Log Service Notification

    Alert Policy

    Standard Mode

    Action Policy

    Select an existing action policy based on your business requirements, or click Add to create an action policy. For more information, see Create an action policy.


  4. After you configure the parameters, click OK.

Quota Exceeded

  1. Click Create Alert to configure an alert rule.

  2. Select a project for which you want to create an alert rule. You must select the project that stores error logs and metrics.

  3. Specify alert trigger conditions and an alert policy based on your business scenario.

    The following table describes the parameters that you can configure. You can retain the default settings for other parameters. For more information, see Configure an alert monitoring rule in Simple Log Service.



    Rule Name

    Logstore Quota Exceeded

    Check Frequency

    Fixed Interval, 15 Minutes

    Query Statistics

    • Type: Logstore

    • Authorization: Default

    • Logstore: internal-error_log

    • Time Range: 15 Minutes(Relative)

    • Query:


      By default, an SQL statement can return a maximum of 100 rows of data. If you add limit 1000 to the end of the statement, a maximum of 1,000 rows of data can be returned.

      * and (ErrorCode: ExceedQuota or ErrorCode: QuotaExceed or ErrorCode: ProjectQuotaExceed or ErrorCode:WriteQuotaExceed)| SELECT Project, 
      COUNT(1) AS count where ErrorMsg like '%logstore count %' GROUP BY Project ORDER BY count DESC LIMIT 1000

    Group Evaluation

    No Grouping

    Trigger Condition

      • If the Logstore quota of a project is exceeded for more than 10 times, a Critical alert is triggered.

      • If the Logstore quota of a project is exceeded for more than one time, a Medium alert is triggered.

    • When data matches the expression count > 10, Severity: Critical

    • When data matches the expression count > 1, Severity: Medium


    Simple Log Service Notification

    Alert Policy

    Standard Mode

    Action Policy

    Select an existing action policy based on your business requirements, or click Add to create an action policy. For more information, see Create an action policy.


  4. After you configure the parameters, click OK.

Machine group monitoring

Real-time Usage

  1. Click Create Alert to configure an alert rule.

  2. Select a project for which you want to create an alert rule. You must select the project that stores error logs and metrics.

  3. Specify alert trigger conditions and an alert policy based on your business scenario.

    The following table describes the parameters that you can configure. You can retain the default settings for other parameters. For more information, see Configure an alert monitoring rule in Simple Log Service.



    Rule Name

    Machine Group Quota Usage

    Check Frequency

    Fixed Interval, 15 Minutes

    Query Statistics

    • Type: Metricstore

    • Authorization: Default

    • Metricstore: internal-monitor-metric

    • Time Range: 15 Minutes(Relative)

    • Query:


      By default, an SQL statement can return a maximum of 100 rows of data. If you add limit 1000 to the end of the statement, a maximum of 1,000 rows of data can be returned.

      * |  select Project, region, round(count_machine_group/quota_machine_group * 100, 3)  as machine_group_ratio from 
      (SELECT as Project , A.region as region, COALESCE(SUM(B.count_machine_group), 0)  AS count_machine_group , cast(json_extract(A.quota, '$.machine_group') as double)  as quota_machine_group
      FROM  "resource.sls.cmdb.project" as A
      LEFT JOIN (
        SELECT project, COUNT(*) AS count_machine_group
        FROM "resource.sls.cmdb.machine_group" as B
        GROUP BY project
      ) AS B ON = B.project 
      group by, A.quota, A.region) where  quota_machine_group is not null   order by machine_group_ratio desc limit 1000

    Group Evaluation

    Auto Label

    Trigger Condition

      • If the number of machine groups in a project exceeds 90% of the quota, a Critical alert is triggered.

      • If the number of machine groups in a project exceeds 80% of the quota, a Medium alert is triggered.

    • When data matches the expression machine_group_ratio > 90, Severity: Critical

    • When data matches the expression machine_group_ratio > 80, Severity: Medium


    Simple Log Service Notification

    Alert Policy

    Standard Mode

    Action Policy

    Select an existing action policy based on your business requirements, or click Add to create an action policy. For more information, see Create an action policy.


  4. After you configure the parameters, click OK.

Quota Exceeded

  1. Click Create Alert to configure an alert rule.

  2. Select a project for which you want to create an alert rule. You must select the project that stores error logs and metrics.

  3. Specify alert trigger conditions and an alert policy based on your business scenario.

    The following table describes the parameters that you can configure. You can retain the default settings for other parameters. For more information, see Configure an alert monitoring rule in Simple Log Service.



    Rule Name

    Machine Group Quota Exceeded

    Check Frequency

    Fixed Interval, 15 Minutes

    Query Statistics

    • Type: Logstore

    • Authorization: Default

    • Logstore: internal-error_log

    • Time Range: 15 Minutes(Relative)

    • Query:


      By default, an SQL statement can return a maximum of 100 rows of data. If you add limit 1000 to the end of the statement, a maximum of 1,000 rows of data can be returned.

      * and (ErrorCode: ExceedQuota or ErrorCode: QuotaExceed or ErrorCode: ProjectQuotaExceed or ErrorCode:WriteQuotaExceed)| SELECT Project, 
      COUNT(1) AS count where ErrorMsg like '%machine group count%' GROUP BY Project ORDER BY count DESC LIMIT 1000

    Group Evaluation

    No Grouping

    Trigger Condition

      • If the machine group quota of a project is exceeded for more than 10 times, a Critical alert is triggered.

      • If the machine group quota of a project is exceeded for more than one time, a Medium alert is triggered.

    • When data matches the expression count > 10, Severity: Critical

    • When data matches the expression count > 1, Severity: Medium


    Simple Log Service Notification

    Alert Policy

    Standard Mode

    Action Policy

    Select an existing action policy based on your business requirements, or click Add to create an action policy. For more information, see Create an action policy.


  4. After you configure the parameters, click OK.

Logtail configuration monitoring

Real-time Usage

  1. Click Create Alert to configure an alert rule.

  2. Select a project for which you want to create an alert rule. You must select the project that stores error logs and metrics.

  3. Specify alert trigger conditions and an alert policy based on your business scenario.

    The following table describes the parameter that you can configure. You can retain the default settings for other parameters. For more information, see Configure an alert monitoring rule in Simple Log Service.



    Rule Name

    Logtail Configuration Quota Usage

    Check Frequency

    Fixed Interval, 15 Minutes

    Query Statistics

    • Type: Metricstore

    • Authorization: Default

    • Metricstore: internal-monitor-metric

    • Time Range: 15 Minutes(Relative)

    • Query:


      By default, an SQL statement can return a maximum of 100 rows of data. If you add limit 1000 to the end of the statement, a maximum of 1,000 rows of data can be returned.

      * |  select Project, region, round(count_logtail_config/quota_logtail_config * 100, 3)  as logtail_config_ratio from 
      (SELECT as Project , A.region as region, COALESCE(SUM(B.count_logtail_config), 0)  AS count_logtail_config , cast(json_extract(A.quota, '$.config') as double)  as quota_logtail_config
      FROM  "resource.sls.cmdb.project" as A
      LEFT JOIN (
        SELECT project, COUNT(*) AS count_logtail_config
        FROM "resource.sls.cmdb.logtail_config" as B
        GROUP BY project
      ) AS B ON = B.project 
      group by, A.quota, A.region) where  quota_logtail_config is not null   order by logtail_config_ratio desc limit 1000

    Group Evaluation

    Auto Label

    Trigger Condition

      • The number of Logtail configurations in a project exceeds 90% of the quota, a Critical alert is triggered.

      • The number of Logtail configurations in a project exceeds 80% of the quota, a Medium alert is triggered.

    • When data matches the expression logtail_config_ratio > 90, Severity: Critical

    • When data matches the expression logtail_config_ratio > 80, Severity: Medium


    Simple Log Service Notification

    Alert Policy

    Standard Mode

    Action Policy

    Select an existing action policy based on your business requirements, or click Add to create an action policy. For more information, see Create an action policy.


  4. After you configure the parameters, click OK.

Quota Exceeded

  1. Click Create Alert to configure an alert rule.

  2. Select a project for which you want to create an alert rule. You must select the project that stores error logs and metrics.

  3. Specify alert trigger conditions and an alert policy based on your business scenario.

    The following table describes the parameters that you can configure. You can retain the default settings for other parameters. For more information, see Configure an alert monitoring rule in Simple Log Service.



    Rule Name

    Logtail Configuration Quota Exceeded

    Check Frequency

    Fixed Interval, 15 Minutes

    Query Statistics

    • Type: Logstore

    • Authorization: Default

    • Logstore: internal-error_log

    • Time Range: 15 Minutes(Relative)

    • Query:


      By default, an SQL statement can return a maximum of 100 rows of data. If you add limit 1000 to the end of the statement, a maximum of 1,000 rows of data can be returned.

      * and (ErrorCode: ExceedQuota or ErrorCode: QuotaExceed or ErrorCode: ProjectQuotaExceed or ErrorCode:WriteQuotaExceed)| SELECT Project, 
      COUNT(1) AS count where ErrorMsg like '%config count%' GROUP BY Project ORDER BY count DESC LIMIT 1000

    Group Evaluation

    No Grouping

    Trigger Condition

      • If the Logtail configuration quota of a project is exceeded for more than 10 times, a Critical alert is triggered.

      • If the Logtail configuration quota of a project is exceeded for more than one time, a Medium alert is triggered.

    • When data matches the expression count > 10, Severity: Critical

    • When data matches the expression count > 1, Severity: Medium


    Simple Log Service Notification

    Alert Policy

    Standard Mode

    Action Policy

    Select an existing action policy based on your business requirements, or click Add to create an action policy. For more information, see Create an action policy.


  4. After you configure the parameters, click OK.

Project write traffic monitoring

Real-time Usage

  1. Click Create Alert to configure an alert rule.

  2. Select a project for which you want to create an alert rule. You must select the project that stores error logs and metrics.

  3. Specify alert trigger conditions and an alert policy based on your business scenario.

    The following table describes the parameter that you can configure. You can retain the default settings for other parameters. For more information, see Configure an alert monitoring rule in Simple Log Service.



    Rule Name

    Project Write Traffic

    Check Frequency

    Fixed Interval, 15 Minutes

    Query Statistics

    • Type: Metricstore

    • Authorization: Default

    • Metricstore: internal-monitor-metric

    • Time Range: 15 Minutes(Relative)

    • Query:


      By default, an SQL statement can return a maximum of 100 rows of data. If you add limit 1000 to the end of the statement, a maximum of 1,000 rows of data can be returned.

      (*)| SELECT Project, region , round(count_inflow/cast(quota_inflow as double) * 100, 3) as inflow_ratio
      (SELECT as Project, cmdb.region as region, COALESCE(M.name1,0) as count_inflow, round(cast(json_extract(cmdb.quota, '$.inflow_per_min') as double)/1000000000, 3) as quota_inflow  from "resource.sls.cmdb.project" as cmdb  
      LEFT JOIN (
          select project,  round(MAX(name1)/1000000000, 3) as name1 from (SELECT __time_nano__ as time, element_at( split_to_map(__labels__, '|', '#$#') , 'project') as project,   sum(CASE WHEN __name__ = 'logstore_origin_inflow_bytes' THEN __value__ ELSE NULL END) AS name1
          FROM "internal-monitor-metric.prom" where __name__ ='logstore_origin_inflow_bytes' and regexp_like(element_at( split_to_map(__labels__, '|', '#$#') , 'project') , '.*') group by project,time )group by project) AS M ON = M.project )order by inflow_ratio desc  limit 1000

    Group Evaluation

    Auto Label

    Trigger Condition

      • If the usage of the write traffic quota of a project exceeds 90%, a Critical alert is triggered.

      • If the usage of the write traffic quota of a project exceeds 80%, a Medium alert is triggered.

    • When data matches the expression inflow_ratio > 90, Severity: Critical

    • When data matches the expression inflow_ratio > 80, Severity: Medium


    Simple Log Service Notification

    Alert Policy

    Standard Mode

    Action Policy

    Select an existing action policy based on your business requirements, or click Add to create an action policy. For more information, see Create an action policy.


  4. After you configure the parameters, click OK.

Quota Exceeded

  1. Click Create Alert to configure an alert rule.

  2. Select a project for which you want to create an alert rule. You must select the project that stores error logs and metrics.

  3. Specify alert trigger conditions and an alert policy based on your business scenario.

    The following table describes the parameter that you can configure. You can retain the default settings for other parameters. For more information, see Configure an alert monitoring rule in Simple Log Service.



    Rule Name

    Project Write Traffic Quota Exceeded

    Check Frequency

    Fixed Interval, 15 Minutes

    Query Statistics

    • Type: Logstore

    • Authorization: Default

    • Logstore: internal-error_log

    • Time Range: 15 Minutes(Relative)

    • Query:


      By default, an SQL statement can return a maximum of 100 rows of data. If you add limit 1000 to the end of the statement, a maximum of 1,000 rows of data can be returned.

      * and (ErrorCode: ExceedQuota or ErrorCode: QuotaExceed or ErrorCode: ProjectQuotaExceed or ErrorCode:WriteQuotaExceed)| SELECT Project, 
      COUNT(1) AS count where ErrorMsg like '%Project write quota exceed: inflow%' GROUP BY Project ORDER BY count DESC LIMIT 1000

    Group Evaluation

    No Grouping

    Trigger Condition

      • If the write traffic quota of a project is exceeded for more than 10 times, a Critical alert is triggered.

      • If the write traffic quota of a project is exceeded for more than one time, a Medium alert is triggered.

    • When data matches the expression count > 10, Severity: Critical

    • When data matches the expression count > 1, Severity: Medium


    Simple Log Service Notification

    Alert Policy

    Standard Mode

    Action Policy

    Select an existing action policy based on your business requirements, or click Add to create an action policy. For more information, see Create an action policy.


  4. After you configure the parameters, click OK.

Project write operation monitoring

Real-time Usage

  1. Click Create Alert to configure an alert rule.

  2. Select a project for which you want to create an alert rule. You must select the project that stores error logs and metrics.

  3. Specify alert trigger conditions and an alert policy based on your business scenario.

    The following table describes the parameter that you can configure. You can retain the default settings for other parameters. For more information, see Configure an alert monitoring rule in Simple Log Service.



    Rule Name

    Project Write Operation Quota Usage

    Check Frequency

    Fixed Interval, 15 Minutes

    Query Statistics

    • Type: Metricstore

    • Authorization: Default

    • Metricstore: internal-monitor-metric

    • Time Range: 15 Minutes(Relative)

    • Query:


      By default, an SQL statement can return a maximum of 100 rows of data. If you add limit 1000 to the end of the statement, a maximum of 1,000 rows of data can be returned.

      (*)| SELECT Project, region,  round(count_write_cnt/cast(quota_write_cnt as double) * 100, 3) as write_cnt_ratio
      (SELECT as Project, cmdb.region as region, COALESCE(M.name1,0) as count_write_cnt,
      cast(json_extract(cmdb.quota, '$.write_cnt_per_min') as bigint) as quota_write_cnt from "resource.sls.cmdb.project" as cmdb  
      LEFT JOIN (
          select project,  MAX(name1) as name1 from (SELECT __time_nano__ as time, element_at( split_to_map(__labels__, '|', '#$#') , 'project') as project, 
        sum(CASE WHEN __name__ = 'logstore_write_count' THEN __value__ ELSE NULL END) AS name1
        FROM "internal-monitor-metric.prom" where __name__  = 'logstore_write_count' and regexp_like(element_at( split_to_map(__labels__, '|', '#$#') , 'project') , '.*')  group by project,time )group by project) AS M ON = M.project ) order by write_cnt_ratio desc  limit 1000

    Group Evaluation

    Auto Label

    Trigger Condition

      • If the number of write operations of a project exceeds 90% of the quota, a Critical alert is triggered.

      • If the number of write operations of a project exceeds 80% of the quota, a Medium alert is triggered.

    • When data matches the expression inflow_ratio > 90, Severity: Critical

    • When data matches the expression inflow_ratio > 80, Severity: Medium


    Simple Log Service Notification

    Alert Policy

    Standard Mode

    Action Policy

    Select an existing action policy based on your business requirements, or click Add to create an action policy. For more information, see Create an action policy.


  4. After you configure the parameters, click OK.

Quota Exceeded

  1. Click Create Alert to configure an alert rule.

  2. Select a project for which you want to create an alert rule. You must select the project that stores error logs and metrics.

  3. Specify alert trigger conditions and an alert policy based on your business scenario.

    The following table describes the parameters that you can configure. You can retain the default settings for other parameters. For more information, see Configure an alert monitoring rule in Simple Log Service.



    Rule Name

    Project Write Operation Quota Exceeded

    Check Frequency

    Fixed Interval, 15 Minutes

    Query Statistics

    • Type: Logstore

    • Authorization: Default

    • Logstore: internal-error_log

    • Time Range: 15 Minutes(Relative)

    • Query:


      By default, an SQL statement can return a maximum of 100 rows of data. If you add limit 1000 to the end of the statement, a maximum of 1,000 rows of data can be returned.

      * and (ErrorCode: ExceedQuota or ErrorCode: QuotaExceed or ErrorCode: ProjectQuotaExceed or ErrorCode:WriteQuotaExceed)| SELECT Project, 
      COUNT(1) AS count where ErrorMsg like '%Project write quota exceed: qps%' GROUP BY Project ORDER BY count DESC LIMIT 1000

    Group Evaluation

    No Grouping

    Trigger Condition

      • If the write operation quota of a project is exceeded for more than 10 times, a Critical alert is triggered.

      • If the write operation quota of a project is exceeded for more than one time, a Medium alert is triggered.

    • When data matches the expression count > 10, Severity: Critical

    • When data matches the expression count > 1, Severity: Medium


    Simple Log Service Notification

    Alert Policy

    Standard Mode

    Action Policy

    Select an existing action policy based on your business requirements, or click Add to create an action policy. For more information, see Create an action policy.


  4. After you configure the parameters, click OK.

Apply to increase resource quotas

  1. Log on to the Simple Log Service console.

  2. In the Projects section, click the project that you want to manage.


  3. Click the image.png icon.

  4. Click Management next to Resource Quotas.

  5. In the Resource Quotas panel, increase the quotas of the required resources and click Save.image.png