This topic describes how to import trace data from PHP applications to Simple Log Service by using Zipkin.
Background information
A trace instance is created. For more information, see Create a trace instance.
PHP is installed.
Composer is installed.
Modify the parameters in the functions.php file.
Modify the $httpReporterURL parameter.
Replace the ${endpoint} variable in the code with the actual value. For more information about the variables, see Variables.
$httpReporterURL = 'https://${endpoint}/zipkin/api/v2/spans';
Table 1. Variables Variable
The endpoint. The format is ${project}.${region-endpoint}, where:
${project}: the name of the Simple Log Service project.
${region-endpoint}: the endpoint of the project. You can access Simple Log Service by using an endpoint of the Internet, the classic network, or a virtual private cloud (VPC). For more information, see Endpoints.
Add the headers parameter when you create the Zipkin\Reporters\Http file.
Replace the variables in the following code with the actual values. For more information about the variables, see Variables.
$reporter = new Zipkin\Reporters\Http( \Zipkin\Reporters\Http\CurlFactory::create(), ['endpoint_url' => $httpReporterURL, 'headers' => ['x-sls-otel-project' => '${project}', 'x-sls-otel-instance-id' => '${instance}', 'x-sls-otel-ak-id' => '${access-key-id}', 'x-sls-otel-ak-secret' => '${access-key-secret}'] ] );
Table 2. Variables Variable
The name of the Simple Log Service project.
The ID of the trace instance. For more information, see Create a trace instance.
The AccessKey ID of your Alibaba Cloud account.
We recommend that you use the AccessKey pair of a Resource Access Management (RAM) user who has only the write permissions on the Simple Log Service project. An AccessKey pair consists of an AccessKey ID and an AccessKey secret. For information about how to grant the write permissions on a specific project to a RAM user, see Use custom policies to grant permissions to a RAM user. For information about how to obtain an AccessKey pair, see AccessKey pair.
The AccessKey secret of your Alibaba Cloud account.
We recommend that you use the AccessKey pair of a RAM user who has only the write permissions on the Simple Log Service project.
Install dependencies.
composer install
Start the service.
composer run-frontend composer run-backend
Access the service and then send the trace data to Simple Log Service.
curl http://localhost:8081