If your Network Load Balancer (NLB) instance encounters network issues, such as request timeouts and throttling, or you need to check the load and performance of your NLB instance, you can query the monitoring metrics of your NLB instance to perform analysis and troubleshooting. This topic describes the monitoring metrics of NLB.
Usage Notes
To call the CloudMonitor API, you need to set the Namespace, Period, MetricName, and Dimensions parameters for your NLB instance.
Set Namespace to
.Period defaults to 60 (in seconds) and you can also set it to a multiple of 60.
Set Dimensions to a JSON string. Example:
. Set the instanceId field in Dimensions to the ID of your NLB instance.
NLB monitoring metrics
Metrics that can be viewed by using the console, API, or SDK
Category | Metric | Description | MetricName | Dimensions | Statistics |
Instance connection metrics | New connections to an instance per second | The number of new TCP and UDP connections to an NLB instance per second. Unit: Count/s | InstanceNewConnection | userId and instanceId | Average |
Dropped connections to an instance per second | The number of dropped TCP and UDP connections to an NLB instance per second. Unit: Count/s | InstanceDropConnection | userId and instanceId | Average | |
Active connections to an instance | The number of ESTABLISHED TCP connections to an NLB instance. Unit: Count Note A persistent connection can simultaneously transfer multiple file requests. | InstanceActiveConnection | userId and instanceId | Average | |
Inactive connections to an instance | The number of TCP connections not in the ESTABLISHED state as well as UDP connections to an NLB instance. Unit: Count | InstanceInactiveConnection | userId and instanceId | Average | |
Concurrent connections to an instance | The number of TCP and UCP connections to an NLB instance. Unit: Count | InstanceMaxConnection | userId and instanceId | Average | |
Instance bandwidth metrics | Inbound packets received per second by an instance | The number of TCP and UDP packets received per second by an NLB instance. Unit: Count/s | InstancePacketRX | userId and instanceId | Average |
Outbound packets sent per second by an instance | The number of TCP and UDP packets sent per second by an NLB instance. Unit: Count/s | InstancePacketTX | userId and instanceId | Average | |
Inbound bits received per second by an instance | The TCP and UDP traffic received per second by an NLB instance. Unit: bit/s | InstanceTrafficRX | userId and instanceId | Average | |
Outbound bits sent per second by an instance | The TCP and UDP traffic sent per second by an NLB instance. Unit: bit/s | InstanceTrafficTX | userId and instanceId | Average | |
Inbound packets dropped per second on an instance | The number of TCP and UDP packets that an NLB instance fails to receive per second. Unit: Count/s | InstanceDropPacketRX | userId and instanceId | Average | |
Outbound packets dropped per second on an instance | The number of TCP and UDP packets that an NLB instance fails to send per second. Unit: Count/s | InstanceDropPacketTX | userId and instanceId | Average | |
Inbound bits dropped per second on an instance | The TCP and UDP traffic that an NLB instance fails to receive per second. Unit: bit/s | InstanceDropTrafficRX | userId and instanceId | Average | |
Outbound bits dropped per second on an instance | The TCP and UDP traffic that an NLB instance fails to send per second. Unit: bit/s | InstanceDropTrafficTX | userId and instanceId | Average | |
Listener connection metrics | Active connections to a listener | The number of ESTABLISHED TCP connections to a listener port. Unit: Count Note A persistent connection can simultaneously transfer multiple file requests. | ActiveConnection | userId, instanceId, listenerPort, and listenerProtocol | Average |
Inactive connections to a listener | The number of TCP connections not in the ESTABLISHED state or UDP connections to a listener port. Unit: Count | InactiveConnection | userId, instanceId, listenerPort, and listenerProtocol | Sum | |
Concurrent connections to a listener | The number of TCP or UDP connections to a listener port. Unit: Count | MaxConnection | userId, instanceId, listenerPort, and listenerProtocol | Average | |
Dropped connections to a listener per second | The number of dropped TCP or UDP connections to a listener port per second. Unit: Count/s | DropConnection | userId, instanceId, listenerPort, and listenerProtocol | Average | |
New connections to a listener per second | The number of new TCP or UDP connections to a listener port per second. Unit: Count/s | NewConnection | userId, instanceId, listenerPort, and listenerProtocol | Average | |
Listener bandwidth metrics | Outbound packets sent per second by a listener | The number of TCP or UDP packets sent per second by a listener port. Unit: Count/s | ListenerPacketTX | userId, instanceId, listenerPort, and listenerProtocol | Average |
Inbound packets received per second by a listener | The number of TCP or UDP packets received per second by a listener port. Unit: Count/s | ListenerPacketRX | userId, instanceId, listenerPort, and listenerProtocol | Average | |
Outbound listener bandwidth | The TCP or UDP traffic sent per second by a listener port. Unit: bit/s | TrafficTXNew | userId, instanceId, listenerPort, and listenerProtocol | Average | |
Inbound listener bandwidth | The TCP or UDP traffic received per second by a listener port. Unit: bit/s | TrafficRXNew | userId, instanceId, listenerPort, and listenerProtocol | Average | |
Inbound packets dropped per second on a listener | The number of TCP or UDP packets that a listener port fails to receive per second. Unit: Count/s | DropPacketRX | userId, instanceId, listenerPort, and listenerProtocol | Average | |
Outbound packets dropped per second on a listener | The number of TCP or UDP packets that a listener port fails to send per second. Unit: Count/s | DropPacketTX | userId, instanceId, listenerPort, and listenerProtocol | Average | |
Outbound bits dropped per second on a listener | The TCP or UDP traffic that a listener port fails to send per second. Unit: bit/s | DropTrafficTX | userId, instanceId, listenerPort, and listenerProtocol | Average | |
Inbound bits dropped per second on a listener | The TCP or UDP traffic that a listener port fails to receive per second. Unit: bit/s | DropTrafficRX | userId, instanceId, listenerPort, and listenerProtocol | Average | |
Listener health check metric | Unhealthy backend instances for a listener | The number of unhealthy backend instances for a listener port. Unit: Count | ListenerUnhealthyServerCount | userId, instanceId, listenerPort, and listenerProtocol | Maximum |
Virtual IP address (VIP) (zone) connection metrics | Active connections to a VIP | The number of ESTABLISHED TCP connections to a specific VIP (zone) of an NLB instance. Unit: Count | VipActiveConnection | userId, instanceId, and vip | Average |
Inactive connections to a VIP | The number of TCP connections not in the ESTABLISHED state as well as UDP connections to a specific VIP (zone) of an NLB instance. Unit: Count | VipInactiveConnection | userId, instanceId, and vip | Average | |
Concurrent connections to a VIP | The number of TCP and UDP connections to a specific VIP (zone) of an NLB instance. Unit: Count | VipMaxConnection | userId, instanceId, and vip | Average | |
Dropped connections to a VIP per second | The number of dropped TCP and UDP connections to a specific VIP (zone) of an NLB instance per second. Unit: Count/s | VipDropConnection | userId, instanceId, and vip | Average | |
New connections to a VIP per second | The number of new TCP and UDP connections to a specific VIP (zone) of an NLB instance per second. Unit: Count/s | VipNewConnection | userId, instanceId, and vip | Average | |
VIP (zone) bandwidth metrics | Outbound bits through a VIP per second | The TCP and UDP traffic sent per second through a specific VIP (zone) of an NLB instance. Unit: bit/s | VipTrafficTX | userId, instanceId, and vip | Average |
Inbound bits through a VIP per second | The TCP and UDP traffic received per second through a specific VIP (zone) of an NLB instance. Unit: bit/s | VipTrafficRX | userId, instanceId, and vip | Average | |
Outbound packets through a VIP per second | The number of TCP and UDP packets sent per second through a specific VIP (zone) of an NLB instance. Unit: Count/s | VipPacketTX | userId, instanceId, and vip | Average | |
Inbound packets through a VIP per second | The number of TCP and UDP packets received per second through a specific VIP (zone) of an NLB instance. Unit: Count/s | VipPacketRX | userId, instanceId, and vip | Average | |
Dropped outbound bits through a VIP per second | The TCP and UDP traffic that an NLB instance fails to send through a specific VIP (zone) per second. Unit: bit/s | VipDropTrafficTX | userId, instanceId, and vip | Average | |
Dropped inbound bits through a VIP per second | The TCP and UDP traffic that an NLB instance fails to receive through a specific VIP (zone) per second. Unit: bit/s | VipDropTrafficRX | userId, instanceId, and vip | Average | |
Dropped inbound packets through a VIP per second | The number of TCP and UDP packets that an NLB instance fails to receive through a specific VIP (zone) per second. Unit: Count/s | VipDropPacketRX | userId, instanceId, and vip | Average | |
Dropped outbound packets through a VIP per second | The number of TCP and UDP packets that an NLB instance fails to send through a specific VIP (zone) per second. Unit: Count/s | VipDropPacketTX | userId, instanceId, and vip | Average |
Metrics that can be viewed by using the API or SDK
Category | Metric | Description | MetricName | Dimensions | Statistics |
Listener health check metric | Healthy backend instances for a listener | The number of healthy backend instances for a listener port. Unit: Count | ListenerHeathyServerCount | userId, instanceId, listenerPort, and listenerProtocol | Minimum |
For information about how to view NLB monitoring data, see View NLB monitoring data.