After you deploy an application in Serverless App Engine (SAE), you can associate the application with an Internet-facing Server Load Balancer (SLB) instance to implement Internet access. You can also associate the application with an internal-facing SLB instance to communicate with the other applications in the virtual private cloud (VPC) where your application resides. This topic describes how to use Terraform to associate an Internet-facing SLB instance with an SAE application and how to disassociate the SLB instance.


  • Terraform is installed.
  • Your account information is configured.

    You can select an Alibaba Cloud authentication method to provide the authentication information required by Terraform. The following example shows how to use environment variables to perform authentication:

    export ALICLOUD_ACCESS_KEY="************"
    export ALICLOUD_SECRET_KEY="************"
    export ALICLOUD_REGION="cn-hangzhou"
    Note To ensure data security, we recommend that you grant a RAM user the permissions to manage SAE resources based on your business requirements. For more information, see Grant permissions to a RAM user.

Background information

To associate an SLB instance with an SAE application by using Terraform, you must configure the alicloud_sae_load_balancer_internet resource when creating the application. To disassociate an SLB instance from an application, you must delete both the SLB instance and the application. The alicloud_sae_load_balancer_internet resource of Terraform includes the following parameters:
  • Required:app_id: the ID of the application with which you want to associate the SLB instance.
  • Optional:internet_slb_id: the ID of the Internet-facing SLB instance.
  • Required:internet: specifies to associate the application with the Internet-facing SLB instance. Parameter description:
    • protocol: the network protocol. Valid values: TCP, HTTP, and HTTPS.
    • https_cert_id: the ID of the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate. This parameter is required if you set the protocol parameter to HTTPS.
    • target_port: the container port on which the process listens. The port is defined by the service. For example, a Web service uses port 8080 by default.
    • port: the port of the SLB instance. Valid values: 1 to 65535.

For more information, see alicloud_sae_load_balancer_internet.

Create an application and associate the application with an SLB instance

This section describes how to use an image to deploy an application, manually configure the application, and then associate the application with an SLB instance. The China (Hangzhou) region is used in this example.

  1. Create a project folder named terraform for storing Terraform resources.
  2. Run the following command to go to the project directory:
    cd terraform
  3. Create a configuration file named
    Sample code:
    terraform {
      required_providers {
        alicloud = {
          source  = "hashicorp/alicloud"
          version = "~> 1.164.0"
    # Specify the namespace.
    resource "alicloud_sae_namespace" "default" {
      namespace_description = var.namespace_description
      namespace_id          = var.namespace_id
      namespace_name        = var.namespace_name
    # Specify the security group.
    resource "alicloud_security_group" "sg" {
      name        =
      description = var.description
      vpc_id      = module.vpc.VPC_ID
    resource "alicloud_security_group_rule" "sg_rule" {
      type              = "ingress"
      ip_protocol       = "tcp"
      nic_type          = "intranet"
      policy            = "accept"
      port_range        = var.port_range
      priority          = 1
      security_group_id =
      cidr_ip           = var.cidr_ip
    module "vpc" {
      source  = ""
      zone_id = var.zone_id
    # Manually configure the application.
    resource "alicloud_sae_application" "manual" {
      app_name          = var.app_name
      app_description   = var.app_description
      deploy            = true
      image_url         = var.image_url
      namespace_id      =
      vswitch_id        = module.vpc.VSWITCH_ID
      vpc_id            = module.vpc.VPC_ID
      security_group_id =
      package_type      = var.package_type
      timezone          = "Asia/Beijing"
      replicas          = var.replicas
      cpu               = var.cpu
      memory            = var.memory
    # Configure an SLB instance.
    resource "alicloud_slb_load_balancer" "slb" {
      load_balancer_name = "prod"
      address_type       = "internet"
      load_balancer_spec = "slb.s2.small"
      vswitch_id         = module.vpc.VSWITCH_ID
    resource "alicloud_sae_load_balancer_internet" "example" {
      app_id          =
      internet_slb_id =
      internet {
        protocol    = "HTTP"
        port = var.port
        target_port = 80
    # Specify the description of the namespace.
    variable "namespace_description" {
      description = "Namespace Description"
      default     = "a namespace"
    # Specify the name of the namespace.
    variable "namespace_name" {
      description = "Namespace Name"
      type = string
    # Specify the ID of the namespace.
    variable "namespace_id" {
      description = "Namespace ID"
      type = string
    output "namespace_id" {
      value = var.namespace_id
      description = "Namespace ID"
    # Specify the name of the security group.
    variable "name" {
      default     = "tf"
      description = "The name of the security group rule"
      type        = string
    # Specify the description of the security group.
    variable "description" {
      default     = "The description of the security group rule"
      description = "The description of the security group rule"
      type        = string
    # Specify the port range.
    variable "port_range" {
      default     = "1/65535"
      description = "The port range of the security group rule"
      type        = string
    # Specify the Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) block.
    variable "cidr_ip" {
      description = "cidr blocks used to create a new security group rule"
      type        = string
      default     = ""
    # Specify the zone in the region.
    variable "zone_id" {
      description = "Availability Zone ID"
      type        = string
      default     = "cn-hongkong-b"
    # Specify the application name.
    variable "app_name" {
      description = "The name of the application"
      type        = string
    # Specify the description of the application.
    variable "app_description" {
      default     = "description created by Terraform"
      description = "The description of the application"
      type        = string
    # Specify the deployment method of the application.
    variable "package_type" {
      default     = "Image"
      description = "The package type of the application"
      type        = string
    # Specify the CPU specifications of the instance.
    variable "cpu" {
      default     = "500"
      description = "The cpu of the application, in unit of millicore"
      type        = string
    # Specify the memory size of the instance.
    variable "memory" {
      default     = "1024"
      description = "The memory of the application, in unit of MB"
      type        = string
    # Specify the number of application instances.
    variable "replicas" {
      default     = "1"
      description = "The replicas of the application"
      type        = string
    # Specify the port of the SLB instance.
    variable "port" {
      description = "The port of SLB"
      type        = string
      default = "8000"
    # Specify the address of the image.
    variable "image_url" {
      description = "The image url of the application, like ``"
      type        = string
    output "app_id" {
      description = "The id of the application"
      value       =
    output "app_name" {
      description = "The name of the application"
      value       = var.app_name
    output "endpoint" {
      value = format("http://%s:%s", alicloud_slb_load_balancer.slb.address, var.port)
  4. Run the following command to initialize the configurations:
    terraform init
  5. Perform the following steps to create an application.
    1. Run the following command to deploy the application:
      terraform apply
    2. Enter the following information as prompted:
      • app_name: the name of the application. Enter app-slb.
      • image_url: the address of the image. Enter****/****:01.
        You can log on to the Container Registry console and obtain the image address on the Details page of the repository. Format:
        registry.<regionId><Namespace name>/<Repository name>:<Image version>
      • namespace_id: the ID of the namespace. Enter cn-hangzhou:demo.
      • namespace_name: the name of the namespace. Enter demo.
      Expected output:
      Plan: 8 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy.
      Changes to Outputs:
        + app_id       = (known after apply)
        + app_name     = "app-slb"
        + endpoint     = (known after apply)
        + namespace_id = "cn-hangzhou:demo"
      alicloud_sae_namespace.default: Creating...
      module.vpc.alicloud_vpc.vpc[0]: Creating...
      module.vpc.alicloud_vpc.vpc[0]: Creation complete after 8s [id=vpc-bp1pe1dto1fxfecs6****]
      alicloud_sae_load_balancer_internet.example: Still creating... [50s elapsed]
      alicloud_sae_load_balancer_internet.example: Creation complete after 57s [id=807b04fb-7c91-4129-8315-0d01****]
      Apply complete! Resources: 8 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.
      app_id = "422e0338-04f4-442d-bfbe-b826895d****"
      app_name = "app-slb"
      endpoint = "http://121.43.XXX.XX:8000"
      namespace_id = "cn-hangzhou:demo"
    The app-slb application is created and associated with the SLB instance. The IP address and port of the SLB instance are displayed in the output.
  6. Verify the result.
    Enter the IP address and port of the SLB instance in the browser, such as http://121.43.XXX.XX:8000. Press Enter to go to the homepage of the application. sc_terraform_slb_test

Disassociate the SLB instance and delete the application

This section describes how to disassociate the SLB instance from an application and delete the application. The app-slb application in the China (Hangzhou) region is used in this example.

  1. Run the following command in the project directory to execute the configuration file:
    terraform destroy
  2. To delete the application, enter the following information as prompted:
    • app_name: Enter app-scaling.
    • image_url: Enter****/****:01.
      registry.<regionId><Namespace name>/<Repository name>:<Image version>

      You can log on to the Container Registry console and obtain the image address on the Details page of the repository.

    • namespace_id: the ID of the namespace. Enter cn-hangzhou:demo.
    • namespace_name: the name of the namespace. Enter demo.
    Expected output:
    alicloud_sae_namespace.default: Refreshing state... [id=cn-hangzhou:demo]
    module.vpc.alicloud_vpc.vpc[0]: Refreshing state... [id=vpc-bp1dmztolc522gckb****]
    alicloud_sae_load_balancer_internet.example: Refreshing state... [id=422e0338-04f4-442d-bfbe-b826895d****]
    Terraform used the selected providers to generate the following execution plan. Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols:
      - destroy
    Plan: 0 to add, 0 to change, 8 to destroy.
    Changes to Outputs:
      - app_id       = "422e0338-04f4-442d-bfbe-b826895d****" -> null
      - app_name     = "app-slb" -> null
      - endpoint     = "http://121.43.XXX.XX:8000" -> null
      - namespace_id = "cn-hangzhou:demo" -> null
    alicloud_security_group_rule.sg_rule: Destroying... [id=sg-bp1bmslkl1itv94n****:ingress:tcp:1/65535:intranet:]
    module.vpc.alicloud_vpc.vpc[0]: Destroying... [id=vpc-bp1dmztolc522gckb****]
    module.vpc.alicloud_vpc.vpc[0]: Destruction complete after 6s
    Destroy complete! Resources: 8 destroyed.
    The SLB instance is disassociated and the app-slb application is deleted.