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:List of operations by function

Last Updated:Feb 13, 2025
This product(sae/2019-05-06) OpenAPI adopts ROA Signature style. See signature details in Description of the signature mechanism. We have packaged SDKs for common programming languages for developers. Developers can directly call the OpenAPI of this product by downloading the SDK without paying attention to the technical details. If the existing SDK cannot meet the usage requirements, you can connect through the signature mechanism. It will take about 5 working days. Therefore, it is recommended to join our DingTalk service group (78410016550) and sign under the guidance of experts.
Before using the API, you need to prepare your identity account and access key (AccessKey) to effectively access the API through client tools (SDK, CLI, etc.). For details see getAccessKey.

Service opening

OpenSaeServiceOpenSaeServiceActivates Serverless App Engine (SAE) for free.

Common Service Management

Namespaces and VPCsNamespaces and VPCs
CreateNamespaceCreateNamespaceCreate a namespace.
DeleteNamespaceDeleteNamespaceDeletes a namespace.
DeleteIngressDeleteIngressDeletes a routing rule.
UpdateNamespaceUpdateNamespaceUpdates the information about a namespace.
DescribeNamespaceDescribeNamespaceQueries the details of a namespace.
DescribeNamespacesDescribeNamespacesQueries a list of namespaces.
DescribeNamespaceListDescribeNamespaceListQueries a list of namespaces.
ListAppEventsListAppEventsQueries the events that occurred in an application.
ListNamespaceChangeOrdersListNamespaceChangeOrdersQueries a list of change orders in a namespace.
DescribeNamespaceResourcesDescribeNamespaceResourcesQuery the information about resources in a namespace.
DescribeIngressDescribeIngressCall the DescribeIngress operation to query the details of an Ingress.
ListIngressesListIngressesUse ListIngress API call to query Ingress list
DescribePipelineDescribePipelineView batch information
Overview Page TOP N MonitoringOverview Page TOP N Monitoring
GetArmsTopNMetricGetArmsTopNMetricQueries the top N applications in Application Monitoring.
GetChangeOrderMetricGetChangeOrderMetricQueries top N applications in abnormal change orders.
GetScaleAppMetricGetScaleAppMetricQueries the top N applications in which auto scaling takes effect.
GetWarningEventMetricGetWarningEventMetricQueries the top N applications in which Warning events occur.

Microservice applications

Application LifecycleApplication Lifecycle
CreateApplicationCreateApplicationCreates an application.
DeleteApplicationDeleteApplicationDeletes an application.
StartApplicationStartApplicationStarts an application.
ReduceApplicationCapacityByInstanceIdsReduceApplicationCapacityByInstanceIdsScales in an application based on instance IDs.
UpdateAppSecurityGroupUpdateAppSecurityGroupUpdates the security group of an application.
DescribeApplicationStatusDescribeApplicationStatusQueries the status of an application.
ListChangeOrdersListChangeOrdersQuery a list of change orders.
DescribeChangeOrderDescribeChangeOrderQueries the information of a change order.
DescribeInstanceSpecificationsDescribeInstanceSpecificationsQueries all instance types.
DeployApplicationDeployApplicationDeploys an application.
RescaleApplicationVerticallyRescaleApplicationVerticallyChanges the instance specifications of an application.
ConfirmPipelineBatchConfirmPipelineBatchConfirm whether to start the next batch.
AbortAndRollbackChangeOrderAbortAndRollbackChangeOrderTerminates a change order and rolls back the corresponding application.
RescaleApplicationRescaleApplicationRescale an application.
RestartApplicationRestartApplicationRestarts an application.
AbortChangeOrderAbortChangeOrderTerminate a change order.
RollbackApplicationRollbackApplicationRolls back an application.
BatchStopApplicationsBatchStopApplicationsStop applications in batches.
List of MicroservicesList of Microservices
ListConsumedServicesListConsumedServicesQueries a list of microservices that are subscribed.
ListPublishedServicesListPublishedServicesQueries a list of microservices that are published.
confidential dictionary managementconfidential dictionary management
DescribeSecretDescribeSecretQueries the details of a Secret.
ListSecretsListSecretsQueries the information about Secrets in a namespace.
DeleteSecretDeleteSecretDeletes a Secret.
Label ManagementLabel Management
ListTagResourcesListTagResourcesQueries the mapping relationships between applications and tags.
UntagResourcesUntagResourcesRemoves tags from resources.
TagResourcesTagResourcesAdds tags to resources.
Configuration Item ManagementConfiguration Item Management
CreateConfigMapCreateConfigMapCreate a ConfigMap in a namespace.
DeleteConfigMapDeleteConfigMapDeletes a ConfigMap.
UpdateConfigMapUpdateConfigMapUpdate a ConfigMap.
DescribeConfigMapDescribeConfigMapQueries the details of a ConfigMap.
ListNamespacedConfigMapsListNamespacedConfigMapsQueries the ConfigMap instances in a namespace.
Grayscale Label RoutingGrayscale Label Routing
CreateGreyTagRouteCreateGreyTagRouteCreates a canary release rule for a Spring Cloud or Dubbo application.
DeleteGreyTagRouteDeleteGreyTagRouteDeletes a canary release rule based on the specified rule ID.
UpdateGreyTagRouteUpdateGreyTagRouteUpdates a canary release rule.
DescribeGreyTagRouteDescribeGreyTagRouteQueries the details of a canary release rule based on the specified rule ID.
ListGreyTagRouteListGreyTagRouteQueries the details of a canary release rule based on an application ID.
Application Information QueryApplication Information Query
DescribeApplicationConfigDescribeApplicationConfigQueries the configurations of an application.
DescribeRegionsDescribeRegionsQueries available regions.
DescribeInstanceLogDescribeInstanceLogQueries the log of an instance.
DescribeComponentsDescribeComponentsQueries the version of the component that is required when you create and deploy an application.
DescribeEdasContainersDescribeEdasContainersQueries the container components of a microservices application.
DescribeApplicationImageDescribeApplicationImageQueries the information about the image of an application.
DescribeApplicationInstancesDescribeApplicationInstancesQueries application instances.
DescribeApplicationGroupsDescribeApplicationGroupsQueries the instance groups of an application.
ListApplicationsListApplicationsQuery a list of applications.
QueryResourceStaticsQueryResourceStaticsQueries the resource usage of an application.
ListLogConfigsListLogConfigsQueries the logging configurations of an application.
RestartInstancesRestartInstancesRestarts one or more instances in an application.
GetAvailabilityMetricGetAvailabilityMetricQueries the top N applications in which abnormal instances exist. The applications are sorted by the total number of abnormal instances.
DescribeAppServiceDetailDescribeAppServiceDetailQueries the metadata details of the service of an application.
ListAppServicesPageListAppServicesPageQueries the services of an application.
SLB ManagementSLB Management
DescribeApplicationSlbsDescribeApplicationSlbsObtain the SLB configuration of an application.
BindSlbBindSlbAssociates a Server Load Balancer (SLB) instance with an application.
UnbindSlbUnbindSlbDisassociates an internal-facing or Internet-facing SLB instance from an application.
Apply scaling rulesApply scaling rules
EnableApplicationScalingRuleEnableApplicationScalingRuleEnables an auto scaling policy for an application.
UpdateApplicationScalingRuleUpdateApplicationScalingRuleUpdates the auto scaling policy of an application.
DescribeApplicationScalingRuleDescribeApplicationScalingRuleQueries a specified auto scaling policy of an application.
DescribeApplicationScalingRulesDescribeApplicationScalingRulesQueries the auto scaling policies of an application.